Internet PCs
Research PCs
These are reserved for literature research. Our RiO literature search engine(Opens in a new tab) or various subject databases(Opens in a new tab) can be searched quickly and easily via the browser.
Note: To ensure that all data from the browser or other programs is deleted, you should exit the computer via the "Log off user" item in the start menu. This will clean up the system.
Barrier-free computer workstation
At the Emil-Figge-Str. 44 location, there is an additional barrier-free workstation (on the 2nd floor). The desk is height-adjustable. The PC set up for the blind and visually impaired is equipped with the following special software and hardware:
- Freedom Scientific Jaws reading software/screen reader
- Freedom Scientific MAGic magnification software
- Finereader scanner software/OCR for scanning books
- Flatbed scanner
- Braille display Easy Braille (40 modules)
- Printer (not a Braille printer)
Please note that the barrier-free workstation can only be used during service hours.