About the person
Educational pathway
1987 - 1989: Training as an insurance salesman at Gothaer Rückversicherung AG and Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVaG in Cologne
1990 - 1992: Part-time distance learning course in business administration at the Hochschule für Berufstätige, Rendsburg, graduating with a degree in business administration (FH)
2005 - 2007: Part-time distance learning course in business administration at the WHL Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr, graduating with a degree in business administration
2008 - 2010: Research Fellow at the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. H. R. Schradin), external doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) with the topic "The insurance brokerage market under changing legal conditions with special consideration of sourcing strategies of the insurance brokerage business"
Professional experience
1989 - 1999: Gothaer Versicherungen Cologne, Dortmund, Essen, last position: Sales Area Manager
1999 - 2001: Branch manager of Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen, Bochum-Wattenscheid
2001 - 2004: Publishing Director MBO Verlag GmbH / LexisNexis Deutschland GmbH, Münster
since 2004: Freelance journalist and editor
2005 - 2011: Editor-in-chief of VersicherungsJournal.de
University activity
Since 2010: Professor at the Faculty of Business Studies at the Fachhochschule Dortmund, specializing in insurance economics: Insurance sales, insurance marketing, leadership and personnel management, sales regulation, sustainability, business ethics
2001 - 2011: Lecturer at the Institute of Insurance at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, teaching: Business management tasks, organization and marketing in insurance brokerage companies
since 2016: Lecturer at the Institute of Insurance at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, teaching area: Insurance Brokerage
2009 - 2017: Lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Faculty of Business Studies/Insurance, study program: Insurance Sales
Further guest lectureships in the Bachelor's program of the German Insurance Academy (DVA) GmbH as well as in part-time Master's programs of Uni for Life GmbH at the University of Graz (MBA Insurance), JurGrad gGmbH of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (LL.M. Insurance Law) and the Technical University of Cologne (LL.M. Insurance Law).
Current research projects
- Business structures and success factors in insurance brokerage
- Counseling and brokering insurance products for a fee and effects on market participants
- Sustainability in insurance sales
Student research projects
- Market research among insurance companies (completed)
- Status transparency in the insurance intermediary register (completed)
- Marketing function in insurance companies (together with AMC Finanzmarkt GmbH, completed)
- Company succession of insurance brokerage companies (together with BA Dresden and Versicherungsforen Leipzig, completed)
- Age-appropriate sales management (completed jointly with BA Dresden and Versicherungsforen Leipzig)
- Further training for insurance brokers (completed)
- Risk management of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (jointly with BVK e.V., completed)
Cooperations, memberships & industry/business presence
- DJV German Association of Journalists
- DVfVW German Association for Insurance Science
- HLB Association of University Teachers
- VVB Association of Insurance Business Economists
- VDVJ Association of Insurance Journalists
Member representation
- Member of the Members' Council of VOLKSWOHL BUND Lebensversicherung a.G.
Advisory boards
- AMC Finanzmarkt GmbH
- AVV Working Group of Representative Associations of the German Insurance Industry
- Vocational Training Center of the German Insurance Industry in Dortmund e.V.
- Industry initiative gut beraten, Quality Assurance Committee
- BVK Campus, an institution of the Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V. (BVK), scientific management
- DMA German Broker Academy (DMA) GmbH
- Association of Honorable Insurance Brokers e.V.
General overview
- Beenken, Matthias: Orga-Handbuch Versicherungsaußendienst, 1996 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Der Versicherungsvertreter als Unternehmer, 1st ed. 1998, 2nd ed. 2000, 3rd ed. 2002, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Handbuch Agenturberatung, 2000 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Handbuch Versicherungsvertrieb, 2002 MBO Verlag Münster
- Beenken, Matthias; Schmidt, Andrea: Privat oder gesetzlich versichert, 1st ed. 2002, 2nd and 3rd ed. 2003 LexisNexis Deutschland (formerly MBO Verlag) Münster
- Beenken, Matthias; Kahlen, Hermann: Handbuch Agenturnachfolge (co-author), 2003 MBO Verlag Münster
- Beenken, Matthias: Makler - Alternative zur Ausschließlichkeit?, 2004 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Praxiswissen Versicherungen, 1st ed. 2004, 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2008, Frankfurt School Verlag (formerly Bankakademie Verlag) Frankfurt/Main
- Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Das neue Versicherungsvermittlergesetz, 2007 Haufe Verlag Munich
- Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: The Intermediary Protocol, 2007 Haufe Verlag Munich
- Baumann, Frank; Beenken, Matthias: Das neue Versicherungsvertragsrecht in der Praxis, 1st and 2nd ed. 2008 Haufe Verlag Munich
- Baumann, Frank; Beenken, Matthias; Brockmeier, Matthias: Quick Start Law for Insurance Brokers, 2009 Haufe Verlag Munich
- Beenken, Matthias: Der Markt der Versicherungsvermittlung unter veränderten rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Sourcingstrategien des Versicherungsvermittlerbetriebs, zugl. diss. University of Cologne, 2010 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Erfolgreich als Vermittler, Unternehmensstrategien von Versicherungsmaklern und -vertretern im regulierten Markt, 2010 VersicherungsJournal Verlag, Ahrensburg
- Beenken, Matthias: Vertriebsmanagement, published by Berufsbildungswerk der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (BWV) e.V., 1st ed. 2010, 2nd updated ed. Ed. 2013, 3. upd. Ed. 2016, 4. upd. Ed. 2018, 5th updated ed. Edition 2021, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Baumann, Frank; Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Profi-Handbuch Maklermanagement, 1st edition, 2010, Haufe Verlag Munich
- Beenken, Matthias; Buttig, Linda: Further training as a success factor: "Vermittler-PISA", broker survey on business management and further training of insurance brokers, 2012 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Der Versicherungsvermittler als Unternehmer, 4th completely revised ed. 2013, 5th updated ed. Edition 2018, 6th updated. Edition 2023, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Baumann, Frank; Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Handbuch Maklermanagement, 2nd upd. Edition, 2013, Haufe Verlag Freiburg
- Gebert, Yvonne; Erdmann, Kay Uwe; Beenken, Matthias (editors): Praxishandbuch Vermittlerrecht, 2013 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias; Baumann, Frank: Compliance in insurance sales - The code of conduct, Haufe Kompass, 2014 Haufe Verlag Planegg
- Beenken, Matthias: Strategic and operational planning in insurance sales, Grundlagen und Praxis series, 2016 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Versicherungsvertrieb, Absatz von Versicherungen durch Versicherer und Vermittler in Theorie und Praxis, 1st ed. 2017, 2nd revised ed. 2019, 3rd revised ed. 2022 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Das neue Versicherungsvertriebsrecht, Leitfaden für die Praxis, 2017 Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich
- Beenken, Matthias; Knörrer, Dieter; Moormann, Jürgen; Schmidt, Dieter (eds.): Digital Insurance - Strategies, Business Models, Data, 2018 Frankfurt School Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
- Mörchel, Jens; Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas: Introduction to Insurance Management, BWL Bachelor Basics, 2023 Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
Current books
- Beenken, Matthias: Vertriebsmanagement, ed. by Berufsbildungswerk der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (BWV) e.V., 5th updated ed. Edition 2021, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Versicherungsvertrieb, Absatz von Versicherungen durch Versicherer und Vermittler in Theorie und Praxis, 3rd revised ed. 2022 Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe
- Beenken, Matthias: Der Versicherungsvermittler als Unternehmer, 6th ed. Edition 2023, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft Karlsruhe
- Mörchel, Jens; Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas: Einführung in die Versicherungsbetriebslehre, BWL Bachelor Basics, 2023 Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
Book contributions
- Beenken, Matthias: Digitalization of the insurance industry - a must or a hype?, in: Beenken, Matthias; Knörrer, Dieter; Moormann, Jürgen; Schmidt, Dieter (eds.): Digital Insurance - Strategies, Business Models, Data, 2018 Frankfurt School Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
- Beenken, Matthias: IDD, Regulatory challenges for marketing, in: Reich, Michael; Zerres, Christopher (eds.): Handbuch Versicherungsmarketing, 2nd edition, 2019 Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden
- Beenken, Matthias: Innovation strategies in the InsurTech sector, in: Faix, Axel; Büchler, Jan-Philipp (eds.): Innovationsstrategien, 2018 Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin
- Beenken, Matthias: Risiken im Versicherungsvertrieb, in: Arnold, R., Berg, M., Goecke, O., Heep-Altiner, M., Müller-Peters, H. (eds.): Risiko im Wandel, Herausforderung für die Versicherungswirtschaft, Wiesbaden 2023, open access publication https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-37071-8
Scientific essays
- Beenken, Matthias, Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Das Vermittlergesetz und seine Konsequenzen für die Branche, recht + schaden, 34th vol., issue 5/2007, pp. 182-185
- Beenken, Matthias: Neue Rahmenbedingungen für die Versicherungsvermittlung, in: Brost/Neske/Wrabetz (eds.), Vertriebssteuerung in der Finanzdienstleistungsindustrie, 2008 Frankfurt School Verlag
- Beenken, Matthias: Compliance als neue Herausforderung für den Versicherungsvermittlerbetrieb, in: Peter Schimikowski (ed.), Versicherung, Recht und Schaden, Festschrift für Johannes Wälder zum 75. Geburtstag, 2009 Verlag C.H. Beck
- Beenken, Matthias: Prozess der Finanzberatung, in: Thomas Walter, QFZ Initiative (ed.), Finanzberatung 2015, 2010 Verlag corps. Corporate Publishing Services, Düsseldorf
- Beenken, Matthias, Brühl, Bernhard, Wende, Sabine: Darstellung und Abgrenzung des deutschen Versicherungsvermittlungsmarktes, ZVersWiss, published online 15.9.2010
- Beenken, Matthias; Brühl, Bernhard; Wende, Sabine: Lack of fee-based tariffs collides with the broker's legal mandate, Zeitschrift Versicherungswirtschaft, 66th vol., 2011, pp. 200-203
- Beenken, Matthias, Brühl, Bernhard; Pohlmann, Petra; Schradin, Heinrich R.; Schroeder, Nina; Wende, Sabine: Net tariff offerings of German insurance companies in the private customer business; Communication 1/2011 of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne
- Beenken, Matthias; Brühl, Bernhard; Wende, Sabine: Influence of the competitive structure on the success of German insurance intermediaries, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, zfbf 63, May 2011, pp. 240-263
- Beenken, Matthias; Schindler, Nina: Market research with small budgets and traditional topics, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungswirtschaft, 66th volume, issue 19, October 1, 2011, pp. 1422-1425
- Beenken, Matthias; Brühl, Bernhard; Schroeder, Nina; Wende, Sabine: Versicherungsvermittlung und -beratung gegen Honorar - Begriffsabgrenzung und Status quo, Communication 1/2012 of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne
- Beenken, Matthias; Gottschalk, Dennis; Ludwig, Felix: Register of intermediaries - little clarity about the status of intermediaries, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 63rd volume, issue 6/2012, pp. 177-181
- Beenken, Matthias; Buttig, Linda; Dreyer, Marcus; Rosenbaum, Markus: Why intermediaries need further training, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 63rd vol., issue 12/2012, pp. 388-392
- Beenken, Matthias: Success model insurance consultant?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 63rd vol., issue 22/2012, pp. 725-728
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: How many intermediaries there actually are, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 64th vol., issue 9/2013, pp. 287-290
- Beenken, Matthias; Riedel, Oliver; Wende, Sabine: Intermediaries mostly customer-oriented, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 64th vol., issue 11/2013, p. 365-368
- Beenken, Matthias; Krämer, Svenja; Lewe, Luisa: Traditionally supporters of sales, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungswirtschaft, 68th vol., issue 16/2013, p. 12-15
- Beenken, Matthias; Karau, Torsten; Schradin, Heinrich R.; Wende, Sabine: Regulation and customer satisfaction in retirement provision advice, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 64th vol., issue 22/2013, pp. 749-753
- Beenken, Matthias, Riedel, Oliver Riedel, Wende, Sabine: Profit versus customer orientation: What goals do German insurance intermediaries pursue?, in: ZVersWiss online, 16.1.2014, in: ZVersWiss Volume 103 Issue 1 February 2014, pp. 65-90
- Beenken, Matthias, Schradin, Heinrich, Wende, Sabine: The fee does not solve commission problems, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from 28.4.2014
- Beenken, Matthias, Rasfeld, Joshua: Status-related initial information - not very helpful for customers, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 65th volume, issue 10/2014, pp. 295-298
- Beenken, Matthias, Gärtner, Mario: 21 million customers will soon be looking for new intermediaries, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 65. Jg., Heft 13/2014, S. 395-398
- Beenken, Matthias, Karau, Torsten: How decisive is the customer's knowledge about the amount of commission?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 65. Jg., Heft 18/2014, S. 504-508
- Beenken, Matthias, Schradin, Heinrich, Wende, Sabine: Remuneration in insurance mediation and effects of regulation - Symposium 14.11.2014 -, Communication 1/2014 of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne
- Beenken, Matthias: Net tariffs with disadvantages worthy of clarification, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 65th volume, issue 24/2014, pp. 730-733
- Beenken, Matthias: LVRG costs brokers profitability, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th vol., issue 2/2015, pp. 45-47
- Beenken, Matthias: The alleged cluelessness of customers, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th vol., issue 6/2015, p. 178-181
- Beenken, Matthias; Groß-Engelmann, Markus; Kersten, Frank; Esselmann, Frank: Quality of advice in insurance mediation, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th vol., issue 9/2015, pp. 277-280
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Cost driver life insurance commission?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th vol., issue 12/2015, pp. 380-384
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: What is the value of a broker portfolio?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th vol., issue 20/2015, p. 664-666
- Beenken, Matthias; Markowski, Annika: Business succession of insurance brokers - typology and action requirements, ZVersWiss, published online 23.10.2015; Volume 104, Issue 5 December 2015, pp. 545-572
- Beenken, Matthias: IDD offers an opportunity for intermediary supervision, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th volume, issue 22/2015, pp. 747-751
- Beenken, Matthias; Schiller, Jörg: The appropriateness of independent remuneration agreements in life insurance, in: r+s recht und schaden, issue 11/2015, pp. 529-536
- Beenken, Matthias; Groß-Engelmann, Markus; Kersten, Frank; Esselmann, Frank: Management and control of consulting quality, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 66th volume, issue 24/2015, pp. 815-819
- Beenken, Matthias; Durchholz, Christian: Fee-based advice divides the brokerage community, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 67th vol., issue 02/2016, pp. 50-53
- Beenken, Matthias; Wende, Sabine: Net tariff offer of German insurance companies, Communication 1/2016 of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne, 19.1.2016
- Beenken, Matthias; Noack, Sascha: Insurtechs: Much appearance, but also being?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 67th vol., issue 04/2016, p. 114-117
- Beenken, Matthias: What is the best interest of the customer?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 67th vol., issue 11/2016, p. 347-350
- Beenken, Matthias; Noack, Sascha: Recruiting young talent in sales with yesterday's ads, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 67th vol., issue 14/2016, pp. 452-455
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael; Argawani, Soma: Honorable merchant - historical relic or successful self-regulation?, Communication 1/2016 on the seminar of 4.10.2016
- Beenken, Matthias: IDD: The confusion of terms continues, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 67th volume, issue 24/2016, pp. 768-772
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: How expensive is distribution really?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 2/2017, p. 49-51
- Beenken, Matthias; Sandkühler, Hans-Ludger: Problematic haste in the implementation of the IDD, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 5/2017, p. 150-153
- Beenken, Matthias; Kersten, Frank: When will insurer marketing emancipate itself?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 6/2017, p. 193-195
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: How the LVRG has been implemented, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 13/2017, pp. 415-418
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Efficiency reserves in intermediary operations, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 14/2017, pp. 447-450
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Self-employed or salaried sales?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 15-16/2017, pp. 481-484
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: IDD: Does a claims handler not need a qualification?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 20/2017, p. 621-624
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: IDD: Developing a sustainable remuneration policy, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 68th vol., issue 22/2017, p. 708-713
- Beenken, Matthias: Advice obligations under the IDD and their implementation into German law, in: r+s recht und schaden, 44th vol., issue 12/2017, pp. 617-621
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: The customer-oriented insurance company and the IDD, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 69th vol., issue 2/2018, pp. 81-84
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: The training process after the implementation of the IDD, 69th Vol., Issue 6/2018, p. 181-182
- Beenken, Matthias; Durchholz, Christian: Conflicts of interest of the trustee, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 69th Vol., Issue 12/2018, pp. 370-372
- Beenken, Matthias: This is how the IDD is interpreted, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 69th Vol., Issue 14/2018, pp. 436-438
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: How do you monitor learning success?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 69th vol., issue 17/2018, pp. 509-512
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael; Ehrenberg, Diana; Schulz, Jürgen: Sale of brokerage firms increasingly unattractive, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 69th vol., issue 22/2018, pp. 686-689
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Questionable market intervention commission cap, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 70th vol., issue 08/2019, p. 239-242
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael; Tietz, Torben: The connection between commission and quality, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 70th vol., issue 08/2019, pp. 243-247
- Beenken, Matthias; Teichler, Maximilian: Shortcomings in the implementation of the IDD and practical consequences, in: r+s recht und schaden, 46th vol., issue 05/2019, pp. 241-248
- Commission cut in life insurance hits intermediaries hard, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungsvermittlung, 118th vol., issue 09/19, p. 310-313
- Archangeli, Gerald; Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Intermediaries appreciate further training, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, Issue 20/2019, pp. 611-613
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Dependence on performance fees remains high, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungsvermittlung, 118th vol. 10/19, pp. 370-373
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Hybrid intermediaries on the rise?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 70th vol., issue 22/2019, pp. 688-690
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Cross-selling pays off, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 71st vol., issue 2/2020, p. 42-44
- Beenken, Matthias: Supervisory overkill hinders old-age provision, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 71st vol., issue 5/2020, p. 142-147
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: What skills does the sales force need?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 71st vol., issue 6/2020, p. 173-175
- Beenken, Matthias: The new corona reality, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungsvermittlung, 119th vol., issue 05/20, p. 182-184
- Beenken, Matthias: Successful large-scale experiment home office, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 71st vol., issue 18/2020, p. 557-559
- Kay, Ariane; Beenken, Matthias; Hoffmann, Dominik: Impact of the corona pandemic on intermediaries, in: Zeitschrift Versicherungsvermittlung, 119th vol., issue 09/20, p. 315-319
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: Claims area subject to further training, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 71st vol., issue 22/2020, pp. 716-718
- Beenken, Matthias; Lüger, Reinhardt: Which educational content can be credited, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 72nd vol., issue 5/2021, p. 134-137
- Beenken, Matthias; Schradin, Heinrich R.: Nettotarifangebot deutscher Versicherungsunternehmen, Communication 1/2021 of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Cologne
- Beenken, Matthias; Zeidler, Hans-Wilhelm; Zielke, Carsten: Sustainability as an advisory challenge for brokers, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 72nd volume, issue 9/2021, pp. 272-277
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Vollmer, Andreas: Corona hits the brokers - but not all of them, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 72nd vol., issue 14/2021, p. 440-441
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Dependence on bonuses remains high, in: Versicherungsvermittlung, 120th vol., issue July/August 2021, p. 309-311
- Beenken, Matthias: The influence of intermediaries on the risk journey of SMEs, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 72nd vol., issue 23/2021, pp. 746-747
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: The Business Studies of Broker Pools, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd Vol., Issue 1/2022, pp. 16-19
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: Janus-faced broker pools, in: Versicherungsvermittlung, 121st vol., issue 1/2022, pp. 22-24
- Borchert, Margret; Beenken, Matthias; Vögele, Tobias: The importance of individual and organizational factors in times of pandemic as challenges for human resources management, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd vol., issue 10/2022, pp. 288-292
- Beenken, Matthias; Seuffert, Marco; Teichler, Maximilian: Inconsistent publications in the context of the Transparency Ordinance, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd vol., issue 11/2022, p. 318-320
- Beenken, Matthias: Sustainability: Complex distribution of insurance investments, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd Vol., No. 13-14/2022, pp. 408-410
- Beenken, Matthias; Kaiser, Mario: Pool connection strategies of brokers, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd vol., issue 22/2022, pp. 646-648
- Beenken, Matthias: Where do the distribution costs arise?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd vol., issue 23/2022, pp. 675-678
- Beenken, Matthias; Honermann, Alexander; Zahn, Christian: Nudging for more sustainability, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 73rd vol., issue 24/2022, pp. 710-712
- Beenken, Matthias; Rudkowski, Lena: Distribution of sustainable insurance products, in: r+s recht und schaden, 50th vol., issue 2/2023, pp. 49-54
- Beenken, Matthias; Bornhorn, Hubert; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Mörchel, Jens: Nachhaltige Versicherungen finden Interesse, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 74th vol., issue03/2023, p. 74-77
- Beenken, Matthias: Commission ban or not?, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 74th vol., issue 12/2023, p. 350-353
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas: This is how sustainable insurance intermediaries are, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 74th vol., issue 16/2023, p. 436-439
- Beenken, Matthias; Vollmer, Andreas: High dependence on volatile remuneration elements, in: Versicherungsvermittlung, 122nd vol., issue 09/2023, p. 284-288
- Beenken, Matthias: Errors in the advisory process and DIN standards, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 74th vol., issue 18/2023, pp. 502-505
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Vollmer, Andreas: Why agents want to leave the contractual partner, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 74th vol., issue 20/2023, pp. 574-577
- Beenken, Matthias; Borchert, Margret; Vögele, Tobias: Agility as a challenge for personnel management, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 75th vol., issue 01/2024, p. 17-21
- Beenken, Matthias; Marx, Laura: Gender gaps in exclusive distribution, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 75th vol., issue 05/2024, pp. 223-226
- Beenken, Matthias; Kaiser, Mario: It (almost) doesn't work without a pool, in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 75th vol., issue 06/2024, p. 278-280
Learning programs and study works
- Beenken, Matthias: Web Based Training EU Insurance Mediation Directive 2005, inside Unternehmensgruppe Aachen
- Baumann, Frank, Beenken, Matthias: Web Based Training and Scripts VVG-Reform 2007/2008, inside Unternehmensgruppe Aachen
- Baumann, Frank, Beenken, Matthias: Web Based Training and Scripts Implementation of the GKV-WSG in the PKV 2008, inside Unternehmensgruppe Aachen
- Study materials for the Fachwirt/-in für Finanzberatung 2006, Frankfurt School Verlag Frankfurt/Main
- Teach up series of Versicherungsmagazin magazine: Issues 4/2020 (consulting obligations according to IDD/VVG), 7/2020 (best possible customer interest), 10/2020 (IDD-compliant remuneration systems), 6/2021 (further training in insurance sales), 11/2021 (counseling SMEs), 2/2022 (sustainability obligations), 5/2022 (value creation of the intermediary), 8/2022 (sustainability of intermediary operations)
- Charta Börse für Versicherungen AG (ed.): Insurers from a professional perspective 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Düsseldorf
- Charta Börse für Versicherungen AG (ed.): Market shares of insurers in the broker sales channel, 2007, 2009 Düsseldorf
- Beenken, Matthias: Commissions and brokerage fees - what insurers pay their brokers, 2011 VersicherungsJournal Verlag
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Business consequences of a system change in the remuneration of insurance brokers, study for the Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V., Bonn/Dortmund 2013
- Beenken, Matthias: Perception of remuneration in the insurance industry, study commissioned by the insurance group Die Bayerische, Munich 2015
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Commissions and brokerage fees, What insurers pay their brokers, study, Ahrensburg 2015
- Beenken, Matthias; Kruse, Markus; Löffler, Juliane; Sütterle, Hannah; Wende, Sabine: Influence of intermediary regulation on the private pension provision of the German population, study, published by Assekurata Solutions, Cologne 2016
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Business structures of insurance distribution, BVK-Strukturanalyse 2016/2017, published by Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V., Ahrensburg 2017
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Commissions and brokerage fees, What insurers pay their brokers, survey results 2017, Ahrensburg 2017
- Beenken, Matthias; Ehrenberg, Diana; Radtke, Michael; Schulz, Jürgen: Broker portfolio sales, Dortmund/Leipzig 2018
- Beenken, Matthias; Braasch, Tim; Teichler, Maximilian: IDD study, counseling and waiver of advice in distance selling, Hamburg 2019
- Beenken, Matthias; Radtke, Michael: Business structures of insurance sales, BVK-Strukturanalyse 2018/2019, published by the Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V., Ahrensburg 2019
- Beenken, Matthias; Michalczyk, Jessica; Radtke, Michael: Risikomanagement und Risikoberatung von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU), published by Fachhochschule Dortmund and KuBI e.V., Dortmund/Bonn 2020
- Beenken, Matthias; Michalczyk, Jessica; Radtke, Michael: Home office - Results of the NAG home office survey 2020 among employees in the insurance industry, published by Fachhochschule Dortmund and Neue Assekuranz Gewerkschaft (NAG), Dortmund/Gießen 2020
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Radtke, Michael: Business structures of insurance sales, BVK structural analysis 2020/2021, published by the Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals, Ahrensburg 2021
- Beenken, Matthias; Heuser, Michael: Commission or fee-based advice - What do customers expect -, published by DIVA Deutsches Institut für Vermögensbildung und Alterssicherung, Marburg 2021
- Beenken, Matthias; Teichler, Maximilian: Nachhaltigkeit - Umsetzung der TVO und Konsequenzen im Exklusivvertrieb, study for the Arbeitskreis Vertretervereinigungen der Deutschen Assekuranz e.V., Bochum/Hamburg 2022
- Beenken, Matthias; Bornhorn, Hubert; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Mörchel, Jens: Sustainability and insurance from the customer's perspective, study(Opens in a new tab) , Dortmund 17.1.2023
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas: Business structures of insurance sales - BVK structural analysis 2022/2023, published by the Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V., Ahrensburg 2023, ISBN 978-3-938226-68-1
- Beenken, Matthias; Linnenbrink, Lukas: Distribution of sustainable insurance policies, study(Opens in a new tab) , Dortmund 12.9.2024
Lectures at universities and conferences
- 18.7.2024: Current challenges of insurance sales in the regulatory environment, Bundesverband der Assekuranzführungskräfte e.V. (VGA) Assekuranzclub Dortmund, in cooperation with Leue & Nill Dortmund
- 30.11.2023: Nudging towards more sustainability - the freestyle to the regulatory duty of sales, 28th Cologne Insurance Symposium "Sustainability as an entrepreneurial opportunity for insurers", Institute of Insurance at Cologne University of Applied Sciences
- 18.9.2023: Success in insurance sales, Bundesverband der Assekuranzführungskräfte e.V. (VGA) Assekuranzclub Dortmund, in cooperation with HDI Dortmund branch office
- 29.6.2023: Sustainability as an opportunity and challenge for sales, "Sustainability in sales" theme day, VVB Vereinigung der Versicherungs-Betriebswirte e.V., in cooperation with SIGNAL IDUNA Versicherungen, Dortmund
- 12.5.2023: Moderation of the panel discussion "Elementarschadenpflichtversicherung - eine nachhaltige Lösung?", 33rd Scientific Conference, Bund der Versicherten e.V., Hamburg
- 30.3.2023: The role of counseling in the brokerage of sustainable insurance products, ID Intensiv X, University of Liechtenstein
- 24.3.2023: Conduct of business supervision and commission ban, Kölner Kreis in cooperation with HSBA Hamburg and Roland Rechtsschutzversicherungs-AG, Cologne
- 19.11.2022: Distribution of sustainable insurance products - transparency and advisory obligations, panel discussion, 40th Münster Insurance Day, Research Center for Insurance, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- 25.10.2022: Evaluation of the IDD - quo vadis European regulation? and The independence of the insurance broker in cooperation with pools, panel discussions, 10th Symposium on Insurance Distribution Law, Research Center for Insurance, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V.
- 22.10.2022: Only in the best interests of the customer - The insurance industry and the IDD, keynote speech, Bachelor Insurance Management graduation ceremony, German Insurance Academy and Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne
- 6.10.2022: Managing Insurance Eco-Systems - Legal and Regulatory Challenges, panel discussion, 9th AIDA Europe Conference "Getting Fit for an Unsettled Future", Zurich
- 5.10.2022: Impact of the sustainability concept on the insurance business model, MCC Conference Sustainability in the Insurance and Financial Industry, Düsseldorf
- 29.9.2022: ESG in insurance sales, PPI AG's ESG industry get-together for banks and insurance companies
- 8.7.2022: Sustainability as an educational topic, Cologne Circle, Paul Löbe House of the German Bundestag, Berlin
- 22.6.2022: Sustainable insurance sales, Customer Management in Insurance trade fair congress, Versicherungsforen Leipzig
- 13.10.2021: News from the sales department, VGA Bundesverband der Assekuranzführungskräfte e.V. Assekuranzclub Dortmund
- 8.6.2021: Fee-based advice: The best from the customer's point of view?- A summary after three legislative periods of funding, Customer Management in Insurance Trade Fair Congress, Versicherungsforen Leipzig
- 7.5.2021: Effects of the pandemic on sales, interdisciplinary webinar, VVB Association of Insurance Business Economists e.V.
- 12.3.2021: Panel discussion Forum 10 Mobile Working, Virtual Annual Conference of the German Association for Insurance Science e.V.
- 11.3.2021: Moderation Forum 3 Insurance Business Topics, Virtual Annual Conference of the German Association of Insurance Science e.V.
- 3.12.2020: Insurance distribution in the field of tension between regulatory and business challenges, VersicherungsForum Konferenz Versicherungsvertriebsrecht 2020 Online
- 25.8.2020: Regulation of insurance distribution - well thought out in Europe, well done in Germany, virtual scientific conference, Fair mediation in the field of tension between insurance companies and insured persons, Bund der Versicherten e.V.
- 12.11.2019: Distribution regulation in times of Amazon, Check24 and Co. - equal opportunities for all distribution channels?, Conference on current issues in insurance distribution, Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Leipzig
- 10.9.2019: Life insurance and its distribution at a crossroads, Zukunftsforum Assekuranz, Cologne
- 27/28.3.2019: Moderation at the annual conference of the German Insurance Association, Berlin, Plenum II "The policyholder: consumer in need of protection or self-confident demander?" and Forum 3: Distribution
- 25.3.2019: Insurance distribution in the field of tension between regulatory and business challenges, VersicherungsForum Konferenz Versicherungsvertriebsrecht 2019, Cologne
- 9.7.2018: Status of the implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), VGA Bundesverband Assekuranzführungskräfte e.V. Assekuranzclub Dortmund, Fachhochschule Dortmund
- 8.6.2018: The implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) in German insurance distribution, guest lecture; Future prospects for the insurance industry, keynote speech at the annual meeting of insurance courses, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 23.4.2018: The implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) in Germany, Insurance Committee of the IHK Frankfurt am Main
- 12.4.2018: Insurance distribution in the field of tension between regulatory and business challenges, VersicherungsForum Konferenz Versicherungsvertriebsrecht 2018, Cologne
- 21.3.2018: Development perspectives of the private insurance business model, Annual Conference of the German Association for Insurance Science e.V., Munich
- 1.3.2018: IDD and the honorable businessman, opportunities for the insurance business, consequences for insurance sales, Annual General Meeting, VEVK e.V., Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
- 30.11.2017: The implementation of the IDD in Germany - challenges for insurers and intermediaries, 19th Zweibrücken Financial Services Symposium, Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, Zweibrücken location
- 23.11.2017: The implementation of the IDD and its impact on insurance sales, Frankfurt Lecture on Insurance, ICIR International Center for Insurance Regulation, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- 19.10.2017: Sustainable customer relationships only with regulation?, Discussion paper, 12th North Bavarian Insurance Day, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 28.4.2017: Insurance - An industry under regulation mania?, 5th Insurance Industry Conference at the State Academy of Studies Dresden
- 26.4.2017: Insurance distribution in the field of tension between regulatory and business challenges, VersicherungsForum Konferenz Versicherungsvertriebsrecht 2017, Cologne
- 29.4.2016: Insurance 4.0, 4th Insurance Industry Conference at the Dresden State Academy of Studies
- 20.4.2016: Insurance distribution in the field of tension between regulatory and business challenges, VersicherungsForum Konferenz Versicherungsvertriebsrecht 2016, Cologne
- 30.4.2015: Perspectives for the insurance distribution of tomorrow, Insurance Industry Conference at the Dresden State Academy of Studies
- 19.3.2015: Company succession for insurance intermediaries: Typology and requirements for action, together with Annika Markowski, Annual Conference of the German Association for Insurance Science, Berlin
- 4.11.2014: New remuneration models against the background of changed legal framework conditions for the insurance industry, Institute of Insurance Economics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz
- 21.5.2014: Customer-oriented counseling means: From product sales to solution-oriented sales, Berlin Sales Summit, Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. an der Hochschule für Business Studies und Recht Berlin
Research Center Risk Management, Insurance Regulation and Distribution
- Communication 1/2016 PDF-File 912,11 kB Honorable merchant - Historical relic or successful self-regulation?, Seminar from 4.10.2016
- Communication 1/2017 PDF-File 8,23 MB Insurance Innovation Day 27.6.2017
- Communication 1/2018 PDF-File 5,59 MB Insurance Innovation Day 8.5.2018
- Communication 2/2018 PDF-File 1,78 MB The honest businessman and the best interests of the customer under the EU Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), seminar on 16.10.2018
- Communication 1/2019 PDF-File 8,25 MB Insurance Innovation Day 21.5.2019
- Communication 2/2019 PDF-File 4,64 MB 2nd Data Science Challenge 4/5.12.2019
- Communication 1/2020 PDF-File 3,22 MB Insurance Innovation Day 11.5.2020
- Message 1/2021 PDF-File 6,59 MB Insurance Innovation Day 18.5.2021
- Communication 1/2022 PDF-File 2,19 MB Insurance Innovation Day 16.5.2022
- Beenken, Matthias; Bornhorn, Hubert; Linnenbrink, Lukas; Mörchel, Jens: Sustainability and insurance from the customer's perspective(Opens in a new tab) , study, 17.1.2023
- Communication 1/2023 PDF-File 3,75 MB Insurance Innovation Day 8.5.2023
- PDF-File 2,69 MB Communication 1/2024 PDF-File 2,69 MB Insurance Innovation Day 13.5.2024
Practice checklists
- Checklist: Sustainability in the insurance intermediary business(Opens in a new tab) , last update: 4.2.2023 (Version 7)
- Checklist: Counseling of commercial enterprises (SMEs)(Opens in a new tab) , as at 24.4.2020
- Checklist: How to prepare as an intermediary for the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD)(Opens in a new tab) , last updated: 17.1.2019 (version 7)
Teaching areas
- Insurance sales
- Basics of marketing
- Insurance marketing
- Human resources management
- Sustainability and ethics
- Lecture series on sustainability
- Insurance & Corporate Risk Management
- Financial market regulation
Guest lectures for students of the faculty
- 4/5.12.2019 2nd Data Science Challenge, together with FB 4 Informatik, IBM and Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 11.12.2018 Lawyer Dr. Alexander Schmid-Lossberg, former Head of Corporate Human Resources, Axel Springer SE: Digital transformation of business models - corporate culture and leadership as success factors
- 16.10.2018 Seminar"The honorable merchant and the best interests of the customer according to the EU Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD)", with the speakers:
- Sandra Klug, Head of Department Market Guardian Finance, Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg e.V.
- Yannik Leippold, Digital Consulting & Insurance Broker, L&P Finance GmbH
- Gunnar Lange, Director Insurance Solutions & ISBD Europe, IBM
- Dr. Maximilian Teichler, lawyer, former member of the VVG reform commission
- 4/5.7.2018 Data Science Challenge, together with FB 4 Informatik and IBM
- 26.6.2018 Richard Sommer, former trade union secretary: The future of trade unions in Germany
- 4.10.2016 Seminar"Honorable merchant - historical relic or successful self-regulation?", with the speakers:
- Peter Pietsch, Vice President, Verein Ehrbare Versicherungskaufleute e.V.
- Dr. Gerhard Schick, Member of the German Bundestag, financial policy spokesman for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, lawyer, law firm Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner MdB
- Dr. Rolf Wiswesser, Member of the Board of Management, Allianz Versicherungs-AG
- 11.1.2016 Dr. Rolf Wiswesser, former member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherungsgruppe AG and Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG: Current developments in insurance sales
- 1.12.2014 Uli Mayer-Johannsen, Chairwoman of the Executive Board, MetaDesign AG: The power of the brand - a holistic view of effectiveness (together with FB Design)
- 7.4.2014 Martin Kramer, Chief Detective Inspector, Landeskriminalamt NRW: Money laundering - relevant for insurers? Insights into the investigations of the LKA
- 4.6.2012 Emilio Galli-Zugaro, Head of Group Communications at Allianz SE: Get rid of the communicators! How do you restore lost trust?
Guest lectures for students of the insurance industry (dual) study program (selection)
- 2.7.2024 Iris Portugall, Morgen & Morgen, Mathematics Division
- 24.6.2024 Philipp Opfermann, Finance and Insurance Officer, Consumer Advice Center NRW
- 10.6.2024 Michael H. Heinz, President of the Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 30.4.2024 Joint Lecture "Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) - Goals, Challenges, and Learnings", together with Prof. Pierpaolo Marano Ph.D., Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy, for students of the insurance industry (Dortmund) and law (Milan)
- 21.11.2023 Excursion to the Hamburg Insurance Exchange, guided tour by Kathrin Enzel, Head of Commerzbibliothek, lectures by Nils Himmelreich, Speaker, Team Finance, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Svenja Richartz, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Hamburger Versicherungsbörse e.V. and curator HBC (Hanseatic Broking Center) GmbH, Hamburg
- 20.11.2023 Tim Jensch, Consultant Buy Tribe Solution - Personal Sales, SIGNAL IDUNA Versicherungen, Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, VOLKSWOHL BUND; Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales Sparkassen West, Provinzial Group
- 6.6.2023 Christoph Klug, Certified Risk Manager according to DIN ISO 31000, Klug Beraten
- 5.6.2023 Michael H. Heinz, President of the Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 15.5.2023 Philipp Opfermann, Consultant for Finance and Insurance, Consumer Advice Center NRW
- 8.5.2023 Insurance Innovation Day, with the Digital Impact Labs Leipzig
- 17.4.2023 Joint Lecture "Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) - Goals, Challenges, and Learnings", together with Prof. Pierpaolo Marano Ph.D., Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy, for students of the insurance industry (Dortmund) and law (Milan)
- 15.11.2022 Virtual excursion for first-semester students to the Hamburg Insurance Exchange, lectures by Jan Korte, Consultant, Financial Economics Team, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Svenja Richartz, Member of the Management Board of the Insurance Exchange and Managing Director of Mund & Fester GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
- 14.11.2022 Kristina Benz, Head of Sales Marketing, Die Continentale; Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, VOLKSWOHL BUND; Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales Sparkassen West, Provinzial Group
- 20.6.2022 Oliver Theißing, Business Agency Consulting, LVM Versicherungen
- 14.6.2022 Andreas Ludwig, Head of Rating & Analysis, Morgen & Morgen GmbH
- 30.5.2022 Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 23.5.2022 Philipp Opfermann, Consultant for Finance and Insurance, Consumer Advice Center NRW
- 4.4.2022 Andreas Vollmer, Managing Director, Hasenclever + Partner GmbH +Co KG, Vice President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 16.11.2021 Virtual excursion for first-year students to the Hamburg Insurance Exchange, lectures by Jörn Le Cerf, Head of the Finance Department of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Svenja Richartz, Member of the Board of Directors of the Insurance Exchange and Managing Director of Mund & Fester GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
- 15.11.2021 Kristina Benz, Head of Sales Marketing, Die Continentale; Stefanie van Holt, Head of Sales Service Department, VOLKSWOHL BUND; Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales Sparkassen West, Provinzial Group
- 5.7.2021 Oliver Theißing, Agency Consulting, LVM Versicherungen
- 21.6.2021 Lawyer Sandra Klug, Investment/Pension/Insurance Department, Verbraucherzentrake Hamburg
- 7.6.2021 Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals e.V.
- 24.11.2020 Virtual excursion for first-year students to the Hamburg Insurance Exchange, lectures by Jörn Le Cerf, Head of the Finance Department at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Svenja Richartz, Member of the Management Board of the Insurance Exchange and Managing Director of Mund & Fester GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
- 23.11.2020 Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales Sparkassen West, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen; Kristina Benz, Head of Sales Marketing, Die Continentale
- 18.5.2020 Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals e.V.
- 18.11.2019 Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Kristina Benz, Head of Sales Marketing, Die Continentale; Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen
- 3.6.2019 Philipp Opfermann, Consumer advice center NRW
- 13.5.2019 Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 7.5.2019 Christina Bay, Head of Marketing, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen, Comprehensibility workshop
- 19.11.2018 Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Thomas Rühr, Head of Sales Partner Support Exclusive Organization Development (va-e), Die Continentale; Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Head Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen; Doreen Jentsch, Sales Management Policy Issues, Sparkassen-Versicherung Sachsen
- 11.6.2018 Michael H. Heinz, President, Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V. (BVK); Philipp Opfermann, Consumer Advice Center NRW
- 8.5.2018 Workshop Insurance Innovation Day together with the Insurance Innovation Lab, Leipzig(Katja Rudolph and Dr. Sören Schäfer), and introduction by
- Sebastian Komander, Head of signals Open Studios & Communications at the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Signal Iduna Versicherungen
- 20.11.2017 Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Head Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen
- 20.11.2017: Thomas Rühr, Head of Sales Partner Support Exclusive Organization Development (va-e), Die Continentale
- 20.11.2017: Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 27.6.2017 Workshop Insurance Innovation Day together with the Insurance Innovation Lab, Leipzig(Dr. Hagen Habicht and Sascha Noack), and introductions by
- Sebastian Komander, Head of Marketing and Strategy at the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Signal Iduna Versicherungen
- Christian Schröder, Christina Bay, Inno Lab, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 26.6.2017: Michael Johnigk, Member of the Executive Board, SIGNAL IDUNA Group
- 19.6.2017: Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 12.6.2017: Rita Reichard, Consumer Advice Center North Rhine-Westphalia
- 20.12.2016 Peter Bensmann, Managing Director, Hansekuranz Kontor GmbH & Co.
- 31.5.2016: Michael Johnigk, Member of the Management Board, SIGNAL IDUNA Group
- 24.5.2016: Sandra Klug, Head of the Market Watchdog Finance Department, Consumer Advice Center Hamburg
- 3.5.2016: Bernd Pape, Managing Director, Versicherungsbüro Pape GmbH
- 2.5.2016: Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 16.11.2015: Mario Gärtner, Versicherungsforen Leipzig
- 16.11.2015: Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Head Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen
- 16.11.2015: Thomas Rühr, Head of Sales Partner Support Exclusive Organization Development (va-e), Die Continentale
- 16.11.2015: Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 10.11.2014: Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Head Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen
- 10.11.2014: Thomas Rühr, Head of Sales Partner Support Exclusive Organization Development (va-e), Die Continentale
- 10.11.2014: Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 26.5.2014: Hans-Ludger Sandkühler, Lawyer, Sandkühler-Schirmer law firm
- 19.5.2014: Oliver Theißing, Business Agency Consulting, LVM Versicherungen
- 13.5.2014: Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)
- 11.11.2013: Peter Lohrmann, Head of Sales / Savings Banks / Regional Head Offices, Westfälische Provinzial Versicherungen
- 11.11.2013: Thomas Rühr, Head of Sales Partner Support Exclusive Organization Development (va-e), Die Continentale
- 11.11.2013: Magnus Erkelenz, Sales Director, Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen
- 17.6.2013: Rita Reichard, Consumer Advice Center North Rhine-Westphalia
- 28.5.2013: Oliver Theißing, Business Agency Consulting, LVM Versicherungen
- 29.4.2013: Michael H. Heinz, President, Federal Association of German Insurance Professionals (BVK)