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Construction operations and construction industry

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About the teachingarea

The construction industry encompasses the scientific, management and legal aspects of the construction industry. Construction operations covers the technical and organizational aspects. Both blocks consist of two core areas:

Construction Management I is the course "Tendering, Awarding and Billing (AVA)", Construction Management II is the course "Operational Accounting and Costing". Construction Management I is the course "Construction Equipment and Construction Methods", Construction Management II is the course "Organization and Work Preparation". These teaching blocks are supplemented by the courses "Business Administration for the Construction Industry" and "Project Management". The elective courses "Project Development" and "Ethics in Construction" round off the program. Current trends in the construction industry bring further courses such as "Facility Management" and "Construction Financing" into the curriculum. The construction industry and construction operations are playing an increasingly important role in architectural education due to the changing forms of contracts in the construction industry and the steady increase in general planner and general contractor management. Due to empty public budgets, project development, financing aspects and general business knowledge are becoming increasingly important. The professional success of young architects today is increasingly shaped by these aspects.

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