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Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)




Dortmund, how smart are you?


Prof. Dr. Sabine Sachweh and Olivia Nierobisch present the project on a large screen.

The digital transformation is changing the way we work and live: Smart technologies are increasingly being used to make our cities more liveable and smarter. At the event, experts will address the question "Dortmund, how smart are you?" and show which innovations are already being used in the Smart City Dortmund and which are planned for the future.

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the fifth event in the "City in Transition" event series of the Science Master Plan(Opens in a new tab)  took place.

Presentations were given by Prof. Dr Sabine Sachweh(Opens in a new tab)  from the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)(Opens in a new tab)  at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Olivia Nierobisch (standing in for Maike Sproß, project manager of the Smart City(Opens in a new tab)  model project) from the City of Dortmund. Afterwards, there was the opportunity to discuss the twelve fields of action of Smart City Dortmund and to collect project ideas that could contribute to smart urban design. This offer was very well received.

The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Andrea Kienle (Faculty of Computer Science at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts). Participation in the event was free of charge and registration was not required.

Further information on the event series can be found here.(Opens in a new tab)