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In aesthetic, personal and social terms, design can change things or ideas. Designing means developing something, bringing it together and giving it a certain form.

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About the teachingarea

In aesthetic, personal and social terms, design can change things or ideas. Designing means developing something, bringing it together and giving it a certain form. This includes activities from the sketchy idea to design and realization. We work in the context of space, image, form, function, people, technology and art - art in the sense of creative activity. Design aims to harmonize function and form on the basis of complex requirements. The recognition of formal and contextual relationships and an awareness of the inseparability of every form from its surroundings are the cornerstones of creative activity. In order to formulate spaces, in both the abstract and the actual sense, with one's own view and in an independent manner, creative skills are required. These include feeling, seeing, thinking and making. Creative action in practice means using one's knowledge and skills to find ideas and forms. It is important to be sensitive to current issues and questions. It is about developing a feeling and awareness for phenomena that determine our lives in today's technologized, globalized environment. Architecture, design and art are embedded in their time, in social issues, developments and phenomena. On the one hand, they are influenced by these contemporary issues and, on the other, they have an effect on them by reflecting on them, commenting on them and themselves shaping the respective zeitgeist.

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Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | stephan lucka

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