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University admission as an applicant with subject-specific knowledge

According to § 3 BBHZG-VO, admission to studies as a subject-related applicant applies if a subject-related proximity can be established between the professional training, professional practice and the study program. The examination board of the respective study program decides on this.

Application deadlines (cut-off deadlines)

  • for the summer semester: January 15 of each year
  • for the winter semester: July 15 of a year

Application documents

The application is made online via the Fachhochschule Dortmund's study place portal(Opens in a new tab) . Please register there and submit the application in full and on time with the following documents:

  • a short curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • a letter of motivation
  • the certificate of completion of a legally regulated vocational training course of at least two years (e.g. from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or the Chamber of Crafts)
  • Proof of at least three years of relevant professional activity
  • If applicable, further evidence of relevant professional activities

Based on the application documents submitted, Fachhochschule Dortmund will assess whether there is a professional proximity to the desired study program. It is therefore recommended that you provide sufficient details of your professional qualifications.

Requirements for applicants with specialist knowledge

  • Completion of at least two years of recognized vocational training
  • at least three years of subsequent professional activity in the trained occupation or in a profession corresponding to the training. Two years are sufficient for scholarship holders of the federal government's advancement scholarship program. Another professionally related, recognized and completed vocational training is counted as professional activity. The relevant date for determining sufficient professional activity is September 30 for the winter semester and March 31 for the summer semester.
  • At least half-time employment can be counted as professional activity with the corresponding proportion
  • Fulfillment of the course-specific requirements (e.g. language requirements, artistic and creative aptitude, practical work)

3.2% of study places are reserved for applicants with professional qualifications for study programs with admission restrictions. If the number of applicants in the chosen study program is higher than the quota of 3.2%, a selection procedure takes place.

Contact for professional applicants

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