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Deradicalization and Democracy Development Unit

Processes of radicalization and deradicalization determine large parts of the international debate on how to deal with politically radical currents. Deradicalization refers to a process that enables people to leave radical movements such as right-wing extremism or Islamism and to reorient themselves socially and intellectually and, ideally, in terms of human rights. Numerous practical installations already exist for this purpose, but have so far received little attention in Germany. There is a consensus that such approaches should be integrated into overall strategies for the development of democracy.

Objectives of the Deradicalization and Democracy Development Unit

The center pursues the following goals in this field:

  1. Systematization, processing and further development of research in the areas of deradicalization and democracy development
  2. Scientific monitoring or evaluation of practical models and the scientific review of existing practical experience
  3. Systematic development of collegial communication relationships between researchers and practitioners
  4. Exemplary development and testing of practical modules
  5. Support for students
  6. Development of quality criteria.

Ongoing projects

The department is currently working on the following projects:

  1. Regular courses on issues related to the work center with cooperation partners from the region.
  2. Scientific analysis of attacks on the "Schule ohne Rassismus - Schule mit Courage" network on behalf of Aktion Courage e. V. (project duration ends in 2021)
  3. Participation in a training cycle of the Lower Saxony police on issues of dealing with group-focused enmity in the police service
  4. Further training for scholarship holders of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the association "Gegen Vergessen - für Demokratie e. V."
  5. Scientific support for the "Nordstadtliga" in Dortmund in cooperation with the City of Dortmund, AWO and other social organizations in Dortmund
  6. Participation in the annual departmental event "8 against 88" on topics related to the department

Current publications

Dierk Borstel/ Kemal Bozay (eds.) (2020): Culture of recognition instead of misanthropy. Answers for educational and political practice, Weinheim/ Basel: BeltzJuventa

Kemal Bozay/ Dierk Borstel (ed.) (2017): Ideologies of inequality in the immigration society, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS

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