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Symposium: The Federal Participation Act in implementation


The Federal Participation Act in implementation - data, facts, analyses

With the passing of the Federal Participation Act, the legislator has linked the expectation of achieving a fundamental improvement in the participation of people with disabilities and creating equal living conditions. The long overdue separation of integration law from social welfare can be seen as a paradigm shift in state social policy. However, the implementation of key reform elements remains the responsibility of the federal states and is accordingly complex.

The implementation status will be examined together with you through various specialist presentations.


Dr. von Kalckreuth, Head of Department "Participation, Issues of People with Disabilities, Social Compensation, Social Assistance" at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Claudia Middendorf, Commissioner of the State Government for People with Disabilities and Patients in North Rhine-Westphalia, have already confirmed their participation. Many other esteemed colleagues, representatives of the government and the NRW workshop councils are also expected to confirm their attendance.

The organizers Michael Weber and Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker(Opens in a new tab)  invite all interested parties and are looking forward to the exchange, insights and discussions.



Emil-Figge-Strasse 44


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