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Bachelor Energiewirtschaft mit Praxissemester

Fast facts

  • Department


  • Stand/version


  • Standard period of study (semester)


  • ECTS


Study plan

  • Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 6. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 7. Semester

Module overview

1. Semester of study

Elektrotechnik 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Based on the fundamentals of physics, basic electrical engineering knowledge is developed in this module. In addition to teaching technical skills, the introduction to engineering thinking and working methods plays an important role. The topics covered enable students to analyze simple direct and alternating current networks.
Students gain a basic understanding of basic electrical engineering variables and the interaction of variables in direct current networks and linear quasi-stationary alternating current networks as well as their description using complex variables.


Based on the fundamentals of physics, some terms and fundamental relationships in electrical engineering are first explained. In addition to the usual mathematical notation, symbolic representation using circuit diagrams is also introduced. In particular, the description of electrical engineering processes using mathematical formulas is discussed.

In  DC technology, resistors and sources are introduced as components and simple basic circuits are considered. Technical realizations are also discussed and practical examples are considered. Finally, the generalization of Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's rules leads to mesh current and node potential analysis of networks.
- Physical basics: electrical charges, electrical voltage, electrical current
- Energy transfer in linear networks
- Ohm's law
- Electrical sources: Impressed voltage source, Impressed current source, Linear source with internal resistance
- Branched circuit: Two-pole as a switching element, two-pole networks and Kirchhoff's laws, series connection of two-pole networks, parallel connection of two-pole networks
- Network transfigurations, substitute sources
- Network analysis: node potential analysis, mesh current analysis

In AC technology, the analysis methods known from DC technology are extended to AC networks
- Harmonic alternating quantity as a time diagram and in complex representation
- Basic bipoles R, C, L
- Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws in the complex
- Pointer diagram
- Node potential analysis and mesh current analysis in complex
- Power and energy at fundamental bipoles
- Two-pole with phase shift, power and energy, complex power
- Frequency dependencies with RL/RC bipoles, locus curves, frequency response
- Resonant circuit and resonance: series resonance, parallel resonance, locus curves, Bode diagram


Teaching methods

The lecture conveys the theoretical content. Based on typical tasks, corresponding practical problems are dealt with promptly in the associated exercises, practical problems are discussed and solutions are developed.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Wagner, A.: Elektrische Netzwerkanalyse, Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2001
Lindner, Brauer Lehmann: Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 2001
Frohne, Löcherer, Müller: Moeller Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden 2002

  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Standards and safety technology:
Students acquire an understanding of the origin, structure and application of standard systems and are able to implement the most important electrical safety standards in practice in operational processes. They know the duties, tasks and responsibilities of a qualified electrician.
Scientific work:
Students can work and think scientifically. They understand the basics of scientific work through empiricism and experiments.
They know the formal structure of a scientific publication, in particular technical reports, can cite correctly and are aware of the problem of plagiarism.
You have knowledge of basic mathematical applications of measurement error analysis and statistics.


Standards and safety technology
- Dangers of electric current
- Terms and organization of electrical safety (including tasks, duties and safety of the electrician)
- Principles and protective measures of electrical engineering
- The relevant electrical safety standards
- Structure of the standards system, international, European, national
- Laws, ordinances and accident prevention regulations
- Selected practical safety solutions

Scientific work:
- Preparation of a scientific report
- Structure: Abstract, introduction, presentation of the work, summary, appendix
- Layout: text, graphics, formulas, citations
- Scientifically correct citation methods
- Scientific misconduct (plagiarism)
- Measurement error, standard deviation, variance, linear adjustment calculation
- Gaussian error propagation, error of magnitude
- Use of spreadsheet programs and programs for word processing


Teaching methods

Standards and safety technology:
The specialist knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is demonstrated in practical application. Examples are used to deepen the theoretical knowledge. The lecture notes and exercises as well as the laboratory regulations will be made available for download in the online learning portal.

Scientific work:
The lecture conveys the theoretical content. Based on typical tasks, corresponding practical problems are dealt with promptly in the associated exercises.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


DIN VDE 0100 Errichten von Starkstromanlagen
BGV Unfallverhütungsvorschriften
Vorschriften der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
VDE-Schriftreihe Normen Verständlich; „Betrieb von elektrischen Anlagen“; Verfasser: Komitee 224
Hohe, G.; Matz, F.: VDE-Schriftreihe Normen Verständlich; „Elektrische Sicherheit“
Vorlesungsskript Normen und Sicherheitstechnik

Vorlesungskript „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“
Prof. Striewe & A. Wiedegärtner, „Leitfaden für Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten am ITB“, FH Münster
N. Franck, J. Stary, „Die Technik wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens“, Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag
M. Kornmeier, „Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht – für Bachelor, Master und Dissertation“, UTB Verlag
K. Eden, M. Gebhard, „Dokumentation in der Mess- und Prüftechnik“, Springer Verlag
H & L. Hering, „Technische Berichte“, Springer Vieweg Verlag


Mathematik 1
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 7 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

After completing this module, students will be able to
- apply mathematical techniques
- use the mathematical language of formulas
- name essential properties of real functions and recognize their relevance for the representation of states or processes in nature or in technical systems
- calculate limits of sequences and functions and examine functions for continuity
- apply the techniques of differential calculus for functions of a variable, carry out curve discussions and approximations of functions with Taylor polynomials
- apply the basic arithmetic operations and types of representation of complex numbers to problems in electrical engineering
- apply the basic concepts and methods of linear algebra, in particular methods for solving systems of linear equations.


Symmetry, monotonicity, asymptotes, continuity, sequences, concept of limits, calculation rules
Differential calculus: derivation, derivation of basic mathematical functions, derivation rules, mean value theorem, extreme points, de L'Hospital's rule, curve discussion, Taylor expansion,
Representation of functions by Taylor series, error and approximation calculation for Taylor developments
Complex numbers: Basic arithmetic operations, forms of representation - Cartesian and polar representation, complex roots
Vector calculus: vectors in R^n, basic definitions, calculation rules and operations, scalar product, orthogonality, projection, cross product, spar product
Determinants of second, third and general order, Laplace's development theorem, calculation rules for determinants
Matrices: basic concepts and definitions, arithmetic operations, inverse matrix,
Linear systems of equations: Gaussian algorithm, description by matrices, solving matrix equations
Application examples for matrices and systems of linear equations

Teaching methods

A lecture conveys the basic knowledge of analysis and linear algebra. The teaching of the theoretical foundations is supported by numerous examples and exercises/control questions. In the exercises, students work independently on solving problems and thus deal with the concepts, statements and methods from the lecture.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific module handbook


Brauch/Dreyer/Haacke: Mathematik für Ingenieure, Vieweg+Teubner 2006
Fetzer, Fränkel: Mathematik 1 (2008), Mathematik 2 (1999), Springer-Verlag
Knorrenschild, Michael: Mathematik für Ingenieure 1, Hanser-Verlag, 2009
Papula, Lothar: Mathematik für Ingenieure 1 (2009), 2 (2007), 3 (2008), Vieweg+Teubner
Papula, Lothar: Mathematische Formelsammlung(2006), Vieweg+Teubner
Preuß, Wenisch: Mathematik 1-3, Hanser-Verlag, 2003
Stingl, Peter: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Carl-Hanser Verlag 2003

Physik 1
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 5 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

By successfully completing the module, students have acquired basic knowledge of mechanics and thermodynamics. Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to
- apply physical laws to problems from engineering practice
- abstract problems
- filter out relevant information from problems and calculate the problems using the physical principles they have learned
- formalize verbally formulated problems and recognize and justify the relevant scientific and physical background
- name the limits within which the physical principles they have learned apply and carry out error estimates
- independently develop new content based on the material covered
- deal with problems in a solution-oriented and critical manner


- Kinematics
- Newton's axioms
- Forces
- Reference systems and apparent forces
- Central body problems
- Dynamics of the mass point and systems of mass points
- Dynamics of rigid bodies
- Mechanics of deformable bodies

Thermodynamics :
- Process and state variables
- Thermal expansion, gas laws
- Heat as an energy carrier, main laws of thermodynamics
- Thermodynamic machines, cyclic processes
- Phase transformations
- Heat transport


Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises with independent solving of practical tasks, independent development of teaching material

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Basic knowledge of mathematics, differential and integral calculus, vector calculus

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific module handbook


Hahn, Physik für Ingenieure, 2. Auflage, De Gruyter Oldenbourg Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-035056-2
Tipler, Physik, Spektrum Verlag

Softwaretechnik 1
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students learn the basic concepts of programming applications using the Python programming language. This includes the ability to analyze and model a specific task and to program with a modern development environment and test the results obtained. As part of Software Technology 1, particular emphasis is placed on a structured and readable programming style and the application of functional and object-oriented paradigms. After completing Software Engineering 1, students have a sound knowledge of object-oriented software development and can apply this to tasks in the context of their studies and career.  


Software technology 1:
- Data types, variables, operators
- Objects and references
- Control structures and repeat statements
- Functions and their parameters
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance
- Exception handling
- Collections


Teaching methods

The knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a lecture, which is a combination of theoretical presentations and exemplary program developments. In the exercises, tasks related to the lecture material are solved, thus deepening the lecture material and developing solutions for given problems.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
In terms of content: none

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Luppa, K.: Vorlesungsskript und Übungsunterlagen Softwaretechnik 1
Klein, B.: Einführung in Python 3. Hanser
Ernesti, J; Kaiser, P: Python  3: Das umfassende Handbuch: Sprachgrundlagen, Objektorientierte Programmierung, Modularisierung. Rheinwerk
Kofler, M.: Python: Der Grundkurs. Rheinwerk
Downey, A.: Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist. O'Reilly

2. Semester of study

Elektrotechnik 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Basic specialist knowledge and methodological skills are acquired in the two areas of "measurement technology" and "fields".
Students are familiar with the principles and methods of electrical measurement. They know the properties of electrical measuring devices and can evaluate the deviations and uncertainties of measurement results. They will be able to select suitable devices for various measurement tasks. They are familiar with the basic differences between digital and analog measurement.
Students know the elementary quantities and relationships of electric and magnetic fields and can reproduce them. On this basis, they are able to calculate and roughly estimate the field distributions and effects of basic field-generating arrangements for constant and time-varying quantities. Students will be able to transfer their basic field knowledge to typical arrangements and equipment in electrical engineering (e.g. insulator, capacitor, transformer, cable) and apply it to basic problems and tasks relating to this equipment.


"Measurement technology" area:
- Standards, terms, units and norms
- Measurement signals and their characterization (analogue, digital, rectified, effective and average values)
- Measurement of electrical quantities (current, voltage, resistance, power and energy)
- Measurement deviation and measurement uncertainty, complete measurement result
- Oscilloscopes
- Time and frequency measurement

"Fields" area:
The electrostatic field:
- Basic concepts, electric charge, surface charge density, displacement flux density, potential, field strength, energy density, forces
- Homogeneous field in the plate capacitor, inhomogeneous field distribution with point charges, concentric spheres, coaxial cylinders, parallel round conductors
The magnetic field
- Flow, magnetic field strength, flux density, flux, magnetic voltage, permeability, energy density
- Induction, generator principle, transformer principle
- long conductor, double line, coaxial line, coil as toroid, transformer, transformer
 Representation of electric and magnetic field problems using equivalent circuit diagrams


Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to elementary examples and practical problems are dealt with.
Reference is made to practical applications.


Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Bereich „Messtechnik“
Thomas Mühl: Einführung in die Elektrische Messtechnik
Rainer Parthier: Messtechnik
Schrüfer: Elektrische Messtechnik

Bereich „Felder“
Führer, Heidemann, Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 1, Hanser, 2020
Albach: Elektrotechnik, Pearson, 2020

  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students should determine the reproducibility of theoretical expected values in practical tests under real conditions using the knowledge acquired in the Engineering Methodology module in practical experiments on the fundamentals of electrical engineering. They can carry out the measurement processes and evaluate the measurement results. Students can work on their tasks in a team and coordinate their work. They present the experimental results in writing in a scientific report.
The practical course enables them to work confidently with measuring devices and procedures as well as computer-based tools.


Students carry out practical experiments on the fundamentals of electrical engineering in intensively supervised small groups. In this context, students gain practical experience in dealing with methods, components, setups, measuring devices and computer-based tools.

The electrical engineering experiments can include the following topics, for example:
- Node potential analysis of linear direct current networks
- Complex fundamental bipoles
- Frequency-selective voltage divider
- Working with the oscilloscope
- DA converter
- Measuring magnetic and electric field quantities

Teaching methods

Practical experiments in the laboratory. Working in small groups that organize and coordinate themselves.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

ungraded certificate of attendance

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed, i.e. ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade



Wagner, A.: Elektrische Netzwerkanalyse, Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2001
Thomas Mühl: Einführung in die Elektrische Messtechnik
Rainer Parthier: Messtechnik
Versuchsanleitungen und Beschreibungen

Mathematik 2
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 7 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

After completing this module, students will be able to
- solve integrals of different functions of a variable using different integration techniques
- solve homogeneous and inhomogeneous 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations
- Explain basic concepts of matrix theory
- Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Integral calculus(one-dimensional): Basic function, indefinite integral, definite integral,
Main theorem of differential and integral calculus, mean value theorem of integral calculus,
Integration techniques: elementary calculation rules, partial integration, substitution, partial fraction decomposition,
improper integrals,
Numerical integration (rectangular, trapezoidal and Simpson's rule)
Ordinary linear differential equations:
1st order linear differential equations: separation of variables, variation of constants, initial value problems
Linear differential equations of the 2nd order with constant coefficients, general solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation (variation of the constant)
Electrical circuits and differential equations
Vector spaces, subspaces,
Linear independence, basis, dimension, kernel, image, rank of matrices,
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Teaching methods

A lecture provides advanced knowledge of analysis and linear algebra. The teaching of the theoretical foundations is supported by numerous examples and exercises/control questions.
In the exercises, students work independently on solving problems and thus deal with the concepts, statements and methods from the lecture.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Mathematics 1

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Papula, Lothar: Mathematik für Ingenieure 1-3, Vieweg, Braunschweig-Wiesb. 2000
Brauch/Dreyer/Haacke: Mathematik für Ingenieure, B.G. Teubner 1995
Stingl, Peter: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Carl-Hanser Verlag 1999
Papula, Lothar: Mathematische Formelsammlung, Vieweg, Braunschweig-Wiesb. 2000
Fetzer, Fränkel: Mathematik 1-2, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Preuß, Wenisch: Mathematik 1-3, Hanser-Verlag, 2003
Feldmann: Repetitorium Ingenieurmathematik, Binomi-Verlag, 1994

Physik 2
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Mastering the subject of oscillations, waves and optics means understanding the nature of electromagnetic waves and being able to calculate simple optical and analytical applications.
On completion of the module, students will be able to apply basic knowledge relevant to electrical engineers in the field of oscillations, waves and optics and the underlying physical principles to problems.
The ability to abstract, problem-solve and criticize is trained. They have the ability to formalize verbally formulated problems and to recognize and justify the relevant scientific and physical background. They are able to independently develop new content on the basis of known material.


'Vibrations and waves:
- Free harmonic oscillations
- Damped vibrations
- Forced vibrations
- Pendulum motions
- Superposition and coupling of oscillations
- Harmonic waves, their propagation, superposition
- Interference and diffraction
- Limits of the wave model
- Photoelectric effect and spectra

- Light propagation
- Geometrical optics
- Optical instruments (telescope, microscope,...)
- Wave optics
- spectral analysis

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises with independent solving of practical tasks, independent development of teaching material

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Physics 1, Mathematics 1

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Hahn, Physik für Ingenieure, 2. Auflage, De Gruyter Oldenbourg Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-035056-2
Tipler, Physik, Spektrum Verlag

Softwaretechnik 2
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students learn how to develop modern graphical user interfaces (GUI) and client/server applications with TCP/IP in the Python programming language. This includes advanced concepts such as the processing of events and concurrent processes. As part of Software Technology 2, particular emphasis is placed on distributed applications in layered architecture. After completing Software Technology 2, students will have extensive knowledge of the Python programming language and TCP/IP-based network communication, which they can apply to complex tasks in their studies and careers.
In the internship, students deepen their knowledge of software engineering 1 and 2 by working on a specific task. They develop an integrated solution with network communication and graphical visualization. Students learn to structure and document their tasks and present their results. In the practical course, the theoretical content of Software Technology 1 and 2 is applied and deepened in a practice-oriented manner. Students learn how to use modern development tools.



Software technology 2:
- Tkinter widgets
- Event processing
- Layout management
- Client/server applications with TCP/IP
- Coding
- Parallel processing and concurrency

Practical course in software engineering 2:
1. programming a GUI application for a chat application
2. programming a TCP/IP communication for a chat application
3. merging parts 1 and 2 in consideration of concurrency


Teaching methods

The knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a lecture, which is a combination of theoretical presentations and exemplary program developments. In the exercises, tasks related to the lecture material are solved, thus deepening the lecture material and developing solutions for given problems.

Practical course:
Practical experiments in the laboratory and exercises on the computer. Working in small groups that organize and coordinate themselves.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Contents of the module Software Engineering 1

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Luppa, K.: Vorlesungsskript, Übungsunterlagen sowie Praktikumsanleitung Softwaretechnik 2
Moore, A. D.: Python GUI Programming with Tkinter. Packt
Roseman, M.: Modern Tkinter for Busy Python Developers
Grayson, J. E.: Python and Tkinter Programming. Manning
Rhodes, B.; Goerzen, J.: Foundations of Python Network Programming. Apress


  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students are able to differentiate between the levels of economics and understand the typical aspects of economic modeling and are able to explain microeconomic relationships such as the functioning of markets. They are able to apply market structures and price concepts such as competitive and monopoly prices and understand adjustment processes in markets. They understand the connection between cost structure and market design. Students understand the role of the state in Business Studies and how to deal with public goods such as the environment. Students have knowledge of macroeconomic dependencies and conflicting goals as well as specific macroeconomic modeling. They understand macroeconomic control options and can critically evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.


The fundamentals of economics cover the basic areas relevant for a general understanding of economics:
- Methods and explanatory approaches, micro- and macroeconomics
- Division of labor and markets
- Competition and monopoly   
- Theory of production: technology, costs and supply
- Theory of consumption: utility, budget and demand
- Tasks of the state in Business Studies
- Allocation, distribution, stabilization
- Taxes and state price regulation
- Public goods, environmental pollution
- Schools of thought in macroeconomics
- National accounts
-  Economic modeling
- Monetary and fiscal policy

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises to consolidate the basics

Participation requirements


Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade



Bofinger, P.: Grundzüger der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 5. Auflage, Pearson Verlag, Hallbergmoos, 2019
Bofinger, P.; Mayer E.: Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Das Übungsbuch, 4. Auflage, Pearson Verlag, Hallbergmoos, 2020
Mankiw, N. G.; Taylor, M. P.: Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 8. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2021
 Engelkamp, P.; Sell, F. L.: Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre, 8. Auflage, Springer Gabler, 2020
Varian, H. : Grundzüge der Mikroökonomik, De Gruyter, 2016
Blanchard, O.; Illing, G.: Makroökonomie, 8. Auflage, Pearson, 2021
Piper, N.: Die großen Ökonomen, Schaeffer-Poeschel, 1996
Putnoki, H, Hilgers, B: Große Ökonomen und ihre Theorien: ein chronologischer Überblick, 2. Auflage, Wiley, 2013

3. Semester of study

Anwendungssoftware und Schlüsselqualifikationen
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 7 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Lecture (V) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):
- Students know the structure, function and application of ERP systems
. - They understand the concept of mapping company organizations in software products
- They explain the central business processes of a company in logistics
- You use methods for analyzing and mapping business processes in an ERP system

IT project:
Lecture (V): Stages of software development
Students should acquire a sound knowledge of important aspects and basic principles of current software development and apply them to smaller projects using examples.

Key competencies - rhetoric and presentation in IT projects (SV)
- Preparing content in a target group-oriented way
- Applying the most important presentation principles
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Presenting the results developed in the team

Internship on the IT project (P):
- Working in a team,
- Independent processing of projects,
- Compliance with specified interface definitions and boundary conditions
- Implementation of the theoretical basics from the lecture
- Application of different languages in a joint project
- Creation and documentation of sub-modules of complex software systems

Key skills - rhetoric and presentation in the ERP project (SV)
- Preparing content in a target group-oriented way
- Applying the most important presentation principles
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Presenting the results developed in the team

Practical course (P):
- You will repeat the relationships developed in the lecture using case studies in randomly assembled teams of 2
- You will apply logistics business processes (materials management, production and sales, finance) in ERP systems
- You will model organizational structures of exemplary companies
- Understand and explain the networking/integration of different logistics processes


Lecture (V)
- Business processes in the company and their support by ERP systems
- Structure and use of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
- Overview of existing standard software

Key competencies - rhetoric and presentation in ERP projects:
Definition of rhetoric or applied rhetoric, means of persuasion according to Aristotle,
5 points for the success of a presentation:
- Goal and structure: topic, goal, target group, didactics, structure
- Personal communication + performance: language (body language, voice, content), clothing, personal appearance, dealing with the audience
- Design: media, slide design
- Group work: allocation of roles and tasks, teamwork
- Formalities: citation of sources

Practical course (P):
- In the internship, several case studies of a discrete manufacturing company (Global Bike Incorporated) in an SAP R/3 demo system
    a complete cycle from the customer order to the purchase of raw materials
. - The organizational structure of the company is explained and used within SAP R/3
- The master data is recorded in the areas (materials management, purchasing, production and sales).
- The business processes in materials procurement, production order processing and sales processing are set up and implemented.
- The processes learned are documented independently and prepared for presentations of what has been learned.

IT project:
Lecture: Stages of software development
In an IT project (hardware and software) today, the software is the main time and cost factor. It must meet increased quality criteria because it is practically no longer possible for developers to intervene during use. This means that the development of software today must be organized in an engineering manner, compared to the more "artistic-creative" program development of the early years. This realization has given rise to the discipline of software engineering. The lecture conveys important aspects of current software technology (software engineering): Life cycle models, requirements analysis, object-oriented design, quality assurance, testing and verification, modularization.

Key competencies - rhetoric and presentation in IT projects:
Definition of rhetoric and applied rhetoric, means of persuasion according to Aristotle,
5 points for the success of a presentation:
- Goal and structure: topic, goal, target group, didactics, structure
- Personal communication + performance: language (body language, voice, content), clothing, personal appearance, dealing with the audience
- Design: media, slide design
- Group work: allocation of roles and tasks, teamwork
- Formalities: citation of sources

Internship on the IT project:
In this practical course, the basic theoretical principles of the courses - stages of software development - key competencies - are put into practice by working on a comprehensive task that covers all relevant aspects
. The tasks are as follows:
- Development of distributed software systems
- Programming ergonomic user interfaces (menus and window techniques)
- Programming of software interfaces from the specialist areas of specialization of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering


Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented in the seminar-style lecture and explained with the interactive involvement of the students. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and the link to practical application is established. The use of standard software is used to develop and deepen the handling of the systems. Using application and case studies, students apply their knowledge in practice and thus deepen their professional competence. They learn to describe operational issues in detail, analyze them and combine them with an IT-supported solution. The application examples are designed as teamwork and thus promote communication skills and the use of technical terms. The presentation of the results to an audience promotes students' rhetoric and presentation skills.

IT project:
A lecture teaches the basic principles of software development. The teaching of the theoretical principles is supported by numerous examples and tasks/control questions.

Seminar-based course in which students reflect on their project work as a group, are supervised by colleagues, analyze and consider the most important success factors for teamwork, analyze and practice the optimal documentation and presentation method for the respective project; discussion in and feedback from the group takes place.

Practical course in which various projects are carried out under guidance and given tasks.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

ERP: Presentation and oral examination
IT project: Presentation of the project results on the basis of a mandatory written elaboration followed by an oral examination.

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Online Dokumentation für GBI 3.3 SAP University Alliances
Drumm, Knigge, Scheuermann, Weidner: Einstieg in SAP ERP, Rheinwerk Verlag
Prof. Dr. Jan-Philipp Büchler: Leitfaden zum Anfertigen von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Lehrstuhl für allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Global Business Management

Hans Brandt-Pook, Rainer Kollmeier Softwareentwicklung kompakt und verständlich. Wie Softwaresysteme entstehen Vieweg und Teubner, ISBN 978-3-8348-0365-8
Forbig P.; Kerner I. O., Lehr-und Übungsbuch Softwareentwicklung, Carl-Hanser Verlag (2004)
Mayr Herwig, Projektengineering, Carl_Hanser Verlag (2001)
Schneider Uwe, Werner Dieter, Taschenbuch der Informatik, Carl-Hanser Verlag (2004)
Matthäus, Wolf-Gert, Grundkurs Programmieren mit Delphi, Vieweg (2006)
OATs, IEC 61131-3 Programming, Dr. Friedrich Haase (2005)
Lewis R. W.: Programming industrial control systems using IEC 1131-3 (Rev. ed.)
Bonfati, Monari, Sampieri: IEC1131-3 Programming Methodology
Mohn, Tiegelkamp: SPS-Programmierung mit IEC1131-3
Prof. Dr. Frank Ley Projektbeschreibungen
Rammer Ingo: Advanced .NET Remoting, Apress
MacDonald Matthew: User Interfaces in C#/VB.NET, Apress
Jones, Ohlund, Olson: Network Programming for .NET, Microsoft Pres
Skriptauszüge aus  Zentrale und Verteilte Gebäudesystemtechnik von Prof. Dr. Aschendorf
allgemeine Bücher zur SPS-Technik
Webseiten der Unternehmen WAGO und Beckhoff
Kai Luppa: Skript und Lastenheft zum IT-Projekt
Kai Luppa: Skript Grundlagen Programmierung / Softwaretechnik, FH Dortmund
Robin Nixon: Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning Php, Mysql, Javascript, Css & Html5), O'REILLY


Betriebswirtschaftliche Lösungsmethoden
  • PF
  • 6 SWS
  • 8 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Part of Business Administration:
After successful participation, students will be able to recognize and classify the interrelationships of daily Business Studies. They will have an overview of the essential business management functions within the procurement/production and distribution of goods as well as overarching business management functions such as financing and corporate management. Another focus is on the logistics chain such as purchasing, warehousing and transportation: areas that are very close to engineering.

Part of corporate accounting:
External accounting: Students will understand the basics of external accounting. They understand the basics of bookkeeping and the preparation of annual financial statements. They can prepare a profit and loss account, a balance sheet and a cash flow statement and interpret the data.
Internal accounting: Students know the essential elements of cost and activity accounting. They know the cost types, cost center and cost unit accounting. They can interpret the data generated by internal accounting in terms of the descxheider.
Financial and investment calculations: Based on interest and compound interest calculations, students master the basic mathematical tools for evaluating future and past cash flows. They are familiar with the basic quantitative methods that are regularly used in business management issues, e.g. in financial and investment accounting. They know the basics of valuation and decision-making under uncertainty.



Part Business Administration
- Fundamentals of Business Studies
- Production management (systems) (production function, cost function, basic concepts of production planning)
- Materials management and logistics (basic terms, material requirements planning, SCM)
- Subsection and marketing
- Special topics financing, taxes, corporate management
- Corporate management (management)

Part of corporate accounting:
- Areas of corporate accounting (overview)
- Bookkeeping
- Annual financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow
- Tasks of internal accounting
- Cost element accounting and cost center accounting
- Cost unit accounting and contribution margin accounting
- Cost accounting systems
- Interest and compound interest calculation, annuities and annuities
- Static and dynamic methods of profitability calculation
- Dynamic investment calculation with present value calculation and internal interest rate

Teaching methods

Lectures with exercises

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Wöhe, G., Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, München (2016)
Weibler, J. 2001. Personalführung. Verlag Vahlen.
Günther H.-P. und Tempelmeier H.. 2012. Produktion und Logistik. Springer Verlag
Benz, J. und M. Höflinger. 2011. Logistikprozesse mit SAP. Vieweg+Teubner.
Franke, G. und Hax, H. 2003. Finanzwirtschaft des Unternehmens und Kapitalmarkt . Berlin: Springer Verlag.
A. Burger, S. Burger-Stieber, Grundlagen der Buchführung, Springer-Gabler, 2018
B. Britzelmaier, Controlling, Pearson, München, 2013
K. Nickenig, C. Wesselmann, Angewandtes Rechnungswesen, Springer, 2014
J. Zimmermann, J.R. Werner, J.-M. Hitz: Buchführung und Bilanzierung nach IFRS und HGB, 4. Auflage, Pearson, München, 2019
L. Buchholz, R. Gerhards: Internes  Rechnungswesen, 3. Auflage, Springer Gabler, 2016
M. Mumm, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, 3. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, 2019
HGB, Handelsgesetzbuch
IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards

Fachspezifische Grundlagen
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 7 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students will be familiar with the economic fundamentals of electrical energy supply. They understand the market mechanisms and the legal and regulatory foundations of the energy market.  They understand the division of tasks between the competitive functions of electricity production, energy trading and sales as well as regulated electricity transmission and distribution. They know the market structures and the mechanisms necessary for them to function. Students understand the role of generation and storage systems and the tasks of energy procurement, energy trading and energy portfolio management. They deal with energy sales. They know the structure of electricity transmission in Germany.
Students will be able to explain the main components of the liberalization of the energy markets and understand the advantages of the European energy market. They know the current framework for action in the energy industry in Germany and Europe, which is accompanied by a fundamental change in generation and demand structures caused by increasing digitalization and awareness of climate change.
You will be able to transfer the knowledge gained from the electricity industry in particular to other grid-based systems, i.e. the natural gas industry in particular.

Competition in the grid-based energy supply requires complex communication and data structures. In the practical course, these structures necessary for the modern energy world are examined in more detail. The students should become familiar with the IT systems necessary for the functioning of the modern energy world, which enable data exchange between the market partners.


In the fundamentals of energy economics, the fundamental, competing requirements for grid-bound energies, such as reliability and availability, market and competition,
environmental protection and resource conservation are addressed. Students are given an overview of the most important aspects of the energy industry. These include:
- Reserves and resources
- Energy balances and energy efficiency
- Legal framework of the energy industry, including relevant EU directives, EnWG and associated regulations, EEG, ...
- Markets for electricity

- Market roles in the market for grid-bound energy
- Communication and data exchange
- Energy balancing and balancing group management
- Business Studies of electricity generation and storage
- Trading and portfolio management
- Analysis and forecasting
- Characteristics of electricity distribution
- Characteristics of electricity grids and regulation
- Climate change, energy transition and smart energy systems

Students work with a standard system for energy data management that is also used in Business Studies. Contents of the work with this system include
- Process and data structures for energy suppliers and grid operators, data exchange between participants in the energy market
- Principles of load forecasting
- Business Studies of a system consisting of generation and storage


Teaching methods

Lectures with exercises and practicals

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Ströbele, W.; Pfaffenberger, W.; et al: Energiewirtschaft: Einführung in Theorie und Politik , 4. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2020
Bhattacharyya, S. C.: Energy Economics - Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance, 2. Auflage, Springer Verlag, 2019
Konstantin, Panos: Praxisbuch Energiewirtschaft, 4. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, 2017
Georg, J. H.: Stromvertrieb im digitalen Wandel, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019
Mitto, L.: Energierecht, Kohlhammer, 2019  
Unterlagen zur  Veranstaltung Energiewirtschaft, Füg, ILIAS, FH-Dortmund
Praktikumsbeschreibungen, Füg, ILIAS FH Dortmund

Fachspezifische Lösungsmethoden
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students learn the basic properties and calculation methods of electrical multiphase systems. They should be able to analyse multiphase systems and recognize the characteristic features of multiphase supply networks and installations. They should be able to master calculation methods for symmetrical and asymmetrical states of the three-phase network and apply them to specified equivalent circuit diagrams. The effect of different neutral point treatments on the network behavior should be clear to the students.


'- Introduction
(generation of single-phase and multi-phase systems, symmetrical current and voltage systems, rotary generators, balanced and interlinked multi-phase systems);
- Three-phase systems
(symmetrically and asymmetrically linked three-phase systems, complex calculation, power measurement);
- Method of symmetrical components
(transformation rule and properties, equivalent circuit diagrams and measuring circuits);
- Simulation of unbalanced network states
(representation of parallel and longitudinal unbalances in symmetrical components, calculation of unbalances in the three-phase network);
- Three-phase transformers
(structure, areas of application, mode of operation, equivalent circuit, circuits, switching groups, symmetrical components in three-phase transformers, neutral point treatment)

Teaching methods

The theoretical specialist and methodological knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge imparted is applied and deepened using practical examples.
The lecture notes will be made available for download online.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Fundamentals of electrical engineering, in particular alternating current technology

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management


Happoldt/Oeding: Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze,
Flosdorff/Hilgarth: Elektrische Energieverteilung,
Clausert/Wiesemann/Hindrichsen/Stenzel: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik,
Schlabbach: Elektroenergieversorgung,
Harnischmacher: Skript zur Vorlesung Mehrphasensysteme.

Mathematische Lösungsmethoden
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 4 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Basic electrical engineering course that provides important mathematical methods and tools for advanced courses such as control engineering, electrical machines, power electronics and communications engineering. Students master both continuous-time and discrete-time signal and system description as well as the corresponding representations in the frequency domain. They will be able to independently apply the various mathematical methods to specific tasks in electrical engineering, e.g. for circuit and controller design.


'- Time signals
        rectangular, step, Dirac, si function, Fourier series, harmonic analysis/synthesis of non-sinusoidal periodic processes
- Transformations
        Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Fast Fourier transform
- Systems
        Convolution, transmission behavior, frequency behavior of networks, filter networks, locus curves, Bode diagram, spectra
- Discrete-time signals and systems
        discrete Fourier transform, sampling theorem, z-transform, digital filter


Teaching methods

In the lecture, the theoretical basics are taught in presentations. By using software (e.g. MATLAB, Octave or SciLab) in the lecture framework, this knowledge is put into practice and deepened. In the exercises and homework, the acquired knowledge is applied by working on practical tasks. References are made to applications in further courses.


Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Mathematics 1 and 2, Electrical Engineering 1

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Arnold Führer, Klaus Heidemann, Wolfgang Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2011
Moeller, Fricke u.a.:   Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Teubner, Stuttgart 1967
Martin Werner: Signale und Systeme, 3. Auflage, Vieweg+Teubner, 2008
Uwe Kiencke, Holger Jäkel: Signale und Systeme, 4. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien, 2008
Horst Clausert, Gunther Wiesemann:  Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 2: Wechselströme, Drehstrom, Leitungen, Anwendungen der Fourier-, der Laplace- und der z-Transformation, De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2002

4. Semester of study

Energieinformationstechnik und Leitsysteme
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Energy information technology and control systems:
Students learn the design and structures of energy information technology and control systems that are used to monitor and control electrical energy networks in the energy industry. This includes process coupling and the parameters of telecontrol systems, network-based communication standards, structured operating concepts and hierarchical data models. Particular emphasis is placed on open and manufacturer-independent standards, which are used to explain process data types, coding of information elements and basic application functions. Students also learn about the structure of intelligent metering systems and the requirements of the technical guidelines of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).  After completing Energy Information Technology and Control Systems, students have extensive and practical knowledge of grid control and telecontrol technology as well as intelligent metering, which they can apply to tasks in their studies and careers.   

In the internship, students deepen their knowledge of energy information technology and control systems using a specific task and components from the energy industry. They parameterize a communication interface from telecontrol technology to network control technology. Students learn how to parameterize the various system levels and apply their knowledge to a practical project. Using a process data simulator, students learn how to log and analyze "real" energy information and control technology telegrams. Students learn how to analyze SML telegrams.



Energy information technology and control systems:
- System structure and components of telecontrol systems
- Digital and analog process data coupling
- Interfaces and relevant standards:
   IEC 60870 "Telecontrol equipment and systems"
   IEC 61850 "Communication networks and systems for automation in electrical power supply"
- Control system structures and components, control levels, definition of terms
- Applications of control technology, project planning and parameterization
- Structure and application of intelligent measuring systems
- Technical guideline of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
- OBIS (Object Identification System) code number system
- Meter reading and load profiles
- Smart Message Language (SML)

Practical course:
1. IEC 60870-5-104 Process data simulation and telegram recordings
2. IEC 60870-5-104 Parameterization and telegram analysis
3. SML telegram analysis


Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and thus the lecture material is deepened and solutions are developed for given problems.

Practical course:
Practical experiments in the laboratory and exercises on the computer. Work in small groups that organize and coordinate themselves.


Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Software technology 1+2

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Luppa, K.: Vorlesungsskript, Übungsunterlagen sowie Praktikumsanleitung Energieinformationstechnik und Leitsysteme
Schwab, A. J.: Elektroenergiesysteme, Springer Vieweg
Crastan, V., Westermann, D.: Elektrische Energieversorgung 3, Springer
Buchholz B. M., Styczynski, Z.: Smart Grids, Springer
Aichele, C.: Smart Energy, Springer Vieweg
Rumpel, D., Sun, J. R.: Netzleittechnik, Springer
IEC 60870-5 Normenreihe
BDEW Whitepaper Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme
BSI Technische Richtlinie TR-03116


Energierecht und -politik
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students are familiar with the main features and functions of German and European law, they are able to classify energy policy developments and observe the resulting energy legislation in everyday business life.


'- Function, effect and creation of law'- Basics of European law, civil law and public law
- Legal foundations of energy law
- Procedures, approval procedures, legal protection
- Political framework conditions and trends; European and German energy policy
- Current energy policy topics

Teaching methods

Lecture and exercise

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Gesetzes- und Verordnungstexte
Reshöft , Schäfermeier. 2019. EEG Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz. Nomos.
Schöne, T. Vertragshandbuch Stromwirtschaft Praxisgerechte Gestaltung und rechtssichere Anwendung. EW Verlag.
Bundesnetzagentur. 2022. Monitoringbericht 2021. Berlin.
Baur, Salje, Schmidt-Preuß. 2016. Regulierung in der Energiewirtschaft. Carl Heymanns Verlag.
PWC. 2020. Entflechtung und Regulierung in der deutschen Energiewirtschaft. Haufe Verlag.

Handel, Vertrieb und Portfoliomanagement
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students will deepen the knowledge gained in the lecture Fundamentals of Energy Economics in the area of the competitively organized energy industry. They understand the requirements for generation and storage in the energy industry and can explain modern concepts such as virtual power plants. You will be able to carry out economic feasibility studies for generation systems, also taking into account electricity storage systems.
They know the various markets for electricity, the exchanges and OTC market, the balancing energy markets and other marketing options necessary for system stability, such as power plant reserve, grid reserve and capacity reserve. Students know and understand the products and derivatives traded on the respective markets, their price mechanisms and bid structures and are able to evaluate them economically. Students know different concepts for the presentation of business models and can apply these to the energy market. They understand the special tasks of sales for a commodity such as electricity. They understand the task of sales, including customer acquisition and retention, in an energy market in which the boundaries between generation and sales are becoming increasingly blurred due to increasing self-generation. You will understand concepts for the management and timing of demand. They are familiar with various approaches to forecasting loads and prices and can carry out load forecasts.
Students will understand how an electricity portfolio is made up of generation, trading and sales and how it should be managed. Students understand the basics of risk management and hedging in the energy market.

Practical course:
Students will be able to carry out complex forecasts using standard energy market software.
They understand the technical/economic optimization of systems consisting of generation and storage facilities based on professional power plant deployment optimization.
You will be able to carry out complex profitability assessments of energy systems.



Generation and storage:
- Business Studies of centralized and decentralized generation and storage systems
- Markets for generation including balancing energy, grid and capacity reserve
- Optimizing the use of power plants
Trading, portfolio management and risk management:
- Areas of responsibility in electricity trading
- Analysis, load and price forecasts
- Valuation and management of the energy portfolio
- Trading products: futures, forwards, options and other derivatives
- Risk management processes and hedging in energy trading
 Sales and distribution:
-  Sales tasks and business models for electricity sales
- Customer loyalty, switching processes, tariff models
- Contractual relationships
- Billing processes and accounting

- Power plant deployment optimization
- Dynamic profitability calculation
- Forecasting using neural networks


Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises:
Theoretical specialist and methodological knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and the link to practical application is established.

Practical course:
Selected topics from the lecture are addressed using practical examples. In particular, standard software, which is also used in the energy industry, is used.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


'Ströbele, W.; Pfaffenberger, W.; et al: Energiewirtschaft: Einführung in Theorie und Politik , 4. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2020
Bhattacharyya, S. C.: Energy Economics - Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance, 2. Auflage, Springer Verlag, 2019
Konstantin, Panos: Praxisbuch Energiewirtschaft, 4. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, 2017
Georg, J. H.: Stromvertrieb im digitalen Wandel, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019
Köhler-Schute, Ch.: Wettbewerbsorientierter Vertrieb in der Energiewirtschaft: Kundenverlustprävention, neue Geschäftsfelder und Produkte, optimierte Geschäftsprozesse, KS-Energy, 2011
Köhler-Schute, Ch.: Wettbewerbsorientierter Vertrieb in der Energiewirtschaft: Der Kunde im Fokus – Vertriebspotenziale nutzen und Prozesse optimieren, KS-Energy, 2015
Zenke, I.; Wollschläger, St.; Eder. J. (Hrsg): Preise und Preisgestaltung in der Energiewirtschaft, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015
Hull, J.C.: Optionen, Futures und andere Derivate, 10. Auflage, Pearso, 2019
Unterlagen zur  Veranstaltung Handel, Vertrieb und Portfoliomanagement, Füg, ILIAS, FH-Dortmund
Praktikumsbeschreibungen, Füg, ILIAS FH Dortmund

  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students know the basics of electrical interconnection, transportation and distribution networks as well as common methods for calculating load flow and short circuits. They will be able to apply these methods for the standard-compliant dimensioning of supply systems and will be able to understand and evaluate electrical power supply systems and grids using equivalent circuit diagrams. In addition, they will be able to apply the basic calculation methods required for the standard-compliant design of electrical supply systems and networks.

Practical course:
Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the Networks course and use it for the computer-aided analysis of supply networks. The analysis steps, boundary conditions and statements to be obtained are to be worked out and implemented independently. Using manageable network examples, students should develop an awareness of the problems of large-scale supply networks, network indicators and optimization options. Students gain practical experience with a powerful cloud-based network analysis tool as well as with the maintenance and handling of database-based network data models.



- Electrical grids (tasks and grid principle, circuits and voltage levels, grid structures, load profile and power plant use, load characteristics, degree of simultaneity)
- Grid calculation and power flow in undisturbed operation (equivalent circuits of lines, voltage drop, natural power, reactive power problems, load shifting)
- Short-circuit current calculation (short-circuit causes, fault types and short-circuit effects, short-circuit current progression over time, faults remote from the generator and near the generator, short-circuit current calculation using the equivalent voltage source method)
- Star point treatment (symmetrical components, earth faults, earth fault compensation, low-resistance star point earthing)

Practical course:
Practical examples and supply situations are analyzed using computer-aided network calculation. The focus is on classic analysis methods such as load flow and short-circuit calculation as well as grid data input. In addition, further network investigations, such as failure simulations, GIS-based network inputs, protection and selectivity analyses, are carried out using selected examples. The practical course is carried out online to familiarize students with cloud-based working methods.

Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture by means of blackboard and slide work, non-animated and animated presentations. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge imparted is applied to manageable network sections and examples and the reference to practical application is established. Typical project examples and larger network configurations are presented with network calculation tools. The lecture notes and collections of exercises are made available for download on the web.

Practical course:
The network analyses are carried out independently by the students at computer workstations, processed and then briefly presented. The operation of the software tools is demonstrated and appropriate assistance is offered. An analysis evaluation must be created in file form for each task.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Fundamentals of electrical engineering, multiphase systems

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Oeding D., Oswald, B.R.: Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Flosdorff, R., Hilgarth, G.: Elektrische Energieverteilung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag Wiesbaden
Heuck, K.; Dettmann, K.-D.;Schulz, D.: Elektrische Energieversorgung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Schlabbach, J.: Elektroenergieversorgung,VDE-Verlag Berlin
Nelles, D. u.a.: Kurzschlussstromberechnung, VDE-Verlag Berlin
Pistora, G.: Berechnung von Kurzschlussströmen und Spannungsfällen, VDE-Verlag Berlin
Harnischmacher: Skript zur Vorlesung Netze, Praktikumsanleitung, Software-Tutorial

Netzwirtschaft und Regulierung
  • PF
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

After successfully completing this module, students will be familiar with the regulated grid business and the operator strategies based on it. They know in detail the mechanisms and influencing factors of incentive regulation and can generate and evaluate corresponding factors from company data.


Network economy and regulation:
- Fundamentals of regulation with historical development
- EU requirements, implementation variants in Europe, mapping in the German Energy Industry Act
- Regulatory models, role of grid operators and competitive market participants
- Regulation of electricity and gas grids (regulatory objectives, regulatory methods - cost regulation, regulatory methods - quality regulation, efficiency, DEA and SFA procedures,  incentive regulation, revenue cap)
- Grid usage calculation (principles of grid cost calculation, cost allocation)
- Grid topologies / voltage levels
- Market roles (transmission system operator, balancing energy, balancing energy, distribution system operator, load profile procedure)


Teaching methods

Lecture and exercise

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination


Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Gesetzes- und Verordnungstexte
Ausführungsbestimmungen der BNetzA
Bundesnetzagentur. 2022. Monitoringbericht 2021. Berlin
PWC. 2020. Entflechtung und Regulierung in der deutschen Energiewirtschaft -Band I Netzwirtschaft. Auflage 5. Haufe Verlag
Mahn, U und A. Klügl. 2018. Netzzugang Strom einfach erklärt. VDE Verlag
Seidel, M. u.a. 2020. Netzentgelte Strom einfach kalkuliert. VDE Verlag
Mahn, U. 2018. Anreizregulierung einfach erklär. VDE Verlag

Rationelle Energieanwendung
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students are given an overview of energy conversion technologies for covering useful energy requirements (particularly in buildings). They learn to understand their functional principles and the possible applications. They will gain knowledge of corresponding evaluation parameters such as efficiency and coefficient of performance and will be able to calculate these evaluation parameters themselves. This enables them to carry out comparative assessments of technologies with regard to the lowest possible energy consumption. Students should be able to calculate the energy requirements for buildings to ensure the thermal comfort of their users and be able to evaluate and compare the various methods for covering these energy requirements in terms of energy efficiency.


- Motivation for rational energy use
- Factors influencing the energy demand
- Energy demand calculation
- Heating systems
- Combustion systems
- Solar thermal systems
- Heat pumps
- Cooling systems
- Local and district heating
- Ventilation systems and installations
- Heat recovery
- Light and lighting technology

- Building heat balance
- Heat recovery efficiency
- Efficiency
- coefficient of performance
- Light yield

Practical course:
- Characteristic curve of the solar cell
- Coefficient of performance of the heat pump
- Luminous efficacy of lamps


Teaching methods

The lecture teaches the basics and possible applications of technologies for the rational use of energy.
The exercises allow the material to be deepened by setting tasks on technical and, in particular, energy-related contexts, which the students first work on independently and then discuss together.
In the practical course, various experiments are carried out using technologies for the rational use of energy under the guidance and specification of tasks.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Physics 1 (thermodynamics), Physics 2 (fundamentals of energy conversion)

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Miara et al.: Wärmepumpen, Heizen - Kühlen - Umweltenergie nutzen, BINE Fachbuch, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart (2013)
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN): DIN V 18599: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden, Beuth (2018)
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN): DIN EN ISO 7730: Ermittlung des PMV und des PPD und Beschreibung der Bedingungen für thermische Behaglichkeit, Beuth (2005)
Gieseler, U.D.J; Heidt, F.D.: Bewertung der Energieeffizienz verschiedener Maßnahmen für Gebäude mit sehr geringem Energiebedarf, Forschungsbericht, Fachgebiet Bauphysik und Solarenergie, Universität Siegen, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart (2005).
Hastings, R; Wall, M. (Editors): Sustainable Solar Housing – Volume 1: Strategies and Solutions, Volume 2: Exemplary Buildings and Technologies, Published by Earthscan on behalf of the International Energy Agency (IEA), London (2007)
Prehnt, M. (Herausgeber): Energieeffizienz, Springer, Heidelberg (2010)

5. Semester of study

Betriebsmittel der Energietechnik
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Lecture/ exercise:
Students know the basic operating equipment and components of electrical energy systems. They will be able to specify and justify their essential functions, properties and basic design features. They are able to interpret technical specifications of the equipment and know typical tests for acceptance and operational monitoring.
They can reproduce and interpret the importance of the individual components and equipment for the safe and economical operation of the electrical energy system.
Practical course:
Students can accompany selected component-specific operational and quality assurance tests as well as acceptance tests. They are able to evaluate and interpret the test results.

Students are able to work on their tasks in a team and document their results.


Functions, properties and design features of selected components and equipment of electrical energy systems. These include,
among others - Insulators and overvoltage protection devices of medium and high-voltage overhead line systems
- Medium-voltage cables
- Bushings for medium and high-voltage lines
- Current and voltage transformers for medium and high-voltage networks
- Switches and switchgear for medium and high-voltage switchgear
- Power transformers, block transformers, grid coupling transformers, local grid transformers
- Devices for voltage regulation (including tap changers, controllable local network transformers, longitudinal regulators)

Practical course:
Component-specific test procedures and processes for checking characteristic properties from technical specifications and for operational monitoring, including ...
- High-voltage tests on insulating arrangements and their statistics
- Functional testing of surge protection devices
- Partial discharge measurement on selected insulating arrangements and equipment

Teaching methods

Lecture and exercise:
The theoretical knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture by means of blackboard and slide work, non-animated and animated presentations. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and the reference to practical application is established.

Practical course:
As a rule, three laboratory experiments are carried out. The high-voltage experiments are carried out by the students under the guidance of the lecturer. The students work on the test setup, carry out the switching processes and the measurements. The test evaluation is worked out in teams. The setup, execution and measurement results are recorded in an experiment report.
The report also includes the theoretical references to physics and the high-voltage components in practice.
Literature research and source searches at the manufacturing companies are recommended;

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation and internship report

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided. The report must have been submitted and accepted by the deadline.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


'- Schwab, A. J.: Elektroenergiesysteme, 4. Aufl., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
- Heuck, K.: Elektrische Energieversorgung, 9. Aufl, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2013
- Küchler, A.: Hochspannungstechnik, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
- Skriptum zur Vorlesung

Datenverarbeitung und -sicherheit
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

The students have detailed knowledge of the requirements and implementation of secure data systems and the relevant IT systems in the energy industry   In particular, they know the legal requirements of the IT Security Act, BSI Act, BSI Criticism Ordinances, IT Security Catalog (EnWG §11Abs. 1a) and (EnWG §11Abs. 1b)  as well as the implementation instructions of the standards DIN ISO/IEC 27001, DIN ISO/IEC 27002 and DIN ISO/IEC TR 27019 for the assets in the scope of application, such as control and telecommunication systems, IT inventory systems, such as EDM, GIS, market communication and process control systems. Students also know the difference between standard and customized software, the structure and functional scope of application systems in the energy industry, such as ERP, billing, EDM, GIS systems and the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in common processes in the energy industry, such as GPKE (business processes for supplying customers with electricity) and IoT applications. Initial approaches to cyber-physical systems are known.
In addition to specialist knowledge, students have also acquired key qualifications in this module.

Comprehensive RPAs including the development of process models and robots and the implementation of testing can be carried out.



- Threat situation and potential threats to critical infrastructures, in particular energy grids (TSOs, DSOs) (further consideration of the intelligent metering point operator (iMSO) and energy systems)
- statutory requirements (IT Security Act, BSI Act, BSI Criticality Ordinances, IT Security Catalog (EnWG §11 para. 1a), IT Security Catalog (EnWG §11 para. 1b), BSI Technical Guideline (TR-03109))
- Critical business processes and their modeling (notation: EPK, BPMN2.0, ...)
- Standards (DIN ISO/IEC 27001, DIN ISO/IEC 27002, DIN ISO/IEC TR 27019)
- Management system (information security and data protection)
- Risk management (protection requirements, assets, threats, vulnerabilities, damage categories according to the IT security catalog of the BNetzA (Federal Network Agency))

- Application software
- Application systems in the energy industry
- SAP architecture
- SAP for Utilities
- Cloud applications
- IoT architecture
- Approaches to cyber-physical systems


- Development of a process model in the RPA environment
- Development of robots in the RPA environment
- Application of IT security measures

Teaching methods

Seminar-style course, practical implementation of the construction and testing of a secure and robust data system for controlling and monitoring energy networks.

Practical course:
Development of RPAs for e.g. GPKE in the energy industry on a common RAP software in the IT laboratory.


Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


'Appelrath, H, u.a. 2012. IT-Architekturentwicklung im Smart Grid.
bitkom und VKU. 2015. Praxisleitfaden IT-Sicherheitskatalog.
BDEW: Whitepaper- Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme
BDEW: Ausführungshinweise zur Anwendung des Whitepaper - Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunkationssysteme
BDEW: Checkliste zum Whitepaper - Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme
BSI: Technische Richtlinie TR-03109, TR-03109-1 bis TR-03109-6 sowie Testspezifikationen (TS)
BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik). 2015. KRITIS-Sektorstudie – Energie.
Jacob, O. 2008. ERP Value. Springer Verlag.
Matros, R. 2012. Der Einfluss von Clod Computing auf die IT-Dienstleister. Springer Gabler.
Möller, D. 2016. Guide to Computing Fundamentals in Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer Verlag.
Utech, M. 2018. SAP für Energieversorger. SAP Press.
FNN/DVGW. 2015. Informationssicherheit in der Energiewirtschaft.
VDE. 2014. Positionspapier Smart Grid Security Energieinformationsnetze und –systeme.
Eckert, C.: IT-Sicherheit: Konzepte - Verfahren - Protokolle, De Gruyter Oldenbourg

Industrielles Energiemanagement
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students should be able to define the requirements for energy management in the corporate environment. They should be familiar with the legal and economic framework conditions for energy management. In particular, they should be able to describe the requirements for energy management systems in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 and energy audits in accordance with DIN  EN 16247.
They should understand energy management as a cross-functional task that plays an important role in many corporate functions, such as production, logistics, purchasing, building management, etc. They will be familiar with examples of energy management applications and the potential for more efficient energy use in technical processes. Students understand self-generation and the flexibilization of consumption as optimization potential for companies in dealing with energy.
In addition, students should become familiar with project management methods in this project-oriented course and also use them.

In the practical course, students deal with various aspects of energy management. Among other things, they should be able to carry out load profile analyses and, building on this, carry out an evaluation of measures within the framework of energy management;


'- Energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001
- Energy audits in accordance with DIN EN 16247
- Applications in building/facility management, production and logistics
- Energy data: Energy balances and energy indicators
- Energy efficiency and potential savings
- Energy generation and procurement, flexibilization of consumption
- Evaluation of savings measures
- Controlling processes

- Project management tools
- Load profile analyses
- Evaluation of savings measures

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises:
The theoretical technical and methodological knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture.  The students create a case study with which they demonstrate their technical and methodological knowledge. The preparation of this study is accompanied in the exercises.

The internship provides practical experience of elements of project management and in particular elements of energy management.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Presentation based on a written elaboration
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


'- Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.: DIN EN ISO 50001:2018
- Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.: DIN 16247
- Geilhausen, M. et al: Energiemanagement: Für Fachkräfte, Beauftragte und Manager, 2. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden,2019
- Brugger-Gebhardt, S.; Jungblut, G.: Die DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 verstehen, Die Norm sicher interpretieren, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2019
- J. P. P.: Lehrbuch für Energiemanager und Energiefachwirte, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2018
- Kals, J.: Betriebliches Energiemanagement, Eine Einführung, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2010
- Schmitt, R.; Günther, S.: Industrielles Energiemanagement, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2014


Netzführung und -regelung
  • PF
  • 4 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Grid management and control:
Students learn the tasks involved in grid management and grid control of an energy supply grid. For the area of grid management, this includes the basics of carrying out switching operations, grid security calculation, in particular power flow calculation and maintaining n-1 security to ensure reliable grid operation. The application of energy information technology and control systems for grid management is also taught using examples. In the area of grid control, particular emphasis is placed on the dynamic processes of primary and secondary control and the task of frequency active power control in the context of system services is presented. In addition to frequency active power control, students learn about the methods of voltage reactive power control as a further system service. After completing grid management and grid control, students will have comprehensive and practical knowledge of the overall technical and operational concepts for grid control, monitoring and regulation, which they can apply to tasks in their studies and careers.
In the practical course, students deepen their knowledge of grid management and grid control using various specific tasks, which they solve using simulation software. They learn to use both graphical modeling with the help of block diagrams and programming in an application-oriented programming language for the solutions they are looking for. The students learn to verify and analyze the results of their developed solutions and thus deepen their knowledge.


Grid management and control:
- Operating resources of energy supply networks
- Implementation of switching operations
- Node types and network topology
- Power flow calculation, current iteration
- Selected transfer elements of control technology
- Behavior of frequency-dependent loads
- Frequency power control in island and interconnected grids
- Voltage reactive power control

Practical course:
1. implementation and application of a power flow calculation with the stream iteration method
2. implementation of a power flow calculation with pandapower and comparison of the results from part 1
3. modeling of a frequency power control in the island grid and analysis of the frequency curve

Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented and explained in the lecture. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge imparted is applied to examples, thus deepening the lecture material and developing solutions for given problems.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Energy information technology and control systems, multiphase systems, grids

Forms of examination

Written exam
Internship: ungraded proof of participation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed
Internship: Ungraded proof of participation must be provided

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Energy Economics

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Luppa, K.: Vorlesungsskript, Übungsunterlagen sowie Praktikumsanleitung Netzführung und Netzregelung
Schwab, A. J.: Elektroenergiesysteme, Springer Vieweg
Oeding D., Oswald, B.R.: Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze, Springer
Heuck, K., Dettmann, K.D., Schulz, D.: Elektrische Energieversorgung, Springer Vieweg
Handschin, E. Elektrische Energieübertragungssysteme, Hüthig


  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

The field of asset management deals with the topic of asset management, whereby asset management refers to the management of assets in companies. Assets include all (tangible) fixed assets (e.g. machines, industrial plants, infrastructure facilities and buildings) and areas of current assets (e.g. spare parts management). The focus of this lecture is from the perspective of a network operator. Infrastructure (assets) such as transformers, cables and overhead lines are considered.
Listeners should be able to evaluate the fields of activity of asset management, such as the planning and new construction of plants, maintenance, conversion, expansion and modification and the decommissioning of plants from different perspectives. In particular, the aim is to familiarize the listener with this with regard to the evaluation of planning in the technical environment with a view to the whole and in the sense of opportunity and risk-oriented planning.


Introduction to the topic of asset management based on ISO 55000;
Asset management - definition, tasks and objectives, life cycle management, risk management, maintenance management, environment analysis, strategic action decision,  action plan / medium-term planning,  project preparation, project selection and prioritization,  improvement process, asset management yesterday, today and tomorrow, summary /

Teaching methods

The specialist knowledge is presented and deepened in seminar form. The content is conveyed using examples with a strong practical relevance. The methods presented are deepened on the basis of examples. In doing so, the listeners are repeatedly encouraged to holistically record all parameters of the individual focal points based on the consideration of systems and products - with regard to economic, technical, safety-relevant and legal risks - and to evaluate them from different perspectives over their entire service life.
The lecture notes will be made available for download online.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


ISO 55000
Beiträge zu den Schwerpunkten in Form von Artikeln und Präsentationen und Veröffentlichungen aus der üblichen Literatur der Energiewirtschaft (z.B. EW, ETG)

Ausgewählte Managementaufgaben in der Netzwirtschaft
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Duration (semester)


Datenanalyse mit Python
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Students know basic methods of data analysis and are also able to apply these themselves using Python
. apply them. They are able to familiarize themselves with the use of further numerical methods and Python libraries


Basic concepts of data processing and analysis with Python
- Importing data sets in various formats
- Visualization of two- and three-dimensional data sets
- Numerical and statistical processing of data
- Image manipulation and analysis
- Fitting and optimization methods
The methods presented include general approaches from data processing and visualization and
optimization. The focus of the course is on the practical application of the methods using generic and subject-specific examples
The subject-specific application examples used come from the field of environmental technology and the energy market and are continuously adapted.

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises with independent solving of practical tasks, independent development of teaching material

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2, basics of programming

Forms of examination

will be announced at the beginning of the semester

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Skript zur Vorlesung

Energiewelt Heute und in der Zukunft
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Duration (semester)


  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

'- Knowledge of the basic concepts and classifications of simulations
- Knowledge of the procedure for simulation studies
- Overview of the different types of simulation methods and their differentiation
- Evaluate the applicability of simulation methods for the respective task


The lecture Building Simulation introduces the methods of simulation technology. The thematic focus is on the investigation of energy-related issues in buildings. Particular emphasis is placed on the structured approach to simulation tasks. Based on a classification of simulation types, the procedure for selecting and creating suitable simulation models, carrying out simulations and evaluating the results are discussed. Different types of simulation methods are presented. These cover in particular the area of computer-aided tools. Insights are given into the mathematical modeling of the simulation tools. However, neither the lecture nor the exercise will deal with the programming implementation of the models (programming knowledge is therefore not necessary). The aim is rather to learn a structured approach to simulation and, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the various tools, to select the most suitable one for the specific task and to be able to interpret its results correctly. Using the example of the heat balance of buildings, the procedure as well as the evaluation and interpretation of the results are deepened in the context of lectures and accompanying exercises on the computer.

Teaching methods

The lecture provides an overview of terms, fundamentals and various methods of building simulation. In the exercises, these basic concepts are first deepened. Subsequently, based on an example building, calculations of the energy demand are carried out and compared using various methods (analytical calculation, static simulation, dynamic simulation).

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Physics1 (thermodynamics)

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


'- Sauerbier, Thomas : Theorie und Praxis von Simulationssystemen, Vieweg Studium Technik, Braunschweig (1999)
- Gieseler, U.D.J., Bier, W., Heidt, F.D.: Combined thermal measurement and simulation for the detailed analysis of four occupied low-energy buildings. Proceedings of the 8th Intern. IBPSA Conf., Building Simulation, Eindhoven (2003) vol. 1, pp. 391-398
- Gieseler, U.D.J; Heidt, F.D.: Bewertung der Energieeffizienz verschiedener Maßnahmen für Gebäude mit sehr geringem Energiebedarf, Forschungsbericht, Fachgebiet Bauphysik und Solarenergie, Universität Siegen, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart (2005)
- Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN): DIN V 18599: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden, Beuth Verlag, Berlin (2018)
- Baehr, H.D., Stephan, K.: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2006)
- Klein, S.A., Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A.: TRNSYS - A Transient Simulation Program, ASHRAE Trans. 82  (1976) pp. 623 ff


  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Industrial Solution Utilities
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

'Lecture (V) Industrial Solution Utilities (ISU)
- The students describe the legal basis of energy supply in Germany
- They understand the structure of the master data for an energy supply customer and use the structure for their own master data structure in the demo system
- They describe the components for the market communication available in the energy supply

Exercises (practice):
- Work in randomly assembled teams of 2
- You will use the lecture content to create master data for the IS-U industry solution for energy suppliers
- You structure current tasks from the area of the IS-U application for municipal utilities/energy suppliers and users of IS-U



Lecture (V)
- Special business processes of a utility company and their support by ERP systems
- Networking with external systems via Application Link Enabling (ALE) and business workflow processes

Exercise (Ü):
The following aspects are covered in the exercises:
- Students gain an overview of the business process extensions of a standard ERP system for energy supply companies
- They actively use an IS-U demonstration system and set up master data in the system


Teaching methods

'The theoretical knowledge is presented in the lecture and explained with the interactive involvement of the students. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and the link to practical application is established. The use of standard software in the exercises enables students to develop and deepen their knowledge of the systems. Using application and case studies, students apply their knowledge in practice and thus deepen their professional competence. In doing so, they learn to describe operational issues in detail, analyze them and combine them with an IT-supported solution.
Some of the tasks are based on current problems from external companies that implement IS-U for their customers. This enables interested parties to evaluate and assess the current day-to-day business of IS-U users. The seminar presentations are designed as teamwork and thus promote communication skills and the use of technical terms. The presentation of the results in front of an audience promotes the students' rhetoric and presentation skills.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Experience from the ERP project in dealing with enterprise resource planning systems is desirable.

Forms of examination

Written or oral examination in the form of presentations

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Tobias Zierau: SAP for Utilites, Rheinwerk Publishing 2014
Michael Utecht, Tobias Zierau: SAP für Energieversorger,Rheinwerk Publishing 2017
Michael Utecht, Tobias Zierau: SAP S/4Hana Utilities, Rheinwerk Publishing 2018

Integrative Geschäftsprozesse eines ERP-Systems der Logistik
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Lecture (V) Integrated Business Processes (IGP)
- The students understand the basics of a relational database
- They explain the process of database normalization and use it to normalize an unstructured data set
- Students explain the structure, function and application of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems).
- They describe the business organization elements of logistics and accounting
- You will repeat the central business processes of a company in logistics
- You will analyze selected logistics business processes in an ERP system.

Exercises (Ü):
- Working in randomly assembled teams of 2
- Independent development of logistics business processes (enterprise asset management, project system) in enterprise resource planning systems
- Solution competence for modeling the organizational structure of companies
- Understanding of the networking / integration of different logistics processes



Lecture (V)
- Business processes in the company and their support by ERP systems
- Structure and use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Explanation of the case study "Global Bike Incorporated" of SAP University Alliance Corporation used in the course

Exercise (Ü):
In the exercises, a complete business cycle of logistics from the customer order to the purchase of raw materials is worked through in an SAP R/3 system using a case study of a globally active bicycle manufacturer
. - The organizational structure of the company is explained and used within SAP R/3.
- The master data is recorded in the areas (materials management, purchasing, production and sales).
- The core business processes in materials procurement, production order processing and sales processing are provided with master data and run through.
- The processes learned are documented independently and prepared for presentations of what has been learned.


Teaching methods

The theoretical knowledge is presented in the lecture and explained with the interactive involvement of the students. In the exercises, the methodological knowledge taught is applied to examples and the link to practical application is established. The use of standard software is used to develop and deepen the handling of the systems. Using application and case studies, students apply their knowledge in practice and thus deepen their professional competence. They learn to describe operational issues in detail, analyze them and combine them with an IT-supported solution. The application examples are designed as teamwork and thus promote communication skills and the use of technical terms. The presentation of the results to an audience promotes students' rhetoric and presentation skills.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Experience from the ERP project in dealing with enterprise resource planning systems is desirable.

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Online Dokumentation für GBI 3.0 SAP University Alliances
Drumm, Knigge, Scheuermann, Weidner: Einstieg in SAP ERP, Rheinwerk Verlag

  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

The field of power plants is covered comprehensively, from the basics of energy supply,  to the technical and political boundary conditions and the conventional and new technologies for power generation and storage. The aim is to enable students to understand the energy supply system from generation to marketing of the electricity product and to recognize future trends. Students will learn about the development from fossil to renewable electricity generation, the advantages and disadvantages of conventional and renewable technologies and the associated challenges for grids and storage. In addition to the technologies, students will learn the basics of the development, planning, economic evaluation, construction, commissioning and operation of power generation plants. This enables students to analyze, evaluate and implement various power plant projects.


Basics of energy supply - terms and units, politics and law in Germany and Europe;
Energy sources - occurrence, properties and use in Germany, the EU and the world;
Electricity - product, market and prices;
Structure of the electricity supply - grids and grid usage;
Power plants - energy conversion, technologies, costs and business studies Development - coal, nuclear power, gas, CCGT, CHP, industrial power plants;
Promotion and prospects for renewable energies - wind, water, biomass, sun, sea;
Storage - water, batteries, hydrogen, gas, "Norway", power-to-X,
Operation and maintenance, digitalization in power plant technology
Security of supply / "energy transition" - power plant deployment, cost structures, supply and demand
Power generation projects / power plant construction - from the idea to commissioning - determining and evaluating profitability


Teaching methods

The specialist knowledge is presented and deepened in lectures. Seminar elements such as videos, practical examples and discussions of current developments contribute to understanding and liveliness. Manual calculation examples are used to apply the knowledge taught. The lecture notes will be made available for download on the internet.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Diekmann, Rosenthaler: Energie: Physikalische Grundlagen ihrer Erzeugung, Umwandlung und Nutzung
VDI: Kraftwerkstechnik: zur Nutzung fossiler, nuklearer und regenerativer Energiequellen
Funke: Skript zur Vorlesung Kraftwerksanlagen

Light Technology
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

- Knowledge of the basic radiometric and photometric quantities.
- Knowledge of the measurement methods of the basic quantities.
- Understanding of how different light sources work.
- Knowledge of the requirements for interior lighting.
- Understanding the relationship between light generation and energy consumption.
- Application of radio and photometric quantities to evaluate light sources
    regarding their use inside and outside buildings.
- Foreign language skills (English)


The lecture light technology introduces the technologies of light production and efficient illumination. First, the underlying fundamentals and relevant physical measures for light are introduced. This is followed by methods for light measurement and detection, including the human eye. The main part of the lecture covers the different mechanisms and technologies of light production. Corresponding sources include: Sun and Daylight, thermal radiators, electric discharge lamps, electroluminescent sources and light emitting diodes (LED). Applications presented are mainly in the area of light sources used in buildings and illumination techniques. Special consideration is given to energy efficient lighting in buildings.

Teaching methods

'The lecture teaches the basic parameters of lighting technology and their measurement methods, the fundamentals of light generation and applications in lighting technology. As part of the exercises, students should solve tasks on the application of the basic variables of lighting technology from the fields of measurement technology, light generation and lighting technology as independently as possible and present these in a joint discussion.  
Lectures and exercises are held in English.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply
Content: Mathematics (especially differential and integral calculus)

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Wyszecki, G.; Stiles, W.S.: Color Science. John Wiley & Sons, New York (2000)
Lighting Press International (LPI), PPVMEDIEN, periodical (English/German)
Hentschel, H.-J.: Licht und Beleuchtung, Hüthing Verlag, Heidelberg (2002)
Gall, D.: Grundlagen der Lichttechnik, Pflaum Verlag München (2007)
Schubert, E.F.: Light Emitting Diodes, E-Book, Cambridge University Press (2006)
Jacobs, A.: SynthLight Handbook, Low Energy Architecture Research Unit, LEARN,
         London Metropolitan University (2004),


  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    45 h

  • Self-study

    45 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students should expand their knowledge of the various areas of sustainability, ecology, economy and social issues. They will discuss the necessity and consequences of sustainable developments together with students from other faculties.
As part of the seminar-based course, students strengthen key skills such as structured documentation & presentation of work results, as well as their discussion in the group.


- Social responsibility and sustainability
- Ecological sustainability, energy management, environmental management, sustainable mobility
- Economic sustainability: sustainability in business management
- Social sustainability and ethics of sustainability
- Supplements for the preparation of essays (reports and presentations)

Teaching methods

seminar lecture

Forms of examination

Presentation (possibly on the basis of a written elaboration)

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


folgt noch

Netz- und Stationsleittechnik
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Netzstrategien und innovative Netzbetriebsmittel
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

This course deals with the future direction of electricity grids in the context of the energy transition. The new demands on the grids are discussed and grid strategies and the new role of grid operators in meeting them are highlighted. New measurement, control and regulation technology as well as the use of innovative components in the grid area and smart household technology are presented to the listener and conveyed using practical examples. The listener deepens their knowledge by learning the basics of the structure of the concepts and components, the mode of operation and the advantages and disadvantages of using the grid. New planning and operating concepts for grid management and innovative tools for grid planning  are also discussed.


Challenges in implementing the energy transition in the grid sector
Grid planning / innovative planning approaches and operating concepts
Intelligent metering and measuring systems, use of information and communication technology in the grid sector, smart household technology (smart  home)
Voltage regulators (rONT,  wide-range regulation, electronic regulators)
Intelligent local substations, charging stations for electric vehicles, controllable mains switches
Storage systems (home storage, grid storage, power to gas, ...)
Superconductors,  Weather-related overhead line utilization, high-temperature conductor cable
Intelligent energy grids (high, medium and low voltage)
Grid strategies
Future role of grid operators


Teaching methods

The specialist knowledge is presented in the form of lectures and practical examples are used to deepen the theoretical foundations of the concepts and novel components    Examples of the use of these new concepts and technologies in the network area are shown and then analyzed and  evaluated by the students.
The lecture notes will be made available for download on the web. In addition, there is film material to deepen the respective content as well as various specialist articles.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Bernd Michael Buchholz, Zbigniew Antoni Styczynski:  Smart Grids: Grundlagen und Technologien;
Mathias Uslar, Michael Specht, Christian Dänekas, Jörn Trefke, Sebastian Rohjans, José M. González, Christine Rosinger, Robert Bleiker: Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architectures and Standards
Sterner, Michael, Stadler, Ingo: Energiespeicher - Bedarf, Technologien, Integration
Wolfgang Schellong: Analyse und Optimierung von Energieverbundsystemen
Stefan Willing: Skript zur Vorlesung Netzstrategien und Innovative Betriebsmittel
Diverse Fachartikel

Numerische Mathematik
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Duration (semester)


Relationale Datenbanken
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

Basic knowledge of relational databases and the underlying theory of relational algebra will be taught. Basic concepts,
specific methods and ways of thinking are introduced and students should be able to set up data models, design, implement and use databases.


Students should acquire a sound knowledge of the following aspects of relational databases:
- Classification/history of data storage, development of a database,
- Relational basics such as relational objects, relational integrity rules,
  Relational operations
- Database design, i.e. logical database design, physical database
  design, normalization, entity-relationship model, resolution of the ER diagram
- SQL-Structured Query Language, i.e. query language (QL), information request,
Manipulation language (Data Manipulation Language, DML), storage and modification of information, description language (Data Description Language, DDL)

Teaching methods

The theoretical content is taught in the form of a lecture. Exercises, which are carried out on the computer, are used to practise the design of a database and consolidate the lecture material.

Participation requirements

FOrmal the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Elmasri, Ramez A., Navathe, Shamkant B., Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen, Pearson Studium (2009)
Kemper A., Eickler A.: Datenbanksysteme, Oldenbourg (2001)
Mata-Toledo, Ramon A., Cushman, Pauline: Relationale Datenbanken, UTB 8373 (2003)
Sauer, Herrmann: Relationale Datenbanken, Addison-Wesley (1991)
Schicker, Edwin: Datenbanken und SQL, B.G.Teubner Stuttgart Leipzig (2000)
Steiner, René: Grundkurs Relationale Datenbanken, Vieweg (2003)

Technisches Englisch
  • WP
  • 3 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

'Establishment of communication skills in the technical English language.
Ability to read, understand and communicate operating and programming instructions, technical data sheets, data sheets.
Students can create and give a presentation in English on technical topics


Technical vocabulary of the ET  /  Technical vocabulary of the ET
Specific features of technical literature (technical periodicals, technical sheets)  /  Specific features of technical literature (technical periodicals, technical sheets)
Technical translations German / English and English / German  /  Technical translations German / English and English / German
Preparation of a presentation in English  /  Working out an English presentation

Teaching methods

'Seminar course, presentations

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Written or oral exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook


Technische Datenblätter, Fachartikel (z. B. IEEE), diverse Lehrbücher "Technical English" / "English for Engineers"

6. Semester of study

Betriebliche Praxis
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 10 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

The "practical work experience" is intended to introduce students to professional activity through concrete, practice-oriented tasks or practical work in companies
or other institutions of professional practice.
In particular, it should serve to apply and reflect on the knowledge and skills acquired during previous studies by working on a specific task.


The "operational practice" is the independent processing of a project with demonstrable practical relevance.
The description, explanation and presentation of the solution worked on are part of the module and already serve as preparation for the Bachelor's thesis.
The task comes from one of the subject areas available in the study program.
Students are supported by a mentor from the university while working on the project.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Project-related work with documentation and presentation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

is calculated in the course-specific handbook

  • PF
  • 2 SWS
  • 30 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

The practical semester is intended to introduce students to the professional activities of an engineer through specific tasks and engineering-related work in companies, businesses or other institutions in the professional field. In particular, it should serve to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course and to reflect on and evaluate the experience gained during the practical work.

The module aims to train and consolidate students' decision-making skills by:
- Expanding application-related knowledge using practical examples;
- Creation of in-service documentation;
- Deepening presentation techniques.


In the practical semester, the student is familiarized with engineering working methods through a task appropriate to their level of training. After an appropriate introduction, he or she should work on this task independently, alone or in a group, under professional guidance.

The following areas of activity may be considered in particular: project planning, planning, parameterization, service and counseling, design, development, production, manufacturing, testing, operation and support of infrastructure, power plant and grid operation, energy sales and trading, energy management, assembly, maintenance, business and time management, sales, information technology, IT, quality management, safety management and operational research.
The practical semester is usually completed in the sixth semester and covers a continuous period of at least 20 weeks.
In the engineering field of work, a challenging project from all areas of electrical engineering is used to teach the approach and problem-solving strategies of an engineer when solving tasks. Students can thus gain insight into the connections between practical training and studies and link the newly acquired knowledge with the course content.

In a written report and a presentation followed by a discussion, each student presents themselves, the practical placement and their work. The preparation of this presentation trains the ability to give written and oral reports and to evaluate and delineate tasks and results. In addition to their own presentation, students must listen to a set number of presentations by fellow students as part of the practical seminar. This also provides insights into other fields of activity and broadens the horizon of experience beyond their own practical semester.


Teaching methods

Practical engineering work on a challenging project.
Report, presentation and discussion.

Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Lecture and certificates of attendance

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Written report and presentation in the practical seminar assessed as passed.
Presentation of the certificate of sufficient cooperation from the practice center.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade




7. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 14 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time


  • Self-study


Learning outcomes/competences

In the Bachelor's thesis, students should apply the specialist, methodological and key skills they have acquired during their studies to work on a complex task in a specialist area within a specified period of time. In this thesis, they acquire the ability to independently process and document both subject-specific details and interdisciplinary contexts using scientific and practical methods.

In the colloquium, the results of the work are to be presented in the form of a specialist lecture. Students should present the key points, methods and problem areas of the thesis in a concise form. Students are proficient in techniques for presenting, explaining and defending the results obtained in the field of work dealt with in the thesis. They can take part in a specialist discussion on the topics of the thesis, place them in the respective overall industrial framework and answer questions about scientific solutions and their boundary conditions;


The bachelor's thesis is an independent examination of a practical, engineering-related task with a detailed presentation and explanation of its solution. The task comes from one of the subject areas available in the study program. External work in an industrial company is possible and desirable. The conditions of the examination regulations must be observed.
The Bachelor's thesis is usually completed in the sixth or seventh semester and covers a continuous period of 12 weeks.
The specified deadlines can be found in the examination regulations.

The Bachelor's thesis is completed with a specialist presentation as part of a colloquium. The thematically defined task area of the thesis is worked through and presented using engineering methods.
Chains of argumentation for the chosen approach and the content-related approach to the work are formed and discussed.

Teaching methods


Participation requirements

Formally, the requirements of the respective valid examination regulations apply

Forms of examination

Thesis and presentation

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

Module examination must be passed

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Electrical Engineering, BA Energy Management

Importance of the grade for the final grade

Thesis: 15%, colloquium: 5%



Notes and references

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