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Guest lecture "Transitions between Sustainable Development and Regenerative Development"

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The con­cept of Sustainable De­ve­lop­ment was for­mu­la­ted in 1987 and for­ma­li­zed by the United Na­ti­ons in 1992. De­s­pi­te its po­ten­ti­al, the con­cept has not pro­vi­ded a clear path to sustaina­bi­li­ty. With the ur­gent need to re­du­ce car­bon emis­si­ons by 50% by 2030 and the wor­se­ning state of the en­vi­ron­ment, it is cru­ci­al to ex­ami­ne the li­mi­ta­ti­ons of sustainable de­ve­lop­ment and ex­plo­re al­ter­na­ti­ve op­ti­ons. One such op­ti­on is Re­ge­ne­ra­ti­ve De­ve­lop­ment, which has the po­ten­ti­al to ad­dress some of the gaps left by sustainable de­ve­lop­ment.

Fredy López-Pérez is a so­cio­lo­gist, spe­cia­list in en­vi­ron­men­tal ma­nage­ment and PhD in en­vi­ron­men­tal sci­en­ces. He teaches at the en­gi­nee­ring fa­cul­ty of the Uni­ver­si­dad de Me­dellín and col­la­bo­ra­tes with other uni­ver­si­ties in Co­lom­bia. He is a mem­ber of the Sci­en­ti­fic Com­mit­tee for Cli­ma­te Emer­gen­cy of the An­ti­o­quia Re­gi­on in Co­lom­bia. His aca­de­mic in­te­rests in­clu­de en­vi­ron­men­tal so­cio­lo­gy, sustainable con­sump­ti­on, clean pro­duc­tion and the re­la­ti­ons­hip bet­ween sustaina­bi­li­ty and de­ve­lop­ment.

When? 31.10.2023
10.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Where? SON B oo8


When? 02.11.2023
14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Where? SON F 211




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