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Campus Sonnenstraße - Laboratory for electrical machines - House A

You are in the laboratory for electrical machines in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the basement of Building A at Sonnenstraße 96.

To your left, you can see cabinets and sideboards with equipment on them. On the right are two rows of student workstations, each with opposite rows of desks on which test benches are mounted for students to take measurements, with the drive motors standing on the tables.

Straight ahead through the corridor is another room with server cabinets and desks on the right. Continuing on, there are three rows, on the back two are old motors as exhibits, on the front one is a large setup of a drive motor/electric motor test bench, to which a monitor is also attached.

Within the 360-degree space there are several touchpoints with further information.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Roland Baege
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Roland Baege
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Roland Baege
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Roland Baege

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