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Campus Emil-Figge-Straße - Canteen - kostBar

You are in the outdoor area of the Emil-Figge-Straße campus between the canteen, building 40 and 42. Next to the buildings you will see lots of greenery, benches, a long sandpit and "scaffolding" as seating, which was set up by the Faculty of Architecture. You can walk along the path towards the canteen, under whose canopy there are more wooden seats and tables. In the canteen, you will see six white tables with four chairs each on the left, straight ahead is the canteen serving area, which is currently closed off with glass doors. To the right is a higher wooden counter with high black chairs, behind which there are more chairs and tables. Within the 360-degree room there are several touchpoints with further information.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Volker Wiciok

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