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KI art in the Nordstadtgalerie


One of the pictures in the Nordstadtgalerie

They look like heavily processed photographs or images taken under a microscope - but the images exhibited by Maximilian Riemer are AI interpretations of the pandemic. The exhibition can be visited both on site and online.

The global pandemic has shaped our everyday lives since 2020. The effects: Less contact, more digitalization, more media consumption. Algorithms that evaluate our surfing behavior determine what we see on the Internet.

Maximilian Riemer has turned the means into an end and fed an algorithm with specific material. For his work "A Synthetic Pandemic", the Fachhochschule Dortmund design student trained a highly developed, learning computer program ("Generative Adversarial Network", or GAN for short) with images and other data from the pandemic: Masks, protective suits, social distancing, despair, loneliness, the fragility of social structures and death.

Completely new pictures

The artificial brain analyzed the data largely independently and detected recurring parameters: Phrasing, melodies and photographic content. From this, the AI synthesized a completely new visual language.

The physical exhibition in the Nordstadtgalerie at Bornstraße 142 can still be seen through the windows until Wednesday, October 12, 2022. The exhibition will be open on site for the finissage on Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 1 to 5 pm. The artist will be present on site.

The exhibition can be viewed around the clock in the digital Nordstadtgalerie, GALERI3D: www.galeri3.de/asyntheticpandemic (Opens in a new tab) 



The Nordstadtgalerie connects academic life at Fachhochschule Dortmund with society and the local people in the north of Dortmund. It creatively implements the "burning" issues of the district in high-profile events.


Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Maximilian Riemer

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