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University Council

Ten members, including a maximum of three from Fachhochschule Dortmund, form the University Council. Its tasks are defined by the NRW Higher Education Act: It advises the Rectorate, supervises the management and meets at least four times a year. The term of office for members of the University Council is 5 years (§21 Para. 3 HG)

The University Council (from left): Evi Carola Hoch, Prof. Dr. Achim Schmidtmann, Prof. Dr. Jan Ehlers, Dr. Horst Günther, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Keggenhoff, Guido Baranowski, Jutta Reiter, Heike Bähner, Dr. Kurt Sohm and Dr.-Ing. Thomas Graefenstein

Tasks of the University Council

The members of the University Council ...

  • vote in the university electoral assembly(Opens in a new tab)  when electing and dismissing members of the Rectorate(Opens in a new tab) .
  • must approve the draft university contract and the university development plan(Opens in a new tab) , as well as the business plan and the entrepreneurial activities of the university, such as the establishment of a foundation.
  • make recommendations and comment on the draft university development plan.
  • comment on the Rectorate's accountability report and the evaluation reports.
  • make recommendations and comment on matters relating to research, art, teaching and studies that affect the entire university or central institutions or are of fundamental importance.
  • approve the annual financial statements, the resolution on the appropriation of an annual surplus or the handling of an annual deficit and the discharge of the Rectorate.

The members of the University Council

Information: Reimbursement of expenses of the University Council

As stipulated by the NRW Higher Education Act (Section 21 (6) sentence 6), we are publishing the total amount of the expense allowances of the University Council of Fachhochschule Dortmund for the past year here: For 2022, it amounts to EUR 37,030.

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