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Prof. Roger Walk

Fast facts

Office hours

Tue 14:00 - 15:00

About the person

Short Bio

Philosophy, Linguistics & German Literature at University of Konstanz

Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Joachim Paech, Department of Media Studies, University of Konstanz

Research Assistant to Dr. Hildegard Blanke at Paul Ernst Archive, Ulm. Publication: "Paul Ernst, 1866-1933. Life and Work of Poet and Writer Paul Ernst at the Turn of the Century"

Visual Communication & Interaction Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd / University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd

Assistant to Rolf Müller at Büro Rolf Müller, Munich: Draeger, HQ, Stadt Kufstein in Tirol, Prinzregententheater München etc.

Concept, Planning, Exhibition Design & Internet Platform for the Design Conference "Semantics in Design" at Literaturhaus München (initiated and hosted by BMW, design affairs & Siemens); Speakers: Eduard Bannwart, Jochen Gros, Wolfgang Jonas, Martin Krampen, Klaus Krippendorff, Siegfried J. Schmidt, David Small (MIT), Carlo-Michael Sommer, Erik Spiekermann

Diploma in Communication Design with Specialization in Interaction Design; Thesis and Final Project: "Virtual Workflow Studies: Concept and Design for a modular and collaborative Enterprise Project Management Software"

Lecturer for Design Theory at Ravensburg School of Design and Media Design at DHBW Heidenheim (Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg)

Art Director at a.f.i.m. GmbH, Munich (Interactive Media Solutions for BMW, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, B/S/H etc.)

Co-Founder, Co-Owner and Managing Director at utz + walk information design in Ulm. Corporate Design, Interactive Media and Communications for Arts and Culture. Clients: Ulm Adult Education Center, BMW, Neustart Corporate Media Lab, Ratiopharm, Carl Zeiss Vision

Consultant / Reviewer for Design Education and Professional Development & Training (Adult & Further Education) in Macedonia & Slovenia for DVV International ("Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV)", the German Adult Education Association); Work stays in Skopje and Ljubljana

Concept & Design for the interactive DVD-ROM "Media Toolbox. Design Fundamentals for Audiovisual Media" w/ Günther Hörmann and Roland Barth, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft Konstanz, 2002

Lecturer & Researcher at Insitute of Media Informatics / imm (Institute for Media Research & Media Development) at Ulm University: HCI, User Experience and Interactive Systems; third-party funded Projects w/ Nokia, Daimler, Bosch

Lecturer for Film Theory and Interaction Design (Project) at THU / Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Cooperation with Ulmer Volkshochschule (Consulting & Design) during the EU-funded programs Sokrates Grundtvig & Sokrates Lingua; Award of the EU Commission, Department for Education, Youth, Sport & Culture for "English without Frontiers", a Curriculum for Adults with intellectual and developmental Disabilities (Photo Story, Teaching Resources & Material, DVD-ROM, Pictorial Dictionary)

External Consultant & Art Director for Ray Sono AG, Munich (Swiss International Airlines, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post AG)

3rd International Conference on Intelligent Environments IE07: Augmenting a rugged standard DJ Turntable with a Tangible Interface for Music Browsing and Playback Manipulation

Lecturer for Application Design and Typography at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd / University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd

Visiting Professor for Interaction Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd / University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd

Professor for Interaction Design and Motion Design at Fachhochschule Dortmund, University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Head of the Academic Section Communication Design


Teaching and applied research in the fields of Interaction Design, User Interface Design, Usability & User Experience, Human-Computer-Interaction, Data Visualization, Generative Design, Visual Narratives & Interactive Storytelling, Game Design, Game Studies, Serious Games & Digital Knowledge


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