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Radical - lesbian - feminist - queer

Lesbian life 50 years after the Stonewall Riots

Series of events from April to July 2019

Almost five decades of the lesbian movement in Germany: a good opportunity to come together, take a critical look back at lesbian feminism and continue spinning utopias. A series of events from April to July 2019 in Dortmund and Bochum.

Radical - lesbian - feminist - queer

In the early 1970s, activists founded the first lesbian groups in West Germany. In 1973, the first public lesbian political action took place in (West) Berlin: Activists protested with flyers against the hostility towards lesbians in the BILD newspaper. Lesbian-feminist activism has changed a lot in society, much of it is still relevant today - and yet most people know very little about it.

50 years of the Stonewall Riots

At the end of June 1969, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and intersex people (LGBTI) in New York (USA) fought back against police raids on their bars and clubs and the criminalization of their way of life. The violent clashes on Christopher Street in front of the trendy Stonwall Inn bar went down in the history of LGBTI movements as the "Stonewall Riots". Even today, LGBTI people around the world refer to these events and fight for equality and against discrimination on Christopher Street Day (CSD). We are taking the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots as an opportunity to discuss the past and current struggles of lesbians, for lesbian and queer feminism and against heterosexism in this series of events. We look forward to coming together across generations, an exciting exchange and stimulating conversations.

Curious and old hands, dykes, lesbians, queers and all those interested in solidarity are cordially invited - we look forward to seeing you!

Participation in all events is free of charge.


Five events took place in the series. We showed two films ("Frauen bildet Banden!" and "Gender Troubles: The Butches") and discussed in three substantive events about

  • Feminism, the lesbian movement and anti-fascism today
  • 'Lesbian visibility' - lesbians between LGBTTIQ*, queer, funding policy, activism and autonomy
  • Intersectionality in the lesbian movement

And here is the complete program: Event overview 2019

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