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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



Interactive self-study programs

Library quiz

The library offers a lot of services that can help you with your studies. But it can all be a bit confusing, especially at the beginning. What can and may I do in the library? Where can I find what? How, where and from whom can I get help?

With our interactive library quiz in "learning snacks" format, you can find out in a playful way what prior knowledge you already have and easily learn everything else. Just give it a try, no registration required. We wish you lots of fun and many new insights!

Guide "Citing instead of plagiarizing"

With the interactive guide "Citing instead of plagiarizing", UAS members can independently learn the rules of correct citation in academic texts. With the help of short learning units and self-tests, users can expand, deepen and test their knowledge. The citation guide complements the library's existing training and advisory services on this topic and is accessible via ILIAS:

Note: The tutorial does not claim to be exhaustive, it serves as a guide.