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Scenography Colloquium 2023 - sustainable(ly).exhibit

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The currently omnipresent topic of sustainability is also highly relevant for the museum and exhibition sector. Not least, the German Museums Association has made sustainability a focus of its work in 2021. As social places, exhibitions and museums have a great responsibility for this topic, can convey visions for a better future but can also make valuable contributions to greater sustainability through their own actions.

But how can exhibitions and museums be made more sustainable without neglecting important core tasks? How can exhibitions on this rather abstract topic succeed in providing important impetus for social discourse?

The event on March 13 and 14, 2023 will deal with the topic both as the content of scenographic work and as a challenge for the result of scenographic work with examples from different areas of practice.

Please register by 07.03.2023!



DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung

DASA Working World Exhibition
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
44149 Dortmund

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