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Transboundary History of Social Work in Chile: the circulation of knowledge revisited

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Invitation to a Lecture

The narratives of Social Work in Chile consider the origin of the profession in Belgium. There are some references from the United Kingdom and Germany. But usually, these origins are not recognized. The same holds for the circulation of people and ideas that made professionalization possible since the XIX century – connecting Latin America, the USA, and Europe.
Cristine Galitzi represents properly the kind of silence, oblivion, and intermittent narratives of the social history of science and professions that we need to explore. Their trajectory from Romania to the USA and, later, Chile expresses the circulation of knowledge and mirrors the emergence of social problems at the beginning of XX century. These problems – among them immigration – are considered emergent matters in Latin American Social Work in XXIs century.

Speaker: Dr. Nelson Arellano-Escudero, Instituto de Humanidades, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago de Chile

Dr. Nelson Arellano with a lecture at the FH Dortmund



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