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The student parliament

The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the supreme decision-making body of the student body. It consists of a maximum of 25 members.

Election & tasks of the student parliament

At the end of the summer semester, all students are called upon to elect the members of the StuPa. Every first-year student at Fachhochschule Dortmund can stand for election. The election takes place annually.

The StuPa has the following tasks, among others:

  • To elect the chairperson of the AStA  and the deputies.
  • to appoint and dismiss the AStA officers and determine their number and to decide on the discharge of the members of the AStA
  • to decide on guidelines for the fulfillment of the tasks of the student body as well as fundamental matters of the student body (e.g. semester ticket).
  • To adopt the contribution regulations and the election regulations for elections to the student body bodies.

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