Most subject and portfolio advising appointments take place digitally.
To take part in the subject and portfolio consultation, please register in advance by e-mail with the lecturers for one of the specified dates.
After registering, you will receive a link by email that you can open in your browser. Please give the application permission to use your microphone and webcam.
Bachelor Photography and Master Photographic Studies
The portfolio consultation will take place online as a video conference, unless otherwise stated.
The time | Who | Info |
13.11.2024 |
Prof. Caroline Dlugos |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: dlugosfh-dortmundde subject: Registration for portfolio and study subject consultation |
15.11.2024 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by e-mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
18.11.2024 |
Prof. Achim Mohné |
Online or in person in room U32, FB Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2 Registration in advance by e-mail to: achim.mohnefh-dortmundde |
13.12.2024 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by e-mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
18.12.2024 |
Prof. Caroline Dlugos |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: dlugosfh-dortmundde subject: Registration for portfolio and study subject consultation |
08.01.2025 |
Prof. Caroline Dlugos |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: dlugosfh-dortmundde subject: Registration for portfolio and study subject consultation |
13.01.2025 |
Prof. Achim Mohné |
Online or in person in room U32, FB Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2 Registration in advance by e-mail to: achim.mohnefh-dortmundde |
15.01.2025 |
Prof. Caroline Dlugos |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: dlugosfh-dortmundde subject: Registration for portfolio and study subject consultation |
17.01.2025 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by e-mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
07.02.2025 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by e-mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
26.03.2025 |
Prof. Andreas Pawlitzki |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: andreas.pawlitzkifh-dortmundde |
09.04.2025 |
Prof. Andreas Pawlitzki |
online (BA Photography only) Registration in advance by e-mail to: andreas.pawlitzkifh-dortmundde |
16.05.2025 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
27.06.2025 |
Prof. Susanne Brügger |
online Registration in advance by e-mail to: susanne.brueggerfh-dortmundde |
Application for the 7-semester BA Photography
Application for the 3-semester MA Photographic Studies
Bachelor Object and Interior Design
If you think three-dimensionally and want to work spatially, you've come to the right place.
We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have about your studies and portfolio individually, and a portfolio consultation will definitely help you to find out whether you are in good hands with this study program.
Please bring your own work to the portfolio consultation.
We recommend that you prepare drafts and works on topics of your choice.
The portfolio does not have to be finished or complete at the time of the consultation.
Time | Who | info |
14.01.2025 |
Prof. Martin Middelhauve |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: martin.middelhauvefh-dortmundde |
22.01.2025 |
Prof. Nora Fuchs |
In presence, FB Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2 Registration in advance by e-mail: nora.fuchsfh-dortmundde |
29.01.2025 |
Geert Schüttler |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: geert.schuettlerfh-dortmundde |
29.01.2025 |
Prof. Anne-Kathrin Schulz |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: anne-kathrin.schulzfh-dortmundde |
12.02.2025 |
Prof. Martin Middelhauve |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: martin.middelhauvefh-dortmundde |
25.02.2025 |
Prof. Nora Fuchs |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: nora.fuchsfh-dortmundde |
12.03.2025 |
Prof. Oliver Langbein |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: |
21.03.2025 2:00 pm |
Prof. Oliver Langbein |
In presence, FB Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2 Registration in advance by e-mail: |
10.04.2025 3:00 pm |
Geert Schüttler |
Online counseling Registration in advance by e-mail: geert.schuettlerfh-dortmundde |
Bachelor Communication Design
Please bring your own work (supervision templates, approx. A4) to the subject and portfolio consultation. We recommend that you think about topics yourself in advance and create small (approx. 5-8 part) series. The portfolio does not have to be finished or complete at the time of the consultation.
Please digitize the work in your portfolio so that we can view the projects online via Webex (only for portfolio consultations that take place online).
Time | Who | info |
17.01.2025 |
Prof. Jens Müller |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
30.01.2025 17:00 h |
Prof. Ulrike Brückner |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
04.03.2025 |
Prof. Roger Walk |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required.
14.03.2025 |
Prof. Jens Müller |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
25.03.2025 |
Prof. Roger Walk |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
04.04.2025 |
Prof. Jens Müller |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
07.04.2025 |
Prof. Johannes Graf |
Portfolio consultation in presence. If you are interested, please register at Location: Faculty of Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2, |
14.04.2025 |
Prof. Johannes Graf |
Portfolio consultation in presence. If you are interested, please register at Location: Faculty of Design, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2, |
16.04.2025 |
Prof. Ulrike Brückner |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
08.05.2025 |
Prof. Ulrike Brückner |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
20.05.2025 |
Prof. Roger Walk |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is not required. |
Bachelor Film and Sound - Focus on Film
In the Bachelor's degree course FILM & SOUND, students are trained in the planning and realization of film projects. This overarching film approach is embedded in a project course, during which independent film and sound work is realized in the specialist modules.
Study guidance takes place in groups. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you find out whether the BA Film & Sound study program suits your interests.
Time | Who |
info |
23.08.2024 12:00 pm |
Prof. Oliver Schwabe |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
25.09.2024 |
Bert Bartel |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
10.10.2024 |
Prof. Sandra Hacker |
DEADLINE canceled! |
25.11.2024 |
Astrid Busch |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
10.01.2025 |
Prof. Oliver Schwabe |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
06.02.2025 |
Bert Bartel |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
20.03.2025 |
Prof. Sandra Hacker |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
28.04.2025 |
Astrid Busch |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
23.05.2025 |
Prof. Oliver Schwabe |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
26.06.2025 |
Bart Bartel |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
17.07.2025 |
Prof. Sandra Hacker |
The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) |
Bachelor Film and Sound - Focus on Sound
Time | Who | Info |
18.07.2024 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
09.10.2024 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
06.11.2024 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
08.01.2025 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
12.02.2025 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
09.04.2025 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
07.05.2025 |
Marcel Knuth |
Online:Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at marcel.knuthfh-dortmundde |
Bachelor Serious Games & Digital Knowledge
If you want to develop games that go beyond pure entertainment, please come to our portfolio consultation for Serious Games & Digital Knowledge. We emphasize the close connection between games and learning, and we are interested in your approach to this topic.
Please prepare your work so that you can present it digitally. For example, you can show drawings and (possibly animated) 3D models, digital (or hybrid) game prototypes and/or levels, designs for graphical user interfaces and/or progression diagrams, but we are also happy to receive board, card and role-playing games.
If you cannot make the dates, please contact us by e-mail for an alternative date.
Time | Who | Info |
17.10.2024 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
14.11.2024 14:00 - 15:00 |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
10.12.2024 3 - 4 p.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
07.01.2025 10 - 11 a.m. |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
27.01.2025 10 - 11 a.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
03.02.2025 10 - 11 a.m. |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
14.02.2025 2 - 3 p.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
04.03.2025 10 - 11 a.m. |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
12.03.2025 10 - 11 a.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
24.03.2025 11:30 a.m. |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
03.04.2025 12:00 pm |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
09.04.2025 10:00 a.m. |
Prof. Jennifer Tiede |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) or on site (FB Design) Registration is requested at jennifer.tiedefh-dortmundde |
15.04.2025 2:00 pm |
Prof. Daniel Heßler |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at daniel.hesslerfh-dortmundde |
Master Editorial Design
The study counseling will take place online as a video conference in WebEx.
Time | Who | info |
19.11.2024 6:30 pm |
Prof. Sabine an Huef |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at an.hueffh-dortmundde |
11.12.2024 |
Prof. Lars Harmsen |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at lars.harmsenfh-dortmundde |
29.10.2024 6:30 pm |
Prof. Sabine an Huef |
Online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested at an.hueffh-dortmundde |
further information: in a new tab)
Master Film
Time | Who | Info |
10.01.2024 6:00 pm |
Prof. Sandra Hacker | The event will take place online: Webex(Opens in a new tab) Registration is requested: sandra.hackerfh-dortmundde |