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Alumni Fachhochschule Dortmund




Seven questions for Sarah Maria Besgen


Sarah Maria Besgen studied Social Work with a focus on "Theater as Social Art" at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies. Today she works as an actress (known from the series "Rote Rosen", among others) and also runs her own acting studio.

Which company do you work for?
I teach children, young people and adults in my acting studio. I offer support with role development or auditions for castings, for example. I also work as an actress for various film and television productions.

What are your tasks?
I develop roles with my students and prepare them for auditions. In addition to voice and speech training, this also includes exploring and empathizing with a role.

What moments do you particularly appreciate in your job?
The best thing about my job is always working with new students.

What is your superpower?
My superpowers are good time management and good organization. And that I can respond individually to my customers and students.

How did you start your career?
I first completed my acting training, then did further training and then started my own business.

What is your best memory from your time studying at Fachhochschule Dortmund?
I have particularly fond memories of the regional meetings (further training in theater therapy) with the participants at home.

Further information:
www.scha(Opens in a new tab)  uspielcoaching.net

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Here, other alumni answer seven questions about their career entry and everyday working life.

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Photo credits

  • Lena Faye