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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



DigiBib & Interlibrary Loan

DigiBib - The Digital Library

DigiBib (Digital Library) offers a parallel search for books and journal articles in various library catalogs and subject databases, access to numerous licensed subject databases, e-books and e-journals and much more.

Explanatory video on researching in the DigiBib

This video explains how to search for - and find - specialist literature in the library catalog!

Interlibrary loan

Interlibrary loan is a library service that enables you to order printed books and journal articles that are not available at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts Library from other libraries in Germany. Orders can be placed online via the DigiBib internet portal (see above). External library users are excluded from this service.

Video explaining interlibrary loan

This video explains how you can order entire books or articles via interlibrary loan.

Note: The video refers to the provision and collection of the essays as printed copies. This is no longer the case. Essays are now provided digitally as PDF files for download.