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Information on accessibility at the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße (JvF) location and how to get there

Address Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Strasse 23
44227 Dortmund

General information on accessibility at the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße site

Accessibility of the journey

Due to the location of the building and the facilities in the surrounding area, barrier-free travel by public transport is hardly feasible. We therefore recommend, if possible, that you arrive by car or with an assistant.

Accessibility of the building

There is no guidance system for blind and visually impaired people in the building. The lettering in the elevator is not tactile. There are no tactile signs indicating the rooms to be found on each floor. There are no acoustic instructions in the elevator.

The elevator can be used with a wheelchair, but does not have a mirror. The doors on the floors do not have automatic door openers.

Barrier-free WCs are available in the building.

The gate is manned Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 20:00. It is best to ask there for guidance.

Barrier-free parking

Two barrier-free parking spaces are available in the freely accessible inner courtyard of Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 23. A ramp leads from there into the building.

Waiting ticket

Students must take a waiting ticket from a machine next to the gate. You can then take a seat in the waiting room. The ticket can only be requested via a touchscreen, so blind/visually impaired students cannot request the ticket independently. Therefore, please contact the gate for a waiting ticket. If you have booked an appointment with a member of staff, please ask them in advance by e-mail that you would like to be picked up at the gate in order to overcome the existing barriers caused by elevators or doors without automatic door openers.

Directions for visually impaired/blind travelers

Directions to Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 23 for mobility-impaired travelers

By car

Two barrier-free parking spaces are available in the freely accessible inner courtyard of Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 23. A ramp leads from there into the building.

Take the subway from Dortmund City or Hombruch to the bus stop Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße

From the subway station "An der Palmweide" you can reach the pedestrian crossing via a ramp. Cross this in the direction of the bus stop. Take the 462 bus in the direction of Renninghausen to the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße stop (seventh stop after the exit). The bus also stops at the bus stop under the TU Dortmund University canteen bridge.

Get off at the bus stop Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße, cross the street and walk downhill in the direction of house no. 23. A ramp leads to the entrance door. This opens automatically. There is a gate in the foyer, which is manned Friday to Monday from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. There is an elevator from the foyer to all floors. There is no mirror in the elevator. The doors on the floors must be opened manually.

Take the S-Bahn to Dortmund Universität S-Bahn station

To get to the H-Bahn track, take the elevator at the end of the S-Bahn track. Note: The elevator does not offer a manoeuvring area.

Take line 1 or 7 and travel one stop to the Technologiezentrum stop. Take the elevator there to get to the station exit.

From the elevator, keep left, cross the side street and keep directly to the left (Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße). Building 23 is located approximately in the middle of the street on the right-hand side.

(as at: March 2024)

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