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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund




First semester start with a party in the Westfalenhalle


The band Bruckner had many fans in the audience at their performance at the Freshers' Party.

In the Westfalenhalle, Rector Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel welcomed the first semester students of Fachhochschule Dortmund on Monday, September 25, 2023.

Rector Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel welcomed the students.

Tamara Appel introduced the Vice Rectors and Chancellor Svenja Stepper to the first-year students on a stage that was as festive as it was glamorous. "Talk to us," the Rector recommended and promised: "We are here for you."

Because studying is a special time in your life. "You're not just learning and researching, you're not just shaping a subject, you're also shaping your life and that of society. We want you to have a good time here: without fear and without worries, but free to acquire knowledge and develop your personality."

The language artist Ninia la Grande hosted the evening.

"Always a portion of serenity"

Moderator Ninia la Grande led through the welcoming remarks and asked Alyssa Blümel and Mehmet Karul, chairpersons of the AStA, as well as Dortmund's Lord Mayor Thomas Westphal to take the microphone. The latter congratulated the students on their decision to begin their studies at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The Fachhochschule Dortmund is an important part of Dortmund as a city of science and a place of outstanding, practical teaching.

"Always take a portion of composure with you into the exams," Mehmet Karul advised the first-year students, and Alyssa Blümel advised: "Look for contacts, get to know the people at your faculty, form study groups."

Many departments and areas of the UAS presented their offers to the first-year students.

Music and information

After Ninia la Grande had concluded the welcome program with a poetry slam contribution and the hall had been briefly rearranged, Paula Carolina and Bruckner took to the stage as the evening's musical acts. DJ Max Berk was then the third to send his beats into the good-humored, celebrating crowd.

Around the hall, the first-year students got to talk to staff from the student councils, AStA, Student Advisory Service, CSR Office, Equal Opportunities Office, Family Service, International Office, Institute for Higher Education Didactics and other institutions, received information material and practical goodies and got to know the many facets of Fachhochschule Dortmund.

"And I like how everything gets lighter. A little lighter just because of you," sang Bruckner.