Laboratories and workshops
Final theses
Every year, IDiAL supervises and completes more than 100 practice-oriented theses in various fields.
First steps in the preparation process:
- Selection of a topic
- Contacting the supervisor
- Preparation of synopsis (for information and template, see document list on the right)
- Discussion of exposé and clarification of further steps with supervisor.
IDiAL currently offers the following theses:
MA: Conception and development of a graphical modeling language for strategic domain-driven design
Microservice architecture (MSA) is currently the most important architectural style for the implementation of distributed software systems that place high demands on scalability, maintainability and reliability. A popular approach for the design of MSA-based systems is domain-driven design (DDD). Due to some conceptual overlaps, DDD is ideally suited to the design of MSA-based software systems. However, the perceived complexity and the correct use of DDD represent obstacles in the practice of architecture design. The aim is to develop a graphical modelling language that simplifies strategic DDD and systematizes its use in practice. To this end, the language must support the basic design patterns for modeling relationships between bounded contexts of domain concepts. Furthermore, it should integrate an existing approach for the tactical DDD of individual bounded contexts in the sense of "zooming in" to the level of domain concepts. The call is aimed at motivated Master's students who are interested in MSA, DDD and model-driven software development. The thematic focus basically allows a continuous development starting with a Master's seminar and continuing with an R&D thesis and a Master's thesis.
Development of a cloud-based connected vehicle service
As part of the work, a concept for a cloud-based connected vehicle service is to be developed and implemented. The service should process simulation data from Eclipse SUMO, a traffic simulator established in the scientific community, in the cloud and visualize it accordingly, for example using a web application.
Design and development of an app for recording road conditions in the municipal environment
As an important user interface for road maintenance staff, the system should make it easy to record road conditions. Aspects relating to usability and the technicality of road quality recording (consistent use of terms compared to other systems) must therefore be taken into account for the app development.
As part of the work, a suitable framework is to be evaluated and the app is to be implemented accordingly in consultation with the City of Dortmund's Civil Engineering Department so that the data can also be used in the Civil Engineering Department's databases.
Distributed management of system models in the context of microservice architectures
The aim of the master's seminar is to research approaches for the distributed management of models and to examine these with regard to their applicability for microservice models. Your work should show which concepts from the research field "Scalability in Model Driven
engineering" can be used for the management of microservice models. You will be supported by an IDiAL doctoral student in the selection of literature and the design of the research framework. You will also receive an introduction to the young architectural style of microservices and microservice modeling.
Modeling interaction scenarios in the Perception Lab
The family-owned company Dornbracht sets standards worldwide with its internationally award-winning and innovative premium fittings for kitchens and bathrooms. The focus is on the highest manufacturing quality, advanced production and innovative design. The success story is based on the principle that change is never seen as a constraint - but as an opportunity. The company's internal Perception Lab is therefore constantly researching new approaches to improve the user experience with Dornbracht products. Currently, the focus is on composing various sensors and actuators into a system that enables users to have a holistic and individual experience with the help of interaction between the individual components.
The aim of the master's thesis is to design and develop software that enables the modeling of scenarios and the corresponding control of the various sensors and actuators in the context of the Dornbracht product range. Thematically, the work can therefore be assigned to the areas of model-driven software development, Internet of Things and user experience as a cross-sectional topic. The development is carried out in coordination with the Dornbracht company and the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL) at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is possible over several Master's theses (e.g. seminar paper, R&D and thesis). The final goal is to create a functioning prototype. In order to understand the Perception Lab with its components and use cases and to align the software accordingly, regular consultations will take place at Dornbracht's headquarters in Iserlohn. It is important to Dornbracht to give you an insight into the development and integration of software architecture in practice and offers exciting networking opportunities. You will work hand in hand with Dornbracht's software development team.
Simulation of the robot laboratory in Gazebo
The IMSL robotics laboratory at Otto-Hahn-Straße 23 is regularly used in practical courses and block weeks. However, its use always competes with use by other students or research projects. In order to equalize the whole thing, especially in preparation, we need a model of the laboratory in the 3D simulation environment Gazebo that is as detailed as possible. a rough model has already been created over the years, which can already be used for sensors such as 2D laser scanners. However, in order to realistically simulate more complex sensors such as depth imaging cameras, a more detailed model is required.
This involves elements of the laboratory. This includes
- RFID radio transponder in the laboratory floor
- Ceiling camera
- UWB transiver
- Laser reflective markers
- Parkour for robotic tasks
Further development to include scenarios for practical courses is also possible.