Study plan
Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester
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- 3SWS
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Compulsory elective modules 5. Semester
Automatisierung ereignisdiskreter Systeme
Datenanalyse mit Python
Elektronische Steuergeräte
Embedded Systems
Energiewelt Heute und in der Zukunft
Grundlagen der Finite Elemente Methode
Infrastruktursysteme der Energieversorgung
Innovative Isoliersysteme
Light Technology
Modellbasierte Methoden der Fehlerdiagnose
Netzstrategien und innovative Netzbetriebsmittel
Numerische Mathematik
Special electrical machines and drives
Technisches Englisch
Compulsory elective modules 6. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 7. Semester
Module overview
1. Semester of study
Digitale Informationsverarbeitung 1- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students have an overview of the mathematical and technical fundamentals of digital technology as well as the elementary data types and operations that form the basis of programming. They are able to understand the mode of operation of digital circuits for typical embedded systems.
Students know the basic terms, relationships and operating principles. Based on this basic knowledge, they are able to familiarize themselves with deeper details, the current state of the art and practical requirements.
- Differentiation between analog and digital
- Boolean algebra
- Normal forms
- Circuit minimization and minimal forms
- Binary numbers and their operations
- Forms of description of digital circuits (Boolean equation, truth and transition tables, circuit diagrams, pulse diagrams)
- Combinatorial circuits (switching networks), e.g. multiplexers, encoders, comparators, adders
- Sequential circuits (switching networks), e.g. flip-flops, registers, automata
- Overview of implementation options (discrete logic, ASIC, FPGA, microcontroller)
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Fricke, K.: Digitaltechnik, Springer, 2018
Gehrke, W.; Winzker, M.; Urbanski, K.; Woitowitz, R.: Digitaltechnik, Springer, 2016
Lipp, H. M.; Becker, J.: Grundlagen der Digitaltechnik, De Gruyter, 2011
Schulz, P.; Naroska, E.: Digitale Systeme mit FPGAs entwickeln, Elektor, 2016
Elektrotechnik 1- PF
- 6 SWS
- 8 ECTS
- PF
- 6 SWS
- 8 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students gain a basic understanding of basic electrical engineering variables and the interaction of variables in direct current networks and linear quasi-stationary alternating current networks as well as their description using complex variables.
In DC technology, resistors and sources are introduced as components and simple basic circuits are considered. Technical realizations are also discussed and practical examples are considered. Finally, the generalization of Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's rules leads to mesh current and node potential analysis of networks.
- Physical basics: electrical charges, electrical voltage, electrical current
- Energy transfer in linear networks
- Ohm's law
- Electrical sources: Impressed voltage source, Impressed current source, Linear source with internal resistance
- Branched circuit: Two-pole as a switching element, two-pole networks and Kirchhoff's laws, series connection of two-pole networks, parallel connection of two-pole networks
- Network transfigurations, substitute sources
- Network analysis: node potential analysis, mesh current analysis
In AC technology, the analysis methods known from DC technology are extended to AC networks
- Harmonic alternating quantity as a time diagram and in complex representation
- Basic bipoles R, C, L
- Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws in the complex
- Pointer diagram
- Node potential analysis and mesh current analysis in complex
- Power and energy at fundamental bipoles
- Two-pole with phase shift, power and energy, complex power
- Frequency dependencies with RL/RC bipoles, locus curves, frequency response
- Resonant circuit and resonance: series resonance, parallel resonance, locus curves, Bode diagram
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Lindner, Brauer Lehmann: Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 2001
Frohne, Löcherer, Müller: Moeller Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden 2002
Ingenieurmethodik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students acquire an understanding of the development, structure and application of standard systems and are able to implement the most important electrical safety standards in practice in operational processes. They know the duties, tasks and responsibilities of a qualified electrician.
Scientific work:
Students can work and think scientifically. They understand the basics of scientific work through empiricism and experiments.
They know the formal structure of a scientific publication, especially technical reports, can cite correctly and have an awareness of the problem of plagiarism.
You have knowledge of basic mathematical applications of measurement error analysis and statistics.
- Dangers of electric current
- Terms and organization of electrical safety (including tasks, duties and safety of the electrician)
- Principles and protective measures of electrical engineering
- The relevant electrical safety standards
- Structure of the standards system, international, European, national
- Laws, ordinances and accident prevention regulations
- Selected practical safety solutions
Scientific work:
- Preparation of a scientific report
- Structure: Abstract, introduction, presentation of the work, summary, appendix
- Layout: text, graphics, formulas, citations
- Scientifically correct citation methods
- Scientific misconduct (plagiarism)
- Measurement error, standard deviation, variance, linear adjustment calculation
- Gaussian error propagation, error of magnitude
- Use of spreadsheet programs and programs for word processing
Teaching methods
The specialist knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is demonstrated in practical application. Examples are used to deepen the theoretical knowledge. The lecture notes and exercises as well as the laboratory regulations will be made available for download in the online learning portal.
Scientific work:
The lecture conveys the theoretical content. Based on typical tasks, corresponding practical problems are dealt with promptly in the associated exercises.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
BGV Unfallverhütungsvorschriften
Vorschriften der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
VDE-Schriftreihe Normen Verständlich; „Betrieb von elektrischen Anlagen“; Verfasser: Komitee 224
Hohe, G.; Matz, F.: VDE-Schriftreihe Normen Verständlich; „Elektrische Sicherheit“
Vorlesungsskript Normen und Sicherheitstechnik
Vorlesungskript „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“
Prof. Striewe & A. Wiedegärtner, „Leitfaden für Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten am ITB“, FH Münster
N. Franck, J. Stary, „Die Technik wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens“, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag
M. Kornmeier, „Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht – für Bachelor, Master und Dissertation“, UTB Verlag
K. Eden, M. Gebhard, „Dokumentation in der Mess- und Prüftechnik“, Springer Verlag
H & L. Hering, „Technische Berichte“, Springer Vieweg Verlag
Mathematik 1- PF
- 6 SWS
- 7 ECTS
- PF
- 6 SWS
- 7 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- apply mathematical techniques
- use the mathematical language of formulas
- name essential properties of real functions and recognize their relevance for the representation of states or processes in nature or in technical systems
- calculate limits of sequences and functions and examine functions for continuity
- apply the techniques of differential calculus for functions of a variable, carry out curve discussions and approximations of functions with Taylor polynomials
- apply the basic arithmetic operations and types of representation of complex numbers to problems in electrical engineering
- apply the basic concepts and methods of linear algebra, in particular methods for solving systems of linear equations.
Symmetry, monotonicity, asymptotes, continuity, sequences, concept of limits, calculation rules
Differential calculus: derivation, derivation of basic mathematical functions, derivation rules, mean value theorem, extreme points, de L'Hospital's rule, curve discussion, Taylor expansion,
Representation of functions by Taylor series, error and approximation calculation for Taylor developments
Complex numbers: Basic arithmetic operations, forms of representation - Cartesian and polar representation, complex roots
Vector calculus: vectors in R^n, basic definitions, calculation rules and operations, scalar product, orthogonality, projection, cross product, spar product
Determinants of second, third and general order, Laplace's development theorem, calculation rules for determinants
Matrices: basic concepts and definitions, arithmetic operations, inverse matrix,
Linear systems of equations: Gaussian algorithm, description by matrices, solving matrix equations
Application examples for matrices and systems of linear equations
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Fetzer, Fränkel: Mathematik 1 (2008), Mathematik 2 (1999), Springer-Verlag
Knorrenschild, Michael: Mathematik für Ingenieure 1, Hanser-Verlag, 2009
Papula, Lothar: Mathematik für Ingenieure 1 (2009), 2 (2007), 3 (2008), Vieweg+Teubner
Papula, Lothar: Mathematische Formelsammlung(2006), Vieweg+Teubner
Preuß, Wenisch: Mathematik 1-3, Hanser-Verlag, 2003
Stingl, Peter: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Carl-Hanser Verlag 2003
Physik 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- apply physical laws to problems from engineering practice
- abstract problems
- filter out relevant information from problems and calculate the problems using the physical principles they have learned
- formalize verbally formulated problems and recognize and justify the relevant scientific and physical background
- name the limits within which the physical principles they have learned apply and carry out error estimates
- independently develop new content based on the material covered
- deal with problems in a solution-oriented and critical manner
- Kinematics
- Newton's axioms
- Forces
- Reference systems and apparent forces
- Central body problems
- Dynamics of the mass point and systems of mass points
- Dynamics of rigid bodies
- Mechanics of deformable bodies
Thermodynamics :
- Process and state variables
- Thermal expansion, gas laws
- Heat as an energy carrier, main laws of thermodynamics
- Thermodynamic machines, cyclic processes
- Phase transformations
- Heat transport
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Basic knowledge of mathematics, differential and integral calculus, vector calculus
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Tipler, Physik, Spektrum Verlag
2. Semester of study
Digitale Informationsverarbeitung 2- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- They name C++ data types and structures and use them in their own program examples.
- You will analyze tasks and independently create main programs to solve them.
- You will understand the basic structures of object orientation and create your own examples of classes.
- You will program basic methods of classes and explain their meaning.
Practical course:
Basic knowledge of programming in C++ is deepened. This includes the ability to first put the solution to a specific task into an algorithmic form, to code it and to find strategies for eliminating errors, as well as to document the finished product accurately. Particular emphasis is placed on clean, structured programming. The use of object-oriented forms of representation is preferred where appropriate.
- Differences between function-oriented and object-oriented programming
- Elementary data types, constants and variables
- Using functions and classes
- Inputs and outputs with streams
- Operators for elementary data types
- Control structures
- Symbolic constants and macros
- Conversion of arithmetic data types
- The standard class string
- Functions
- Memory classes and namespaces
- References and pointers
- Definition of classes
- Methods
- Vectors
- Pointers and vectors
Practical course:
Students apply their knowledge of the following aspects of programming in a practical way:
- Use of all control structures
- Use of arrays and structs
- Use of pointers
- Use of functions
- Object-oriented programming: classes and methods
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Practical exercises carried out by each student individually on the computer. Students must implement problems in source code and prepare a written report.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Ulla Kirch, Peter Prinz, C++ Lernen und professionell anwenden, mitp, ISBN: 978-3-8266-9143-0, 5. Auflage (2010)
Ulla Kirch, Peter Prinz, C++ Das Übungsbuch, mitp, ISBN: 9783826694554, 4. Auflage (2013)
Stanley B. Lippman C++ Primer, Addison Wesley (1993)
Elektrotechnik 2- PF
- 6 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 6 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students are familiar with the principles and methods of electrical measurement. They know the properties of electrical measuring devices and can evaluate the deviations and uncertainties of measurement results. They will be able to select suitable devices for various measurement tasks. They are familiar with the basic differences between digital and analog measurement.
Students know the elementary quantities and relationships of electric and magnetic fields and can reproduce them. On this basis, they are able to calculate and roughly estimate the field distributions and effects of basic field-generating arrangements for constant and time-varying quantities. Students will be able to transfer their basic field knowledge to typical arrangements and equipment used in electrical engineering (e.g. insulators, capacitors, transformers, cables) and apply it to basic problems and tasks relating to this equipment.
- Standards, terms, units and norms
- Measurement signals and their characterization (analogue, digital, rectified, effective and average values)
- Measurement of electrical quantities (current, voltage, resistance, power and energy)
- Measurement deviation and measurement uncertainty, complete measurement result
- Oscilloscopes
- Time and frequency measurement
"Fields" area:
The electrostatic field:
- Basic concepts, electric charge, surface charge density, displacement flux density, potential, field strength, energy density, forces
- Homogeneous field in the plate capacitor, inhomogeneous field distribution with point charges, concentric spheres, coaxial cylinders, parallel round conductors
The magnetic field
- Flow, magnetic field strength, flux density, flux, magnetic voltage, permeability, energy density
- Induction, generator principle, transformer principle
- long conductor, double line, coaxial line, coil as toroid, transformer, transformer
Representation of electric and magnetic field problems using equivalent circuit diagrams
Teaching methods
Reference is made to practical applications.
Participation requirements
Content: Electrical engineering 1
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Thomas Mühl: Einführung in die Elektrische Messtechnik
Rainer Parthier: Messtechnik
Schrüfer: Elektrische Messtechnik
Bereich „Felder“
Führer, Heidemann, Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 1, Hanser, 2020
Albach: Elektrotechnik, Pearson, 2020
Grundlagen Praxisumfeld- PF
- 5 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 5 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
In the specialization area "Drive Systems and Automation (A&A)", students can independently identify the components of an electrical drive system and understand its functional principles. They recognize the basic task of the components in the system. This knowledge is the basis for a later specialization in the field of A&A.
Students should gain an insight into the specialization area "Energy Supply and Environment (E&U)". They are given an overview of the topics of the main course of study as well as the fields of activity and areas of responsibility of an engineer in the field of E&U. Basic examples will be used to illustrate the specialist skills required for this specialization. In addition, they should be able to classify and discuss fundamental issues relating to energy supply and use a standardized terminology for nominal, rated and power values of electrical supply networks.
For the specialization "Industrial Electronics and Sensor Technology (I&S)", students receive an overview of the technical content and career opportunities. They gain an insight into electronic components and systems, as well as important development methods in an industrial environment. In addition, the basic knowledge of sensor technology in connection with electronics is taught using practical examples.
The correlation of the various specializations in the electrical engineering study program is clarified.
Students then learn the basic concepts of business administration as a supplement to the predominantly technical electrical engineering course. In preparation for the comparative evaluation of the economic efficiency of technical equipment as part of the specialist training in the following semesters, students learn how to apply cost and investment calculation methods in business studies.
In preparation for the implementation of projects in a professional environment (companies as well as universities/research institutions), students learn the basics of project management. The focus here is on research and development projects. Students learn methods for planning and implementing projects. This includes the handling of resources as well as personnel.
- Introduction to the design of drive systems;
- Linear and rotating electrical machines;
- Power electronics;
- Control, regulation and automation;
- Load characteristics of driven machines;
Introduction to the specialization E&U:
- Course of study, tasks and perspectives of the engineer in E&U, fields of activity;
- Energy and environmental discussion for the earth (primary energy consumption, per capita consumption, forms of energy, energy reserves, energy resources, energy efficiency, environmental impact);
- Electrical energy supply (use of electrical energy, electricity energy sources and energy conversion, load profile and use of power plants, power circuits and terms, structure of energy supply and legal basis, energy market);
- Milestones of engineering in the E&U (long-distance transmission of electrical energy, presentation of selected energy supply projects);
- Basic concepts and basic knowledge (temporal system states, oscillation calculation, metering arrow systems, designations);
Introduction to the specialization I&S:
- Overview of the subject areas and explanation of career prospects;
- Methods of circuit and system development;
- Discrete and integrated electronics;
- Sensors and their application;
- Technical boundary conditions in the industrial environment;
- Signal and data processing;
- Simulation tools;
Business administration (BWL)
- Legal forms
- Corporate management
- Bookkeeping, balance sheet and P&L
- Cost accounting
- Financing
- Investment calculation methods
- Human resources and materials management
- Production process planning
- Marketing
Project management (PM)
- Types of projects
- Forms of organization
- Time and financial planning
- Project description
- Personnel management
- Teamwork, problems and conflicts, meetings and workshops
- Monitoring, documentation / reports
Teaching methods
The general characteristics of the sector are presented and explained as an introductory event. The in-depth area is presented and discussed using practical examples.
Lecture with presentation technique and blackboard work, involvement of students through questions and discussion. The lecture notes will be made available for download.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Felderhoff, R.: Leistungselektronik
Brosch, P. F.: Moderne Stromrichterantriebe
K. P. Budig : Drehstromlinearmotoren
Harnischmacher: Skript zur Vorlesung
Flosdorff/Hilgarth: Elektrische Energieverteilung
Clausert/Wiesemann/Hindrichsen/Stenzel: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik
Bernstein, Herbert: Messelektronik und Sensoren, Springer Verlag
Schiessle, Edmund: Industriesensorik, Vogel Verlag
Sedra, Adel S.: Microelectronic circuits, Oxford University Press
Schulz, Peter: Digitale Systeme mit FPGAs entwickeln: Vom Gatter zum Prozessor mit VHDL, Elektor Verlag
Tietze, Ulrich; Schenk, Christoph: Halbleiter - Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Thommen, Achleitner, Gilbert, Hachmeister, Kaiser: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Springer (2017)
Daum, Greife, Przywara: BWL für Ingenieurstudium und -praxis, Springer (2014)
Carl, Fiedler, Jorasz, Kiesel: BWL kompakt und verständlich, Springer(2017)
Lessel: Projektmanagement, Cornelsen (2002)
Litke: Projektmanagement, Hanser (2007)
Burkhardt: Projektmanagement, Publicis MCD (2000)
Felkai, Beiderwieden: Projektmanagement für technische Projekte, Vieweg+Teubner (2011)
Ebert: Technische Projekte, Wiley-VCH (2002)
Zimmermann, Stark, Rieck: Projektplanung, Springer (2010)
Grundlagenpraktikum 1- PF
- 2 SWS
- 4 ECTS
- PF
- 2 SWS
- 4 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
The students have received an introduction to the basics of design and troubleshooting practice. They will be able to construct digital circuits of a manageable size according to a circuit diagram and to design them with computer support on the basis of programmable circuits. They will be able to use universal test equipment such as oscilloscopes and logic analyzers. Building on this foundation, they are able to familiarize themselves with more complex tasks and the use of development systems.
In this context, students gain practical experience in setting up and working with methods, components, setups, measuring devices and computer-based tools.
Digital technology:
Construction and commissioning of digital circuits (combinatorial and sequential basic circuits) with gates and flip-flops, as well as with programmable circuits.
- The tasks relate to application-relevant sub-circuits as well as manageable, practical projects (e.g. decoder, counter and shift register, stopwatch, pulse pattern generator).
- Test platform: PC with development system and various evaluation platforms.
- Design methodology: Predominantly computer-aided design via circuit diagram.
Electrical engineering 1:
- Node potential analysis of linear direct current networks
- Complex fundamental bipoles
- Frequency-selective voltage divider
Teaching methods
Experiments in the laboratory and practical implementation of what has been learned by the students. Working in small groups that organize and coordinate themselves.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Beuth, Klaus: Digitaltechnik - Elektronik 4, Vogel Verlag
Ulrich Tietze, Christoph Schenk, Eberhard Gamm: Halbleiter - Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Matthes, Wolfgang: Embedded Electronics 2 - Digitaltechnik, Elektor Verlag
Wagner, A.: Elektrische Netzwerkanalyse. - Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2001
Mathematik 2- PF
- 6 SWS
- 7 ECTS
- PF
- 6 SWS
- 7 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- solve integrals of different functions of a variable using different integration techniques
- solve homogeneous and inhomogeneous 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations
- Explain basic concepts of matrix theory
- Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Main theorem of differential and integral calculus, mean value theorem of integral calculus,
Integration techniques: elementary calculation rules, partial integration, substitution, partial fraction decomposition,
improper integrals,
Numerical integration (rectangular, trapezoidal and Simpson's rule)
Ordinary linear differential equations:
1st order linear differential equations: separation of variables, variation of constants, initial value problems
Linear differential equations of 2nd order with constant coefficients, general solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation (variation of the constant)
Electrical circuits and differential equations
Vector spaces, subspaces,
Linear independence, basis, dimension, kernel, image, rank of matrices,
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Mathematics 1
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Brauch/Dreyer/Haacke: Mathematik für Ingenieure, B.G. Teubner 1995
Stingl, Peter: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Carl-Hanser Verlag 1999
Papula, Lothar: Mathematische Formelsammlung, Vieweg, Braunschweig-Wiesb. 2000
Fetzer, Fränkel: Mathematik 1-2, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Preuß, Wenisch: Mathematik 1-3, Hanser-Verlag, 2003
Feldmann: Repetitorium Ingenieurmathematik, Binomi-Verlag, 1994
Physik 2- PF
- 3 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
On completion of the module, students will be able to apply basic knowledge relevant to electrical engineers in the field of oscillations, waves and optics and the underlying physical principles to problems.
The ability to abstract, problem-solve and criticize is trained. They have the ability to formalize verbally formulated problems and to recognize and justify the relevant scientific and physical background. They are able to independently develop new content on the basis of known material.
- Free harmonic oscillations
- Damped vibrations
- Forced vibrations
- Pendulum motions
- Superposition and coupling of oscillations
- Harmonic waves, their propagation, superposition
- Interference and diffraction
- Limits of the wave model
- Photoelectric effect and spectra
- Light propagation
- Geometrical optics
- Optical instruments (telescope, microscope,...)
- Wave optics
- spectral analysis
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Physics 1, Mathematics 1
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Tipler, Physik, Spektrum Verlag
3. Semester of study
Elektronik- PF
- 6 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 6 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students also know important basic circuits for practical applications. They understand their function and are able to assess the suitability of these basic circuits for typical applications and to develop and dimension corresponding functional units on the basis of common circuit solutions. Students know the basic terms, relationships and operating principles. On the basis of this basic knowledge, they will be able to familiarize themselves with the current state of the art and practical requirements.
- Physical basics
- pn junction, types of diodes
- Transistors (bipolar, field effect transistors)
- Operational amplifiers
- Passive components
Circuit technology:
- Fundamentals of circuit calculation (network analysis)
- Diode circuits
- DC and AC circuit calculations
- Small signal equivalent circuit diagrams
- Transistors in switching and amplifier operation
- Circuits with operational amplifiers and comparators
Teaching methods
In the exercises, this knowledge is deepened by solving problems using suitable methods.
In addition to theory, practical problems (development methodology, dimensioning, system integration)
are also addressed in both the lecture and the exercises;
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Böhmer, Erwin: Elemente der angewandten Elektronik, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Göbel, Holger: Einführung in die Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Horowitz, Paul: The art of electronics, Cambridge Univ. Press
Reisch, Michael: Elektronische Bauelemente, Springer Verlag
Sedra, Adel S.: Microelectronic circuits, Oxford University Press
Sze, S.M.: Physics of semiconductor devices, Wiley
Tietze, Ulrich; Schenk Christoph: Halbleiter - Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Grundlagenpraktikum 2- PF
- 3 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students are able to build and test elementary electronic circuits according to circuit diagrams. They can use laboratory power supplies, multimeters, function generators and oscilloscopes to check typical characteristic values and performance data as well as the respective mode of operation using measurement technology. The practical course supplements and applies the theory taught. Students practise the practical execution of measurement processes, the evaluation of measurement results, the documentation and presentation of the results. Students are taught to work on their tasks in a team and to coordinate their work. The practical course enables them to work safely with measuring equipment and procedures.
The experimental results should be presented in writing in a scientific report.
- Thread pendulum, spring pendulum, physical pendulum
- Mass moment of inertia, shear modulus (dynamic), Maxwell's wheel
- Adiabatic exponent according to Flammersfeld and Rüchardt, Mohr's balance
- Determination of measurement deviations and uncertainties
- Presentation of results in tables and diagrams; linear regression; linearization
- Measuring the behavior and relevant characteristics of semiconductor components (diodes, bipolar transistors, field-effect transistors)
- Construction and measurement of important basic circuits and compound circuits using active and passive components (diode circuits, basic transistor circuits).
- Transistor in switching and amplifier operation
- Operational amplifier circuits
- Toggle stages
Electrical engineering:
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Göbel, Holger: Einführung in die Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Ulrich Tietze, Christoph Schenk, Eberhard Gamm: Halbleiter - Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Böhmer, Erwin: Elemente der angewandten Elektronik, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Horowitz, Paul: The art of electronics, Cambridge Univ. Press
Matthes, Wolfgang: Embedded Electronics 1 - Passive Bauelemente, Elektor Verlag
Versuchsanleitungen zum Praktikum ET 2
Thomas Mühl - Einführung in die Elektrische Messtechnik
Rainer Parthier - Messtechnik
IT-Projekt- PF
- 5 SWS
- 7 ECTS
- PF
- 5 SWS
- 7 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Key skills - rhetoric and presentation in IT projects (SV)
- Preparing content in a target group-oriented way
- Applying the most important presentation principles
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Presenting the results developed in the team
Internship on the IT project (P):
- Working in a team
- Independent processing of projects
- Compliance with specified interface definitions and boundary conditions
- Implementation of the theoretical principles
- Use of different languages in a joint project
- Creation and documentation of sub-modules of complex software systems
Definition of rhetoric or applied rhetoric, means of persuasion according to Aristotle,
5 points for the success of a presentation:
- Goal and structure: topic, goal, target group, didactics, structure
- Personal communication + performance: language (body language, voice, content), clothing, personal appearance, dealing with the audience
- Design: media, slide design
- Group work: allocation of roles and tasks, teamwork
- Formalities: citation of sources
Internship on the IT project:
In this internship, the basic theoretical principles of software development and the key skills for project documentation and presentation are put into practice by working on a completed task that covers all relevant aspects
. Possible tasks are:
- Development of distributed software systems
- Programming ergonomic user interfaces (menus and window techniques)
- Programming of software interfaces from the specialist areas of specialization of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Programming tasks to solve engineering problems
- Research on the Internet or in the library relating to the functionality of real, technically implemented systems/devices
Teaching methods
Practical course in which various projects are carried out under guidance and given tasks.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Lewis R. W.: Programming industrial control systems using IEC 1131-3 (Rev. ed.)
Bonfati, Monari, Sampieri: IEC1131-3 Programming Methodology
Mohn, Tiegelkamp: SPS-Programmierung mit IEC1131-3
Rammer Ingo: Advanced .NET Remoting, Apress
MacDonald Matthew: User Interfaces in C#/VB.NET, Apress
Jones, Ohlund, Olson: Network Programming for .NET, Microsoft Pres
allgemeine Bücher zur SPS-Technik
Webseiten der Unternehmen WAGO und Beckhoff
Kai Luppa: Skript und Lastenheft zum IT-Projekt
Kai Luppa: Skript Grundlagen Programmierung / Softwaretechnik, FH Dortmund
Robin Nixon: Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning Php, Mysql, Javascript, Css & Html5), O'REILLY
W.H. Press et al., Numerical Recipes; Cambridge University Press, 2007
Rob Williams: "Real-Time Systems Development", Elsevier 2006
Jack Ganssle: "The Firmware Handbook", Elsevier 2004
Jack Ganssle: "The Art of Designing Embedded Systems", Newnes 2008
Thomas Kibalo: "Beginner's Guide to Programming the PIC32", Electronic Products, 2013
Cord Elias: "FPGAs für Maker", dpunkt.verlag, 2016
Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley 2009
Mehrphasensysteme- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
(generation of single-phase and multi-phase systems, symmetrical current and voltage systems, rotary generators, balanced and interlinked multi-phase systems);
- Three-phase systems
(symmetrically and asymmetrically linked three-phase systems, complex calculation, power measurement);
- Method of symmetrical components
(transformation rule and properties, equivalent circuit diagrams and measuring circuits);
- Simulation of unbalanced network states
(representation of parallel and longitudinal unbalances in symmetrical components, calculation of unbalances in the three-phase network);
- Three-phase transformers
(structure, areas of application, mode of operation, equivalent circuit, circuits, switching groups, symmetrical components in three-phase transformers, neutral point treatment)
Teaching methods
The lecture notes will be made available for download online.
Participation requirements
Content: Fundamentals of electrical engineering, in particular alternating current technology
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Flosdorff/Hilgarth: Elektrische Energieverteilung,
Clausert/Wiesemann/Hindrichsen/Stenzel: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik,
Schlabbach: Elektroenergieversorgung,
Harnischmacher: Skript zur Vorlesung Mehrphasensysteme.
Transformationen- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 4 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Time signals
rectangular, step, Dirac, si function, Fourier series, harmonic analysis/synthesis of non-sinusoidal periodic processes
- Transformations
Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Fast Fourier transform
- Systems
Convolution, transmission behavior, frequency behavior of networks, filter networks, locus curves, Bode diagram, spectra
- Discrete-time signals and systems
discrete Fourier transform, sampling theorem, z-transform, digital filter
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Mathematics 1 and 2, Electrical Engineering 1
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Moeller, Fricke u.a.: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Teubner, Stuttgart 1967
Martin Werner: Signale und Systeme, 3. Auflage, Vieweg+Teubner, 2008
Uwe Kiencke, Holger Jäkel: Signale und Systeme, 4. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien, 2008
Horst Clausert, Gunther Wiesemann: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 2: Wechselströme, Drehstrom, Leitungen, Anwendungen der Fourier-, der Laplace- und der z-Transformation, De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2002
4. Semester of study
Digitale Schaltungssynthese- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students can design, simulate and verify digital circuits according to specifications at register transfer level and implement them on an FPGA.
- Modeling at the data flow level
- Conditional and unconditional foggy instructions
- Design at the gate level
- Description with procedural language elements
- Arithmetic
- State machines
-Construction of FPGA logic devices
-Basics of circuit synthesis
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Reichardt/Schwarz: VHDL-Synthese (Oldenbourg)
Hoppe: Verilog (Oldenbourg)
Elias: FPGAs für Maker (dpunkt.verlag)
Jorke: Rechnergestützter Entwurf digitaler Schaltungen (fv)
Ashenden: Digital Design (Morgan Kaufmann)
Leistungselektronik- PF
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Contents: - Structure, function and properties of modern power semiconductors
- Non-commutating, grid-connected and self-commutated converter circuits
- Modulation methods
Practical applications:
- Inverter circuits in industrial applications
- DC/DC converters
Speed control by means of frequency inverter
- Speed control by means of frequency inverter
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Michel, Manfred: Leistungselektronik
Specovius, Joachim: Grundkurs Leistungselektronik
Schröder, D. Elektrische Antriebe – Band 4: Leistungselektronische Schaltungen, Felderhoff, R. Leistungselektronik
Probst, Uwe: Leistungselektronik für Bachelors
Brosch, P. F. Moderne Stromrichterantriebe
Versuchsanleitungen Fachpraktikum Leistungselektronik
Vorlesungsskript Leistungselektronik
Mess- und Testsysteme- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Practical course:
Students can operate various digital measuring devices and integrate them into automatic test stations. They can use graphical or script-based programming methods to implement automatic test sequences.
The following are covered in detail:
- Oscilloscope, logic analyzer, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer
- Function generator, pattern generator
- System multimeter, programmable power supply, load simulator
- Instrumented computers
- Modular, computer-aided test systems
- Programming methodology
- Test coverage, testability
- Optical test methods: Automatic optical inspection (AOI), X-ray inspection (AXI)
- Electrical test methods: Functional test (FKT), in-circuit test (ICT), flying probe test (FPT), boundary-scan test (JTAG)
Practical course:
Experiments are carried out on the following topics:
- Remote control of measuring devices via PC
- Programming of test sequences
- Measured value analysis and measurement data processing
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Students assemble various measuring devices into a test station or configure a test system for testing a specified assembly. They create simple test programs and evaluate measurement and test protocols.
Participation requirements
Content: Measurement technology
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Parthier, R.: Messtechnik, Springer, 2020
Schrüfer, E.; Reindl, L.; Zagar, B.: Elektrische Messtechnik, Hanser, 2018
Lerch, R.: Elektrische Messtechnik, Springer, 2016
Berger, M.: Test- und Prüfverfahren in der Elektronikfertigung, VDE, 2012
Hartl, H.; Krasser, E.; Söser, P.; Winkler, G.: Elektronische Schaltungstechnik, Pearson, 2019
Angermann, A.; Beuschel, M.; Rau, M.; Wohlfarth, U.: MATLAB – Simulink – Stateflow, De Gruyter, 2021
Stein, U.: Programmieren mit MATLAB, Hanser, 2017
Online-Dokumentationen und Tool-Hilfen zu MATLAB (MathWorks), LabVIEW (National Instruments), VEE (Keysight)
Diverse Unterlagen der Gerätehersteller
Mikrocontrollertechnik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students will be able to solve typical subtasks in the development of embedded systems in terms of programming and use the usual E-A equipment of microcontrollers (E-A ports, counters/timers, interface controllers, A/D converters). They are also able to make use of the means offered by the manufacturers to familiarize themselves with microcontroller families - i.e. integrated development environments and starter kits - in order to familiarize themselves with certain controller types.
. - Basic structure of microcontrollers and their use in applications
- Processor architectures (e.g. RISC-V)
- Pipelining
- Processor peripherals and interface technologies, such as AD and DA converters or pulse width modulation
- Typical communication interfaces (e.g. UART, SPI, I2C)
- Watchdogs, interrupts, timers and DMA principles
- Basics of hardware-related programming of microcontrollers
Practical course:
Experiments are carried out on hardware-related programming, which include basic functions of a microcontroller such as the use of E-A ports, a serial interface, interrupt service routines, watchdog mechanisms or a timer. The functions are discussed with the help of suitable peripheral modules (e.g. distance sensor).
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Students learn how to use microcontrollers to solve common technical problems.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Brinkschulte, Ungerer: „Mikrocontroller Mikroprozessoren“, Springer, 2010
Patterson, Hennessey: "Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface", Morgan Kaufmann, 2017
White: "Making Embedded Systems", O'Reilly Media, 2011
Regelungstechnik- PF
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- PF
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Theory of dynamic systems for the analysis and synthesis of control systems
- Theoretical and experimental modeling methods
- Design and parameterization of single-loop single-variable control systems
- Description of linear, continuous-time and systems in the time and frequency domain (state space representation, Laplace transformation, frequency response representation)
- Simple methods of stability analysis of control loops
- Standard transfer elements and controllers - treatment of meshed systems
- Heuristic and analytical methods of controller synthesis for single-loop single-variable control
- Experimental modeling
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Transformations
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Unbehauen, H.: Regelungstechnik 1
Sensorelektronik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Based on this knowledge, they will be able to understand electronic components in industry and take practical requirements into account during development.
Practical course:
Students are able to develop, dimension and construct practical circuits. Based on theoretical considerations, they are able to simulate these circuits, build the circuits and compare the measurement results with the previous calculations and simulations.
- Common electronic circuits for evaluation and control (e.g. converters, amplifiers, measuring bridges)
- Industry requirements (temperature range, interference immunity, accuracy, safety, durability)
- Practical properties of operational amplifiers
- Circuit dimensioning
- Circuit simulation
Sensor types, characteristics and methods:
- Basic terms and classification of sensors
- Position sensors (e.g. inductive, capacitive)
- Process sensors (e.g. temperature sensors, pressure sensors, flow sensors)
- Optical sensors
Practical course:
- Familiarization with SW tools for simulation and computer-aided design methodology
- Design and calculation of circuits
- Simulative consideration of circuits (DC, AC, transient)
- Construction and commissioning of circuits
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Students develop suitable circuit concepts based on a problem and dimension them using calculations and simulations. On the basis of constructed circuits, they evaluate the measurement results in comparison to expectations.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Baumann, Peter: Sensorschaltungen - Simulation mit PSPICE, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Bernstein, Herbert: Messelektronik und Sensoren, Springer Verlag
Fraden, Jakob: Handbook of Modern Sensors, Springer Verlag
Schiessle, Edmund: Industriesensorik, Vogel Verlag
Schmidt, Wolf-Dieter: Sensorschaltungstechnik, Vogel Verlag
Sedra, Adel S.: Microelectronic circuits, Oxford University Press
Tietze, Ulrich; Schenk, Christoph: Halbleiter - Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Diverse Handbücher der CAD-Anbieter
5. Semester of study
Elektronische Systeme- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Practical course:
Students will be able to implement an electronic circuit in the form of a printed circuit board with computer support. They know a standard CAD tool for PCB development and can use it. They will be able to assemble a circuit board, put it into operation and draw conclusions about possible improvements through measurements.
- Design methodology
- Overview of important CAD tools
- Types and use of components
- Printed circuit board technology
- Dimensioning of the printed circuit board and traces
- Conduction theory and application on printed circuit boards
- Signal propagation on printed circuit boards
- Line adjustments, termination
- Electromagnetic compatibility, interference avoidance
Practical course:
- Familiarization with SW tools for layout creation
- Application of the tools in the implementation of circuits in a PCB design
- Consideration of parasitic influences
- Commissioning and evaluation of the design objective
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Students convert circuit examples into a printed circuit board design using suitable software. After assembling and commissioning the circuit board, the function and any deviations are determined and documented using suitable measurements.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Bogatin, Eric: Signal and Power Integrity, Pearson Education
Franz, Joachim: EMV: Störungssicherer Aufbau elektronischer Schaltungen, Springer Verlag
Gustrau, Frank: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Hanser Fachbuchverlag
Lienig, Jens: Elektronische Gerätetechnik: Grundlagen für das Entwickeln elektronischer Baugruppen und Geräte, Springer Verlag
Schmidt, Manfred: Signalintegrität, Vogel Verlag
Thierauf, Stephen C.: High-speed Circuit board signal integrity, Artech House Publishers
Zickert, Gerhard: Leiterplatten - Stromlaufplan, Layout und Fertigung, Hanser Fachbuchverlag
Diverse Handbücher der CAD-Anbieter
Mikroelektronik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Practical course:
In the practical course, students learn how to use industrial design tools. They are able to design and simulate circuit diagrams. They can create and verify analog and digital layouts.
- Work steps of the analog circuit design
- Transistor models for manual calculation and simulation
- Current mirrors and cascoding
- Operating point setting circuits
- Bandgap voltage reference
- Inverting and differential amplifier
- Compensation of two-stage amplifiers
- Work steps of the digital circuit design
- CMOS logic gate
- CMOS memory elements latch, flip-flops, SRAM
Practical course
- CMOS transistor and circuit simulation
- Parameterized process corner and Monte-Carlo verification
- Creation of layouts
- Testing of process rules (DRC)
- Checking the circuit consistency (LVS)
- Synthesis of models in hardware description languages
- Place route of synthesized netlists
- Creation of clock networks
- Verification of digital circuit implementations
Teaching methods
Practical course:
In the practical course, the implementation of the methods is practiced on the basis of small technical problems and with the help of industrial tools.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits; Mc Graw Hill
Sansen, Analog Design Essentials, Springer
Modellbasierte Entwicklung- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Practical course:
Students can use model-based development tools and test generated implementation code.
The following are covered in detail:
- Implementation of requirements
- System behavior models
- Environment modeling
- Physical modeling (mathematical vs. component-based modeling approach)
- Implementation modeling (code generation for microcontrollers or with hardware description languages)
- Model-based testing: model-in-the-loop (MIL), software-in-the-loop (SIL), processor-in-the-loop (PIL), hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
Practical course:
Experiments are carried out on the following topics:
- Development of an environment model through the characterization and subsequent modelling of the environment
- Development of a functional model from system behavior to implementation modeling
- Accompanying model-based testing
Teaching methods
Practical course:
Students create and simulate models at various levels of abstraction at a PC workstation. They carry out model-based tests with microcontroller or FPGA experimental assemblies.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Pietruszka, W. D.; Glöckler, M.: MATLAB und Simulink in der Ingenieurpraxis, Springer, 2021
Hoffmann, J.; Quint; F.: Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB und Simulink, Oldenbourg, 2012
Online-Dokumentationen und Tool-Hilfen zu diversen Software-Tools der Firma MathWorks (z. B. MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Simscape)
Online-Dokumentationen zur Code-Generierung mit diversen Codern der Firma Mathworks (z. B. Embedded Coder)
Signalverarbeitung- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 6 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Practical course:
In the practical course, students learn how to use industrial design tools to simulate and design digital and analog filters. They are able to determine the appropriate filter characteristics from the requirements of an application.
- Passive high and low pass filters as RLC network
- Transfer functions and frequency response
- Operational amplifiers and their basic circuits
- Analog/digital and digital/analog conversion
- Nyquist criterion for the sampling rate
- Design and implementation of digital filters
Practical course:
Experiments are carried out on the following topics:
- Simulation of filter circuits (e.g. with MATLAB)
- Implementation of analogue filter circuits
- Modeling and implementation of digital filter circuits (e.g. with FPGA)
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Internship: ungraded proof of participation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Hoffmann, J.; Quint, F.: Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB und Simulink, Oldenbourg, 2012
Hoffmann, J.; Quint, F.: Signalverarbeitung in Beispielen, Oldenbourg, 2016
Werner, M.: Digitale Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB, Springer, 2019
Meyer-Baese, U.: Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Springer, 2007
Kundert, K. S.; Zinke, O.: The Designer’s Guide to Verilog-AMS, Springer, 2004
Lapsley, P.; Bier, J.; Shoham, A.; Lee, E. A.: DSP Processor Fundamentals, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1997
Automatisierung ereignisdiskreter Systeme- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Automata
- Petri nets
Behavior of discrete-event systems
- Behavior of automata
- Behavior of Petri nets
Control design of discrete-event systems
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Control engineering, PLC technology
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Datenanalyse mit Python- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
. apply them. They are able to familiarize themselves with the use of further numerical methods and Python libraries
- Importing data sets in various formats
- Visualization of two- and three-dimensional data sets
- Numerical and statistical processing of data
- Image manipulation and analysis
- Fitting and optimization methods
The methods presented include general approaches from data processing and visualization and
optimization. The focus of the course is on the practical application of the methods using generic and subject-specific examples
The subject-specific application examples used come from the field of environmental technology and the energy market and are continuously adapted.
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2, basics of programming
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Elektronische Steuergeräte- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Control unit HW: printed circuit board and electronic components (electronics)
- Control unit SW: Control and regulation technology algorithms (computer science)
- Sensors and actuators, e.g. electromechanical components (mechanics)
Using practical examples from the field of control and regulation of DC motors, the focus is on the development of electronics and, in particular, software algorithms for control units. Model-based methods for development and testing with the professional software tools MATLAB, Simulink and Simscape (MathWorks) are used. A practical introduction to these software tools will be given:
- Possibilities for modeling and simulating dynamic systems
- Examples: RC element, RL element, DC motor (mode of operation and control)
There is also a practical introduction to model-based software development for embedded systems:
- Options for modeling and simulating software algorithms
- Options for generating code for microcontroller development boards
- Practical examples for the control and regulation of DC motors
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Angermann, A.; Beuschel, M.; Rau, M.; Wohlfarth, U.: MATLAB – Simulink – Stateflow, De Gruyter, 2021
Pietruszka, W. D.; Glöckler, M.: MATLAB und Simulink in der Ingenieurpraxis, Springer, 2021
Schäuffele, J.; Zurawka, T.: Automotive Software Engineering, Springer, 2016
Abel, D.; Bollig, A.: Rapid Control Prototyping, Springer, 2006
Online-Dokumentationen und Tool-Hilfen zu diversen Software-Tools der Firma MathWorks (z. B. MATLAB, Simulink, Simscape)
Embedded Systems- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Architecture of practice-relevant process units (e.g. systems-on-chip, field-programmable gate arrays)
- Digital/analog assemblies of sensors and actuators (e.g. time-of-flight, global positioning system)
- Bus systems/interfaces and their application for linking digital assemblies
- Basic knowledge of hardware software code design
- Design and programming of sensor and actuator systems to solve a technical problem
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Microcontroller technology, basics of programming
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Lee, Seshia: "Embedded Systems - A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach", MIT Press, 2017
Marwedel: "Eingebettete Systeme - Grundlagen eingebetteter Systeme in Cyber-Physikalischen Systemen", Springer, 2021
Energiewelt Heute und in der Zukunft- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Teaching methods
The lecture notes will be made available for download on the internet.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Gebäudesimulation- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Knowledge of the procedure for simulation studies
- Overview of the different types of simulation methods and their differentiation
- Evaluate the applicability of simulation methods for the respective task
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
- Gieseler, U.D.J., Bier, W., Heidt, F.D.: Combined thermal measurement and simulation for the detailed analysis of four occupied low-energy buildings. Proceedings of the 8th Intern. IBPSA Conf., Building Simulation, Eindhoven (2003) vol. 1, pp. 391-398
- Gieseler, U.D.J; Heidt, F.D.: Bewertung der Energieeffizienz verschiedener Maßnahmen für Gebäude mit sehr geringem Energiebedarf, Forschungsbericht, Fachgebiet Bauphysik und Solarenergie, Universität Siegen, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart (2005)
- Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN): DIN V 18599: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden, Beuth Verlag, Berlin (2018)
- Baehr, H.D., Stephan, K.: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2006)
- Klein, S.A., Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A.: TRNSYS - A Transient Simulation Program, ASHRAE Trans. 82 (1976) pp. 623 ff
Green-Tech-Challenge- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Grundlagen der Finite Elemente Methode- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Infrastruktursysteme der Energieversorgung- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
These transformation processes result in adjustments and optimization in the electrical supply grid due to changes in the generation and consumer structure, both in grid planning and in grid operation.
This requires innovative solutions based on the integration of renewable energy sources into existing supply systems and the increasing use of electromobility.
The associated optimization of maintenance processes for plant operators requires strategy development and optimization of operational processes in the area of asset management (according to ISO 5500X) for plant operators.
In this module, students learn the fundamental issues in the field of grid planning under the framework conditions of digital transformation and the integration of renewable energy sources and electromobility.
After completing the module, students will be familiar with the necessary adjustments to the grid structure and the associated grid planning processes. They will be able to apply this knowledge to necessary adjustments in the area of grid structure and grid planning processes.
- Basics of grid planning
- Fundamentals of electromobility charging infrastructure from a grid planner's perspective
- Process flows in asset management according to ISO 5500X
- Maintenance processes for various grid operating resources
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Innovative Isoliersysteme- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Insulating materials - single-material dielectrics
Insulation material system - multi-material dielectrics
Evaluation of insulating materials and insulating material systems
Interfaces and field controls
Production of insulation systems and QA measures
Example of operating equipment: Insulation systems for rotating electrical machines
Example of equipment: Nanoparticle-filled epoxy resin system
Innovative self-healing insulating materials
Example of equipment: Cable insulation
Example of equipment: HVDC backer for mixed loads
Monitoring and diagnosis of insulation systems
Teaching methods
Seminar presentation (optional)
1-2 excursions (optional & by arrangement)
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
A part of the examination can be acquired in advance by arrangement in the context of lecture-related seminar presentations.
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
A. Küchler: Hochspannungstechnik
Kraftwerksanlagen- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Energy sources - occurrence, properties and use in Germany, the EU and the world;
Electricity - product, market and prices;
Structure of the electricity supply - grids and grid usage;
Power plants - energy conversion, technologies, costs and business studies Development - coal, nuclear power, gas, CCGT, CHP, industrial power plants;
Promotion and prospects for renewable energies - wind, water, biomass, sun, sea;
Storage - water, batteries, hydrogen, gas, "Norway", power-to-X,
Operation and maintenance, digitalization in power plant technology
Security of supply / "energy transition" - power plant deployment, cost structures, supply and demand
Power generation projects / power plant construction - from the idea to commissioning - determining and evaluating profitability
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
VDI: Kraftwerkstechnik: zur Nutzung fossiler, nuklearer und regenerativer Energiequellen
Funke: Skript zur Vorlesung Kraftwerksanlagen
Light Technology- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Knowledge of the measurement methods of the basic quantities.
- Understanding of how different light sources work.
- Knowledge of the requirements for interior lighting.
- Understanding the relationship between light generation and energy consumption.
- Application of radio and photometric quantities to evaluate light sources
with regard to their use inside and outside buildings.
- Foreign language skills (English)
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises are held in English.
Participation requirements
Content: Mathematics (especially differential and integral calculus)
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Lighting Press International (LPI), PPVMEDIEN, periodical (English/German)
Hentschel, H.-J.: Licht und Beleuchtung, Hüthing Verlag, Heidelberg (2002)
Gall, D.: Grundlagen der Lichttechnik, Pflaum Verlag München (2007)
Schubert, E.F.: Light Emitting Diodes, E-Book, Cambridge University Press (2006)
Jacobs, A.: SynthLight Handbook, Low Energy Architecture Research Unit, LEARN,
London Metropolitan University (2004),
Modellbasierte Methoden der Fehlerdiagnose- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- Definition and classification of fault diagnosis techniques
- Model-based fault detection and diagnosis
Description and analysis of technical systems
- Modeling
- Fault detectability, isolability and identifiability
Parity equation and parity space approach Observer-based fault diagnosis
- Observer design
- Observer bank
Fault diagnosis methods considering unknown inputs
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Content: Control engineering
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
J. Chen, R.J. Patton: Robust Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems, Springer, 1999
Nachhaltigkeit- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
45 h
45 h
Learning outcomes/competences
As part of the seminar-based course, students strengthen key skills such as structured documentation & presentation of work results, as well as their discussion in the group.
- Ecological sustainability, energy management, environmental management, sustainable mobility
- Economic sustainability: sustainability in business management
- Social sustainability and ethics of sustainability
- Supplements for the preparation of essays (reports and presentations)
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Netzstrategien und innovative Netzbetriebsmittel- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Grid planning / Innovative planning approaches and operating concepts / Implementation of digitalization in the grids
Smart metering and measuring systems, use of information and communication technology in the grid sector, smart household technology (smart home)
Voltage regulators (rONT, wide-range regulation, electronic regulators)
Intelligent local substations, charging stations for electric vehicles, controllable mains switches
Storage systems (home storage, grid storage, power to gas, ...)
Superconductors, Weather-related overhead line utilization, high-temperature conductor cable
Smart energy grids (high, medium and low voltage)
Grid strategies
Future role of grid operators
Teaching methods
The lecture notes will be made available for download on the web. In addition, there is film material to deepen the respective content as well as various specialist articles.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Mathias Uslar, Michael Specht, Christian Dänekas, Jörn Trefke, Sebastian Rohjans, José M. González, Christine Rosinger, Robert Bleiker: Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architectures and Standards
Sterner, Michael, Stadler, Ingo: Energiespeicher - Bedarf, Technologien, Integration
Wolfgang Schellong: Analyse und Optimierung von Energieverbundsystemen
Stefan Willing: Skript zur Vorlesung Netzstrategien und Innovative Betriebsmittel
Diverse Fachartikel
Numerische Mathematik- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
- design algorithms for the numerical solution of classical mathematical problems (solving equations, differential & integral calculus, differential equations)
- apply numerical interpolation methods
- assess the performance of a numerical algorithm in terms of its runtime
- analyze the convergence of a numerical algorithm
- present the advantages and disadvantages of machine learning methods
- recognize areas of application of Monte Carlo methods.
- Numerical solution of equations with one variable
- Interpolation
- Numerical differential & integral calculus
- Numerical solution of differential equations
- Numerical solution of systems of equations
- Approximation theory
- Random numbers & Monte Carlo simulations
- Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Teaching methods
The numerical methods are put into practice in calculation and programming tasks and students are enabled to independently design numerical solutions for practical applications.
The solutions are presented and discussed in the joint practice sessions.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
-Zurmühl: Praktische Mathematik, Springer
-Huckle, Schneider: Numerische Methoden, Springer
-Gerlach: Computerphysik, Springer (Einführungskapitel)
Schaltnetzteile- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
-Design rules of the LC filter
-Dimensioning of the switching stage
-Controller design and stabilization
-Extraction of the controller properties through simulation
-Gap and non-gap operation
-Current control
-Hysteresis control
-Multiphase and multilevel converters
-Zero current and zero voltage switching
-Resonant operation
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Choi, Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion: Circuits, Dynamics, and Control Designs, Wiley IEEE-Press, 2013
Special electrical machines and drives- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Students learn about various requirements for which standard machines can no longer be used. On the one hand, they can explain why special machines are required and, on the other, why the special machines used meet the exact requirements. For each machine, its design, areas of application and operating behavior are explained and evaluated.
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Technisches Englisch- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
- WP
- 3 SWS
- 3 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
Ability to read, understand and communicate operating and programming instructions, technical data sheets, data sheets.
Students can create and give a presentation in English on technical topics
Specific features of technical literature (technical periodicals, technical sheets) / Specific features of technical literature (technical periodicals, technical sheets)
Technical translations German / English and English / German / Technical translations German / English and English / German
Preparation of a presentation in English / Working out an English presentation
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
6. Semester of study
Praxissemester- PF
- 2 SWS
- 30 ECTS
- PF
- 2 SWS
- 30 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
The module aims to train and consolidate students' decision-making skills by:
- Expanding application-related knowledge using practical examples;
- Creation of in-service documentation;
- Deepening presentation techniques.
The following areas of activity may be considered in particular: project planning, planning, parameterization, service and counseling, design, development, production, manufacturing, testing, operation and support of infrastructure, power plant and grid operation, energy sales and trading, energy management, assembly, maintenance, business and time management, sales, information technology, IT, quality management, safety management and operational research.
The practical semester is usually completed in the sixth semester and covers a continuous period of at least 20 weeks.
In the engineering field of work, a challenging project from all areas of electrical engineering is used to teach the approach and problem-solving strategies of an engineer when solving tasks. Students can thus gain insight into the connections between practical training and studies and link the newly acquired knowledge with the course content.
In a written report and a presentation followed by a discussion, each student presents themselves, the practical placement and their work. The preparation of this presentation trains the ability to give written and oral reports and to evaluate and delineate tasks and results. In addition to their own presentation, students must listen to a set number of presentations by fellow students as part of the practical seminar. This also provides insights into other fields of activity and broadens the horizon of experience beyond their own practical semester.
Teaching methods
Report, presentation and discussion.
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Presentation of the certificate of sufficient cooperation from the practice center.
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
Thesis- PF
- 0 SWS
- 14 ECTS
- PF
- 0 SWS
- 14 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
In the colloquium, the results of the work are to be presented in the form of a specialist lecture. Students should present the key points, methods and problem areas of the thesis in a concise form. Students are proficient in techniques for presenting, explaining and defending the results obtained in the field of work dealt with in the thesis. They can take part in a specialist discussion on the topics of the thesis, place them in the respective overall industrial framework and answer questions about scientific solutions and their boundary conditions;
The Bachelor's thesis is usually completed in the sixth or seventh semester and covers a continuous period of 12 weeks.
The specified deadlines can be found in the examination regulations.
The Bachelor's thesis is completed with a specialist presentation as part of a colloquium. The thematically defined task area of the thesis is worked through and presented using engineering methods.
Argumentation chains for the chosen approach and the content-related approach to the work are formed and discussed.
Teaching methods
Participation requirements
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Importance of the grade for the final grade
7. Semester of study
Betriebliche Praxis- PF
- 0 SWS
- 10 ECTS
- PF
- 0 SWS
- 10 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
Learning outcomes/competences
or other institutions of professional practice.
In particular, it should serve to apply and reflect on the knowledge and skills acquired during previous studies by working on a specific task.
The description, explanation and presentation of the solution worked on are part of the module and already serve as preparation for the Bachelor's thesis.
The task comes from one of the subject areas available in the study program.
Students are supported by a mentor from the university while working on the project.