Study plan
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Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung
Angewandte Statistik
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Praktischen Informatik
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Technischen Informatik
Autonome mobile Systeme
Berechenbarkeit und Komplexitätstheorie
ERP und SCE: Standardprozesse und Erweiterungskonzepte
Entwurf und Modellierung komplexer Software-Architekturen
Formale Sprachen und Compilerbau
Fortgeschrittenes Webengineering
Konzepte in Programmiersprachen
Maschinelles Lernen
Mathematische Grundlagen der Verschlüsselungstechnik
Multimodale Interaktion in Ambienten Umgebungen
Organisatorisch/rechtliche Aspekte der IT-Beschaffung
Ruhr Master School
Ruhr Master School
Usability Engineering
Verteilte und mobile Systeme
Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester
Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester
Module overview
1. Semester of study
Analoges und Digitales wahrnehmen - PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing this course, students will be able to design and develop systems that are predictable in their temporal behavior. They know the technical parameters that are relevant for the selection of planning methods and can select and implement a suitable method based on the advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to understand the special temporal aspects of synchronized processes and distributed systems in design and implementation.
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the practice and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- The concept of time: mathematical reduction of time, structure and properties of a clock, time standards
- Introduction to planning: process parameters, WCET, usability, process precedence, process anomalies
- Priority-based planning methods for aperiodic processes: Earliest Due Date, Earliest Deadline First, Least Laxity First
- Priority-based planning methods for periodic processes: Rate and Deadline Monotonic Scheduling, scheduling tests (LL test, critical interval, RT test), Earliest Deadline First
- Time-based planning processes: outer and inner cycle, requirements according to Baker & Shaw, implementation of the Cyclic Executive
- Planning methods for synchronized processes: Priority reversal, procedures (non-preemptive critical sections, priority inheritance, priority upper limits), calculation of blocking times
- Real-time operating systems: including architecture, scheduler, handling interrupts
- Distributed systems: synchronization of clocks, real-time properties of various media access methods, current real-time protocols
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- exercise accompanying the lecture
- Internship accompanying the lecture
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- oral examination
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Hermann Kopetz. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications, Springer, 2011
- Dieter Zöbel. Echtzeitsysteme Grundlagen der Planung, Springer, 2008.
- Jane Liu. Real-Time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Peter Marwedel. Eingebettete Systeme, Springer, 2007.
- Heinz Wörn und Dieter Brinkschulte. Echtzeitsysteme, Springer, 2005.
- Burns, A., Wellings, A.; Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages; Pearson Education Ltd., Third Ed. 2001.
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Informationssicherheit- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
en, de
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
The students are able
- independently familiarize themselves with a topic of IT and information security, plan and conduct adequate literature research, prepare a scientific paper and present it orally.
- select and apply IT and information security methods independently.
- independently select and apply standards, best practices and software tools relevant to IT and information security in practice.
- Depending on the topics actually selected for the respective semester.
- Exemplary topics:
- Vulnerability analysis of a specific software or hardware product
- Penetration testing of a specific software or hardware product
- Application of software tools for the development of secure software
- Information security management systems, in particular risk management
The language of instruction is English.
Teaching methods
- seminar-style teaching
- seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Successful presentation
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Abhängig von den für das jeweilige Semester tatsächlich ausgewählten Themen.
Business Intelligence- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
Students acquire comprehensive, theoretical and practical knowledge about the use of various business intelligence solutions and identify the challenges and opportunities associated with the planning and implementation of a business intelligence solution in addition to basic knowledge in the areas of data extraction, data modeling and data presentation. Students analyze various methods for designing business intelligence solutions (top-down approach, bottom-up, etc.). They also determine different analysis methods that can be used and assigned depending on requirements.
Interdisciplinary methodological expertise:
The use of top-down and bottom-up methods is also transferable to other IT application areas and helps students, for example, in the design and implementation of operational software solutions. Furthermore, the knowledge acquired can also be used in the area of project management.
The students' individual willingness to perform is encouraged within the framework of the exercises on the system through targeted incentives - comparable to a "competitive situation" in the sense of measuring themselves against other groups.
Social skills:
Students solve problems independently on the basis of various case studies with the aid of a business intelligence solution. Students test their knowledge practically in the form of exercises that are solved with the help of standard application software, thereby differentiating their specialist knowledge. The exercises and case studies are designed as group work and thus promote communication skills. In addition, the solutions are presented to the group, thus improving presentation skills.
Professional field orientation:
The use of current software solutions in this course qualifies students to efficiently use or set up a business intelligence solution in their day-to-day work. The use of such a solution is possible in all functional areas of the company. The knowledge acquired is thus also applicable to the current strong market demand for graduates with BI skills - in the field of IT consulting.
Seminar-type course:
- Basics of Business Intelligence
- Applications of business intelligence
- Data provision and data modeling
- Reporting case with pivot tables in Microsoft Excel
- Reporting case with SAP Analysis for Office
- Queries with SAP Query Designer
- Modeling with SAP BW
- ETL process with SAP BW
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful internship project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Gluchowski, Peter/Chamoni, Peter (2016): Analytische Informationssysteme: Business Intelligence-Technologien und -Anwendungen, 5., vollst. überarb. Aufl., Berlin 2016.
- Kemper, Hans-Georg/Baars, Henning/Mehanna, Walid (2010): Business Intelligence - Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen: Eine Einführung in die IT-basierte Managementunterstützung, 3., überarb. und erw. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2010.
- Klostermann, Olaf/Klein, Robert/O'Leary, Joseph W./Merz, Matthias (2015): Praxishandbuch SAP BW, 1. Aufl, Bonn 2015.
- Meier, Andreas (2018): Werkzeuge der digitalen Wirtschaft: Big Data, NoSQL & Co.: Eine Einführung in relationale und nicht-relationale Datenbanken, Wiesbaden 2018.
- Müller, Roland M./Lenz, Hans-Joachim (2013): Business Intelligence, Berlin 2013.
- Plattner, Hasso/Zeier, Alexander (2011): In-Memory Data Management: An Inflection Point for Enterprise Applications, Berlin, Heidelberg 2011.
- White, Tom (2015): Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 4. Aufl., Sebastopol 2015.
Echtzeitsysteme- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing this course, students will be able to design and develop systems that are predictable in their temporal behavior. They know the technical parameters that are relevant for the selection of planning methods and can select and implement a suitable method based on the advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to understand the special temporal aspects of synchronized processes and distributed systems in design and implementation.
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the practice and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- The concept of time: mathematical reduction of time, structure and properties of a clock, time standards
- Introduction to planning: process parameters, WCET, usability, process precedence, process anomalies
- Priority-based planning methods for aperiodic processes: Earliest Due Date, Earliest Deadline First, Least Laxity First
- Priority-based planning methods for periodic processes: Rate and Deadline Monotonic Scheduling, scheduling tests (LL test, critical interval, RT test), Earliest Deadline First
- Time-based planning processes: outer and inner cycle, requirements according to Baker & Shaw, implementation of the Cyclic Executive
- Planning methods for synchronized processes: Priority reversal, procedures (non-preemptive critical sections, priority inheritance, priority upper limits), calculation of blocking times
- Real-time operating systems: including architecture, scheduler, handling interrupts
- Distributed systems: synchronization of clocks, real-time properties of various media access methods, current real-time protocols
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- exercise accompanying the lecture
- Internship accompanying the lecture
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- oral examination
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Hermann Kopetz. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications, Springer, 2011
- Dieter Zöbel. Echtzeitsysteme Grundlagen der Planung, Springer, 2008.
- Jane Liu. Real-Time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Peter Marwedel. Eingebettete Systeme, Springer, 2007.
- Heinz Wörn und Dieter Brinkschulte. Echtzeitsysteme, Springer, 2005.
- Burns, A., Wellings, A.; Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages; Pearson Education Ltd., Third Ed. 2001.
Einführung in die Programmierung- PF
- 10 SWS
- 10 ECTS
- PF
- 10 SWS
- 10 ECTS
41011 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
120 h
120 h
Learning outcomes/competences
After completing the course, students will have mastered the most important principles of object-oriented programming on a small scale and have a basic understanding of the structure and functioning of computers.
Technical and methodological competence:
You will acquire the formal competence to understand the principles, methods, concepts and notations of programming on a small scale, to classify them in different contexts and to use them in object-oriented programs. This also includes identifying the algorithmic core of a simple problem and designing an imperative algorithm.
They acquire basic analysis skills that enable them to implement simple object-oriented models in UML notation in the Java programming language. This competence also includes the ability to familiarize themselves independently with applications (such as development environments, learning platforms).
You have the implementation skills to develop and analyze object-oriented programs in Java.
Graduates are familiar with historical developments in computer science. They are aware of the security problems associated with the use of information processing systems. They have key qualifications such as the ability to use new media. They have experience in solving application problems in a team.Social skills:
Students acquire communicative competence in order to present their ideas and proposed solutions convincingly in writing or orally, even if their counterparts are not familiar with the computer science way of speaking and thinking.
- Fundamental concepts of computer science
- Procedures for the step-by-step development of programs
- Elements of imperative programming: data types, control structures, operations
- Elements of object-oriented programming: objects, classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism
- Description methods of object-oriented programming, e.g. UML
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
- Participation in project week (ungraded)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written exam
- successful participation in project week (2 SWS internship)
- participation in at least 80% of the attendance dates in the project week
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- H. Balzert, Java: Der Einstieg in die Programmierung, 4. Auflage, Springer Campus, 2013
- H. Balzert, Java: Objektorientiert programmieren, 3. Auflage, Springer Campus, 2017
- H. P. Gumm, M. Sommer, Grundlagen der Informatik: Programmierung, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Oldenbourg, 2016
- S. Goll, C. Heinisch, Java als erste Programmiersprache, 8. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, 2016
- D. Ratz, J. Scheffler, D. Seese, J. Wiesenberger, Grundkurs Programmieren in Java, 7. Auflage, Hanser, 2014
- C. Ullenboom, Java ist auch eine Insel, 12. Auflage, Galileo Press, 2016 (siehe auch
Das Modul beinhaltet eine Projektwoche (I9PB-41012, 2 SWS). Die Klausurarbeit und die Projektwoche können unabhänig voneinander abgelegt werden. Für das Bestehen des Moduls ist neben einer Klausur die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Projektwoche erforderlich. Die Note des Moduls wird ausschließlich über die Klausurarbeit definiert. Die Projektwoche wird als 5-Tägige Blockveranstaltung im Anschluss an die Vorlesung angeboten.
Entwicklung software-intensiver Systeme- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Transfer of knowledge for the development of software systems in which the software makes up a significant proportion, but in which hardware aspects must also be taken into account, so-called software-intensive systems.
Technical and methodological competence:
- Name the special features of software-intensive systems
- Knowing typical reference architectures and lifecycles of software-intensive systems in different industries
- Understanding the elements of development processes and their interaction
- Knowing, discussing and selecting development processes
- Documentation, in particular architecture documentation for extensive systems: knowing and implementing suitable structures
- Knowing and selecting test procedures for extensive hardware and software systems
- Applying methods for analyzing reliability and availability
- Understanding and critically questioning risk, risk reduction, SIL and functional safety
- Knowing and describing architectures and development processes for availability and functional safety
- Knowing, questioning and incorporating laws and standards into system development
- Consideration of management aspects for software-intensive systems
Professional field orientation:
- Getting to know industrial project issues and project framework conditions
- Consideration of commercial interests in the software development of technical systems
- Characterization and differentiation of software-intensive systems
- Applications, reference architectures and life cycles in various industries
- System orientation (system concept, system contexts, system levels/modules)
- Development processes for extensive systems (traditional and agile)
- Documentation of the system architecture
- Testing of extensive and embedded systems consisting of hardware and software
- Analysis of reliability and availability
- Functional safety: risk, risk reduction, SIL and safety, standards, culture in various industries
- Architectural patterns and processes for availability and functional safety
- Architectural patterns for other non-functional properties of software-intensive systems
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- project work accompanying the lecture with a final presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Liggesmeyer, Rombach: Software Engineering eingebetteter Systeme, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2005.
- Bass, Clements, Kazman: Software Architecture in Practice, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2013.
- Zörner: Software-Architekturen dokumentieren und kommunizieren, 2. Aufl., Hanser, 2015.
- Starke, Hruschka: Arc42 in Aktion, Hanser, 2016.
- Grünfelder: Software-Test für Embedded Systems, 2. Aufl., dpunkt Verlag, 2017.
- Grenning: Test Driven Development of Embedded C, O'Reilly, 2011.
- MISRA, MISRA C:2012, Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems, HORIBA MIRA Limited, 2015.
- Hobbs: Embedded Software Development for Safety-Critical Systems, CRC Press (2016).
- verschiedene Normen (werden in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben)
F & E Projekt- PF
- 4 SWS
- 15 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 15 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Formale Methoden der Softwaretechnik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Formal methods are languages for modeling software systems at a certain level of abstraction. As they have formal semantics, the models described in this way can be analyzed for correctness. This is particularly important for software-intensive systems.
The lecture imparts knowledge and skills in the modeling and analysis of software systems. Students should also be able to select suitable languages and analysis techniques for modeling.
Technical and methodological competence:
After attending the course, students will be able to
- apply the theory of formal methods
- design, implement and analyze formal models of complex systems
- evaluate different formal methods and models with regard to criteria
The student can present ideas and proposed solutions in writing and orally, the independent presentation of solutions contributes to the development of self-confidence/professional competence; the development of strategies for acquiring knowledge and skills is supported by the combination of (seminar-style) lectures with independent development of the contents of scientific literature
Social skills:
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the exercise and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- Embedding formal methods in the software development cycle, process models
- Methods for formal program development on a large scale
- Formalisms that are used in today's program development systems:
- Algebraic specification techniques
- State-oriented and time-dependent specifications
- Treatment of concurrency
- Procedures for the verification and validation of formal development steps, formal specification languages
- Tools for formal program development
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Spivey: The Z Reference Manual (
- E. Clarke et al.: Model Checking, MIT Press
- T. Fischer, J. Niere, L. Torunski, and A. Zündorf: Story Diagrams: A new Graph Rewrite Language based on the Unified Modeling Language. In Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Theory and Application of Graph Transformation (TAGT), Paderborn, Germany, 1998
- W.Reisig: Petrinetze: Modellierungstechnik, Analysemethoden, Fallstudien. Vieweg+Teubner, 2010
- J. Bengtsson, W. Yi: Timed Automata: Semantics, Algorithms and Tools. In Lecture Notes on Concurrency and Petri Nets. W. Reisig and G. Rozenberg (eds.), LNCS 3098, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Fortgeschrittene BWL- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In the context of advanced business administration, the importance of business administration for IT managers is presented.
Technical and methodological competence:
Students receive information on contract design in companies, legal safeguards, calculations, cost accounting, etc. Students will then be able to draw up and analyze contracts and calculations.
The question of company forms with the possibilities of financing and liability issues are the subject of the course. Students will then be able to make decisions about suitable company forms.
Prospective project managers gain insights into budgeting issues, investment and financial accounting and corporate management. Students will then be able to apply project management tools and techniques.
The course establishes a link to the topic of environmental protection. The importance of "sustainability" is conveyed. The focus is on linking ecology and economy not as a contradiction but as an opportunity. Students learn about the importance of computer science in modern environmental protection and the opportunities that exist to actively contribute to new concepts and develop their own concepts.Professional field orientation:
Graduates who want to become self-employed are put in a position to weigh up the risks and opportunities of self-employment and make appropriate decisions.
Prospective project managers are able to apply the elements of project management and put them into practice.
- How do I become self-employed? Advantages and disadvantages of different business forms, financing options, legal and tax aspects, liability issues, calculations, the importance of full cost accounting and contribution margin accounting .
- How do I manage a project? The importance of budgeting for project management. Marketing for projects in project-based forms of business. Investment and financing calculation with the amortization calculation as a decision criterion for project decisions. Corporate management, SWOT analysis, HRM, use of ERP systems in corporate management
- Environmental protection as an opportunity
- Combining existing technologies into systems
- Energy technology: photovoltaics, hot water collectors, geothermal energy, wind power, hydropower, heat pumps, Stirling engines, energy harvesting for operating micro-consumers, micro-controllers for controlling environmental processes, piezo technology as a spring element in vehicle construction .
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Common, Michael / Stagl, Sigrid, Ecological Economies, Cambridge 2005
- Schaltegger, S. / Wagner, M., Manageing the business case for susatainability, Sheffield / UK 2006
Grundlagen des Bauens und Entwerfens digitaler Lösungen- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing this course, students will be able to design and develop systems that are predictable in their temporal behavior. They know the technical parameters that are relevant for the selection of planning methods and can select and implement a suitable method based on the advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to understand the special temporal aspects of synchronized processes and distributed systems in design and implementation.
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the practice and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- The concept of time: mathematical reduction of time, structure and properties of a clock, time standards
- Introduction to planning: process parameters, WCET, usability, process precedence, process anomalies
- Priority-based planning methods for aperiodic processes: Earliest Due Date, Earliest Deadline First, Least Laxity First
- Priority-based planning methods for periodic processes: Rate and Deadline Monotonic Scheduling, scheduling tests (LL test, critical interval, RT test), Earliest Deadline First
- Time-based planning processes: outer and inner cycle, requirements according to Baker & Shaw, implementation of the Cyclic Executive
- Planning methods for synchronized processes: Priority reversal, procedures (non-preemptive critical sections, priority inheritance, priority upper limits), calculation of blocking times
- Real-time operating systems: including architecture, scheduler, handling interrupts
- Distributed systems: synchronization of clocks, real-time properties of various media access methods, current real-time protocols
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- exercise accompanying the lecture
- Internship accompanying the lecture
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- oral examination
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Hermann Kopetz. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications, Springer, 2011
- Dieter Zöbel. Echtzeitsysteme Grundlagen der Planung, Springer, 2008.
- Jane Liu. Real-Time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Peter Marwedel. Eingebettete Systeme, Springer, 2007.
- Heinz Wörn und Dieter Brinkschulte. Echtzeitsysteme, Springer, 2005.
- Burns, A., Wellings, A.; Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages; Pearson Education Ltd., Third Ed. 2001.
Hardware/Software Kodesign- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
The course is based on the three components of a case study of a HW/SW project during the semester, the preparation of a publication on a current research question and an event with an industry representative. Students acquire the necessary skills to carry out HW/SW projects professionally using current methodology, to adapt and expand the methodology and to present and critically discuss such projects with experts in the field.
Technical and methodological competence:- Planning and implementing a development project for a hardware-software system (case study)
- Analyze and assess which processes, methods and tools should be used in such a project (including SystemC, TLM, Mentor Vista Tools)
- Know the model-driven approach and adapt and apply it appropriately in a case study
- Analyze and structure the initial situation (a Viterbi decoder)
- Determine requirements and design the solution and the solution path
- Prepare a publication (+ literature research) for a smaller conference as group work (current research topic in the field of HW/SW codesign, English)
Social skills:
- To work through the case study, the students form project teams and define the roles of the individual team members according to the roles in a HW/SW project (based on Belbin Test)
- Project is planned independently using the methods and processes taught and its implementation is controlled by a project manager
- Project concludes with a lessons learned workshop
- Presentation at the conference (International Research Conference at Fachhochschule Dortmund) for publication (English)
Professional field orientation:
- Presentation and discussion of a practical project by an industry representative
- Students are then able to transfer their knowledge to a practical case and discuss it appropriately .
- Viterbi decoder case study
- Development processes for HW/SW projects
- Requirements analysis, test concept creation
- System modeling, verification and validation
- Target platforms
- System partitioning, representation using graphs
- System synthesis, code generation, HW/SW coverfication
- Use of SystemC, TLM, Mentor Vista
- Basics of project management for engineering projects, team organization
- Writing a publication (in English) + presentation
- Example of a complex real HW/SW project, discussion with an industry representative
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Teich, J.; Haubelt, C.: Digitale Hardware/Software-Systeme, Synthese und Optimierung, 2. Auflage, Springer, 2007
- Marwedel, P.: Eingebettete Systeme, Springer, 2008
- Martin, G.; Bailey, B.: ESL Models and their Application: Electronic System Level Design and Verification in Practice, Springer, 2010
- Schaumont, P.: A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Codesign, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2012
- Angermann, A.; Beuschel, M.; Rau, M.; Wohlfahrt, U.: MATLAB - Simulink - Stateflow, 5. Auflage, Oldenbourg, 2007
- Sammlung von Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen im ILIAS
IT-Netze- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
The student understands the principles, protocols and architecture of computer networks and the applications based on them. He/she applies network design procedures on layer 2 and layer 3, carries out the configuration of network components (router, switch) and plans the setup of virtual networks. He/she understands the design and implementation of communication protocols and is able to design and configure distributed systems with physical and virtual network components.
Social skills:
Based on practical demonstrations and experience gained through practical exercises, he/she is able to evaluate typical and recognized technologies and procedures in the areas of data network communication and the use of virtual network systems.
- Communication and reference models;
- Theoretical methods for capacity planning and calculation based on statistical models and Markov chains;
- Network algorithms for switching - Spanning Tree Protocol - and routing - Open Shortest Path First
- Wide traffic solutions, such as Multi Protocol Label Switching;
- Virtualized network devices using the example of CumulusVX and OPNSense,
- Network management based on SNMP and the use of Zabbix as a monitoring system; Reference architectures for enterprise networks and data center networks,
- Network aspects in cloud computing
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Larry L. Peterson Bruce S. Davie: Computer Networks: a system approach, 2.ed., Morgan
Kaufmann - Douglas Comer / David L. Stevens: Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol.1 und 2, Prentice Hall
Internet der Dinge- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing the course, students will be able to
- Classify the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) and differentiate it from Machine 2 Machine Communication (m2m) and Industry 4.0
Know the fields of application of IoT and specify their requirements for technology and architecture
Understand IoT technologies, architectures and protocols and analyze existing IoT systems
Classify wireless radio technologies such as UWB, LoRaWAN, Z-Wave, ZigBee, Bluetooth Smart in terms of range, data rate, interoperability and power consumption
Understand routing protocols for ad hoc networking such as OLSR, AODV, DSR and implement them in your own systems
Select architectures, technologies and protocols for given IoT applications and implement them in your own systems
Design and implement new architectures and routing protocols for specific IoT applications
Motivation, definition, differentiation from m2m, Industry 4.0
Application areas and their requirements
Overview of layer models: ISO/OSI, TCP/IP, IPv6 and 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth Smart
Overview of radio transmission: ISM bands, licensed bands, UWB
Classification of technologies: IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth Smart, RFID, LoRaWAN
Architectures and protocols of the IoT
Application layer protocols: CoAP, MQTT, GATT
Application layer protocol gateways: REST-HTTP/CoAP, REST-HTTP/GATT
Topologies: Star and tree topologies with central gateway, mesh networking, multi-gateway
Routing protocols: OLSR, AODV, DSR
Basics of digital communication
Sampling of signals, Nyquist sampling theorem
Coding, modulation, Shannon Fano channel capacity
Multiple access methods: ALOHA, CSMA/CA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, OFDM
Radio transmission basics: Antennas, free space attenuation, Fresnel zone,
Exemplary areas of application
Smart Home
Scenarios and their requirements
Technologies: Z-Wave, ZigBee, EnOcean
Exemplary implementation based on a current AAL research project
Scenario Tracking & Tracing
Technologies: RFID, LoRaWAN, UWB
Exemplary implementation based on a current research project
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Internship accompanying the lecture
- Project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
Jan Höller: From machine-to-machine to the internet of things - introduction to a new age of intelligence, Elsevier, 2014
Peter Waher: Learning Internet of Things - explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of engaging and enlightening tutorials designed for Raspberry Pi, Packt Publishing, Birmingham, 2015
Ralf Gessler, Thomas Krause: Wireless-Netzwerke für den Nahbereich, Eingebettete Funksysteme, Vergleich von standardisierten und proprietären Verfahren, Vieweg+Teubner, 2009
Martin Meyer: Kommunikationstechnik, Konzepte der modernen Nachrichtenübertragung, Vieweg+Teubner, 4. Auflage, 2011.
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall: Computernetzwerke, 5. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2012
Masterseminar- PF
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Mathematik für Informatik 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
41064 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Students master basic mathematical concepts of computer science and their methods such as set theory, relations, propositional logic, complex numbers as well as groups and solids.
- Students who have completed the module have mastered basic and advanced concepts and methods from linear algebra and are able to apply these methods with reference to their practical applications to solve typical tasks in computer science.
- The graduates demonstrate a confident handling of the concepts and methods of vector and matrix calculus and their geometric interpretation, setting up and solving linear systems of equations as well as dealing with straight lines and planes.
Interdisciplinary methodological skills and self-competence:
- Graduates of the module are able to solve computer science problems by setting up and calculating the corresponding mathematical models (for example by setting up and solving linear systems of equations). They demonstrate confidence in the appropriate selection of problem-specific solution methods and their application. The students are able to recognize the mathematical structures they have learned in other areas of computer science and to transfer the methods they have learned to these areas.
- The participants understand the relevance of the content taught to their field of study and are able to communicate this relevance adequately.
Social skills:
The event includes the following topics:
- Basics of mathematics for computer scientists: Introduction to set theory, cardinality of sets, relations, basics of propositional logic, complex numbers, groups and solids.
- Vectors and vector calculus: notation and interpretation, operations on vectors and their properties (addition, scalar multiplication, scalar product, cross product), vector spaces, length of vectors, collinearity, linear dependence and independence, concepts of dimension and basis, angles between vectors.
- Lines and planes: Representation in linear algebra, applications, positional relationships between points / straight line / planes
- Matrices: Notation and interpretation, operations on matrices and their properties (transposing matrices, addition, scalar multiplication, matrix multiplication), Gaussian algorithm, determinants, inverse matrices and their calculation
- Linear systems of equations: motivation and applications, matrix-vector form of linear systems of equations, Gaussian algorithm for solving linear systems of equations, homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear systems of equations and their relationships, rank of a matrix and relation to the solution set of linear systems of equations
- Eigenvalues and basic transformations
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Skript zur Vorlesung,
- G. Teschl und S. Teschl, Mathematik für Informatiker 1, 3. Auflage, Springer Verlag (2008) - im Intranet der FH elektronisch verfügbar.
- G. Teschl und S. Teschl, Mathematik für Informatiker 2, 2. Auflage, Springer Verlag (2007) - im Intranet der FH elektronisch verfügbar.
- G. Fischer, Lineare Algebra, Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 12. Auflage (2000).
- Preuß, W., Wenisch, G., Lehr- und Übungsbuch Mathematik für Informatiker.
Mathematik und Quantum Computing- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Teaching the mathematical foundations of quantum computing, insofar as they are relevant to the successful study of computer science. Students should be familiar with the course content listed below and be able to master the central algorithms and assess their significance.
Subject and methodological competence:- Handling and calculating with vectors and matrices, especially tensor products, including bra and ket notation
- Know about the historical development and classification in quantum mechanics
- Know and apply quantum teleportation and dense coding
- be able to name the fundamental properties of so-called qubits for quantum computing, describe them in abstract mathematical terms and explain them in terms of their physical principles
- be able to analyze, design and calculate quantum gates, initially simple but then increasingly complex, and implement them in practice with the help of IBM online quantum software
- understand the very abstract quantum Fourier transform after working out the essential properties of the classical Fourier transform, understand it using small examples and be able to apply it
- be able to analyze, understand and apply the essential quantum algorithms (Deutsch, Grover, Shor) and formulate the implications that the real existence of these algorithms will have on future quantum architectures for various application areas
- Know and apply the QFT-based quantum adder as one of the additional application scenarios of the quantum Fourier transform
- Know, apply and evaluate the most important methods of quantum cryptography
- Mathematical basics
- Quantum mechanical overview
- Bits and qubits
- Classical gates and quantum gates
- No cloning theorem versus quantum teleportation
- Holevo barrier versus dense coding
- German's algorithm
- Grover's algorithm
- Quantum Fourier transform
- Quantum adder based on QFT
- Algorithm from Shor
- Quantum cryptography
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- active, self-directed learning through internet-based tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- active, self-directed learning through tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- immediate feedback and success monitoring
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- B. Lenze, Mathematik und Quantum Computing, Buch und E-Book, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2020, zweite Auflage.
- M. Homeister. Quantum Computing verstehen, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2018, fünfte Auflage.
- R.J. Lipton, K.W. Regan. Quantum Algorithms via Linear Algebra: A Primer, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2014.
- M.A. Nielson, I.L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
- C.P. Williams. Explorations in Quantum Computing, Springer-Verlag, London, 2011, zweite Auflage.
Personalführung- PF
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Students can explain the specific tasks of managers and differentiate them from specialist tasks. Students know selected psychological principles of leadership and selected leadership theories.Students are familiar with selected leadership methods and can apply these in case studies and role plays.Students can analyze case descriptions of typical leadership situations and develop and argue solutions based on the theory they have learned.
- The knowledge of psychological principles, the ability to analyze (conflict) situations and communication skills can be used by students in any professional situation.
- Group work promotes the ability to develop solutions with other (unfamiliar) students .
- Role-playing games strengthen skills in dealing constructively with feedback and train the ability to observe communicative (conflict) situations.
- Through guest contributions from HR managers and managers from the field, students learn what requirements are placed on managers in professional fields of computer science.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Social skills:
Professional field orientation:
- Leadership roles
- Management tasks
- Delegation and target agreement
- Motivation
- Leadership styles
- Team structures
- Personality traits
- Conversational skills
- (Lateral) leadership in projects
- Change management - leadership in change
Teaching methods
- seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Group work
- Individual work
- Case studies
- Role-playing games
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master of Computer Science
- BLESSIN, B. & WICK, A. 2014. Führen und Führen lassen, Konstanz und München, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
- FREY, D. & SCHMALZRIED, L. 2013. Philosophie der Führung, Gute Führung lernen von Kant, Aristoteles, Popper & Co, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
- GERRIG, R. J. 2015. Psychologie, Halbergmoos, Pearson.
- GROTE, S. & GOYK, R. (eds.) 2018. Fu hrungsinstrumente aus dem Silicon Valley Konzepte und Kompetenzen: Springer Gabler.
- NERDINGER, F. W., BLICKLE, G. & SCHAPER, N. 2014. Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
- PASCHEN, M. 2014. Psychologie der Menschenführung, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
- VON ROSENSTIEL, L., REGNET, E. & DOMSCH, M. E. (eds.) 2014. Führung von Mitarbeitern - Handbuch für erfolgreiches Pesonalmanagement, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
- STÖWE, C. & KEROMOSEMITO, L. 2013. Führen ohne Hierarchie - Laterale Führung, Wiesbaden, Springer.
Rechnerstrukturen und Betriebssysteme 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
41031 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Students learn about the basic structure of a computer, from simple digital circuits to a typical microprocessor and computer architectures to basic concepts of an operating system.
Technical and methodological competence
- Computer-oriented representation of information (numbers and characters)
- Describing gates and their function, designing simple switching networks, specifying the function of a switching network as a Boolean expression and as a truth table
- Understanding the structure and use of memory elements (selected latches and flip-flops)
- Sketch the structure and basic understanding of how microprocessors and computer architectures work
- Understanding simple machine programs
- Sketch and evaluate simple implementations of the three central tasks of an operating system (process, memory and file management)
- Practical application of the Linux operating system
Social skills
- Solving programming tasks in groups of two
- Presenting the results to the supervisor
- Number and character representation (positive and negative integers, fixed and floating point representation IEEE 754, ASCII/Unicode)
- Fundamentals of digital technology (switching algebra, gates, normal forms, optimizations)
- Arithmetic and logic (simple standard switching networks - from multiplexer to ALU)
- Memory (RS latch, reference to automata theory, flip-flops, simple standard switching networks)
- Computer architecture (machine types, von-Neumann and Harvard, approaches to modernization, current processors)
- Microprocessor architecture and programming (case study Atmel AVR ATmega)
- Introduction to the practical application of Linux (files and directories, input/output redirection, processes)
- Operating system concepts (architectures)
- Processes (administration, scheduling)
- Memory management (free memory management, swapping, virtual memory)
- File systems (FAT, Unix inodes)
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Internship accompanying the lecture
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Tanenbaum, A.S., Rechnerarchitektur: Von der digitalen Logik zum Prarallelrechner, 6. Aufl., Pearson Studium, 2014.
- Hoffmann, D.W., Grundlagen der Technischen Informatik, 5. Aufl., Hanser, 2016.
- Tanenbaum, A.S., Moderne Betriebssysteme, 4. Aufl., Pearson Studium, 2016.
- Stallings, W., Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9th ed., Prentice Hall, 2017.
Requirements Engineering- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing the course, students will be able to
- define the problem space for new software products or services to be developed and design a solution
- apply the techniques from the field of requirements engineering for the central activities (e.g. elicitation, documentation, validation) plan requirements engineering processes for specific projects and application domains
- define management activities around requirements
- take the IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board) Foundation Level exam
Social skills:
- Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the exercise and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- Requirements Engineer / Business Analyst is a designation of a professional field. Participants are able to find a job in this field depending on their field of study .
- It is a certifiable activity of a computer scientist (IREB).
Professional field orientation:
- The concept of requirements, problem vs. solution
- Frameworks (e.g. Jackson s WRSPM model)
- Requirements engineering process (stakeholders, activities)
- Delineate system and system context
- Elicitation of requirements (techniques and supporting procedures, Kano model)
- Textual requirements documents
- Modeling requirements (e.g. target modeling, requirements patterns)
- Dealing with quality requirements (also known as non-functional requirements)
- Validation of requirements
- Management of requirements in large projects (attribution, prioritization, traceability, change management, tool support, CMMI, ReqIF exchange format)
- Introduction to software product lines and variant management
Teaching methods
Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful mini-project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Klaus Pohl. Requirements Engineering: Fundamentals, Principles and Techniques. Springer, 2017
- Klaus Pohl und Chris Rupp: Basiswissen Requirements Engineering: Aus- und Weiterbildung nach IREB-Standard zum Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level, 2015
- Brian Berenbach, Daniel Paulish, Juergen Kazmeier, Arnold Rudorfer. Software and Systems Requirements Engineering In Practice, McGraw-Hill, March 2009
- Klaus Pohl, Günter Böckle und Frank J. van der Linden. Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques, Springer, Januar 2011
- Søren Lausen. Software Requirements - Styles and Techniques, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
- Ellen Gottesdiener. Requirements by Collaboration - Workshops for Defining Needs. Addison-Wesley, 2002
System- und Softwarequalitätssicherung- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- The students should
- know and be able to classify quality terms
- be able to explain and justify the principles of software quality assurance
- Be able to carry out (code) inspections
- be able to analyze programs and use control-flow-oriented and data-flow-oriented test procedures
- be able to use the concepts of verification and symbolic testing and differentiate them from testing procedures
- be able to carry out integration and acceptance tests for simple scenarios
- Be able to assess and use test tools
- Be able to determine and use tools and procedures for test automation
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Learning quality management methods that are transferable to other areas beyond the field of software development .
- Independent familiarization with in-depth questions and presentation of results
Social skills:
- Independent development of exercise units, practice with fellow students, organization of feedback by fellow students
- Introduction and overview
- Principles of quality assurance
- Quality assurance in the system and software life cycle
- Quality assurance at component level
a. Testing procedures
b. Verifying procedures
c. Analyzing procedures
- Quality assurance at system level
a. Integration tests
b. System and acceptance testing - Evaluation of software: product metrics
- Non-functional requirements: Design-for-X
- Quality considerations for the use of third-party products
- Architecture-driven test planning
- Quality assurance in operational practice
a. Relevant standards and norms
b. Conformance testing - Improvement of the process quality
a. Processes for system and software development
b. Evaluation of development processes: Maturity models
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful term paper
- successful presentation
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master of Business Informatics
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Helmut Balzert: Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik. Band 2 , Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2008
- Peter Liggesmeyer: Software-Qualität: Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2009
- Ernest Wallmüller: Software- Quality Engineering, Hanser, 2011
Theoretische Informatik- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
42041 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Be able to name basic terms and properties of formal languages, grammars and the corresponding automata .
- Create grammars and automata for formal languages and understand how they work.
- Be able to convert the representation of languages between grammars, automata and regular expressions. Be able to independently assess problems as formal languages and classify them with regard to the language types in the Chomsky hierarchy.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Be able to independently assess and classify problems in terms of their complexity .
- Formal languages and grammars: Alphabet; words: languages; grammars; derivations; grammar types in the Chomsky hierarchy
- Regular languages: programming finite automata (deterministic and non-deterministic); minimization of automata; regular expressions; conversion between grammars, automata and regular expressions; closure properties, pumping lemma for regular languages
- Context-free languages: pushdown automata; Chomsky normal form; word problem with the CYK algorithm; termination properties; pumping lemma for context-free languages
- Turing machines: variants (deterministic and non-deterministic); universal Turing machines; Gödel number; P/NP problem
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Group work
- Individual work
- Presentation
- Mini-exams during the semester for regular feedback
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Hopcroft, J.E., Motwani, R., Ullman, J.D.; Einführung in die Automatentheorie, Formale Sprachen und Berechenbarkeit; Pearson Studium; 3. Auflage; 2011
- Hoffmann, D.W.; Theoretische Informatik; Hanser; 3. Auflage; 2015
- Hedtstück, U.: Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik; Oldenbourg; 5. Auflage; 2012
- Erk, K., Priese, L.; Theoretische Informatik; Springer; 4. Auflage; 2018
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Anerkannte Wahlpflichtprüfungsleistung- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Angewandte Statistik- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Ability to extract information from data using statistical methods, especially regression methods.
Technical and methodological competence:
- Acquisition of methodological knowledge of explorative and inductive statistics
- Formulating statistical models, especially regression models
- Selection and implementation of parameter estimation, model selection, model testing with subsequent interpretation of results
- Calculating forecasts and forecast intervals
- Conducting and analyzing real experiments and computer simulations based on statistical experimental design
- Model-based optimization of technical and logistical processes
- Independent analysis of data sets with statistical software (R, JMP,...) and documentation in report form
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Supporting decision-making processes through data analysis
- Creating forecasts with uncertainty estimation based on data sets
- Applying statistical methods in connection with the evaluation of databases
- Definition of the classical linear model
- Model parameters, ML and KQ estimation
- Hypothesis testing in the context of regression models
- Residual analysis
- Model selection and variable selection
- Model interpretation, forecasting and forecasting intervals
- Basics of statistical experimental design (experimental design, experimental range, coding, randomization, repetitions, block formation)
- Screening and optimization plans, space-filling plans
- Insight into various statistical models (analysis of variance, generalized linear models, Gaussian process models, )
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
Project work with oral examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
Successful project work
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Fahrmeir, L., Künstler, R., Pigeot, I., Tutz, G. (2016), Statistik - der Weg zur Datenanalyse, 8. Aufl., Springer, Berlin.
- Fahrmeir, L., Kneib, Th., Lang, S., Marx, B. (2013), Regression: Models, Methods and Applications, Springer, Berlin.
- Dobson, A.J., Barnett, A.G. (2018), An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, 4th edition, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Boca Raton.
- Sievertz, K., van Bebber, D., Hochkirchen, Th. (2017) Statistische Versuchsplanung - Design of Experiments (DoE), 4te Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Berlin.
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Praktischen Informatik- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In the course "Selected Aspects of Practical Computer Science", content on a special topic of practical computer science is presented.
This course offers the opportunity to offer a course that is not offered on a regular annual basis, and lecturers from Germany and abroad and cooperation partners can be approached to present interesting aspects.
The topics offered specifically expand the range of courses in the field of practical computer science.
The content of the course as well as the forms of teaching and examination may vary from semester to semester.
Technical and methodological skills
- The students know the basics of the topic
- The students know the requirements, principles, architectures, methods, procedures and tools for the topic
- The students can work independently on tasks (case studies, project tasks, development tasks) .
- Students develop their results independently or in teams and present them .
Social competence:
- Practical work is carried out in teams .
In this course, a lecturer will specifically present 'Selected Aspects of Practical Computer Science'
.This course is offered in coordination with the Dean of Studies, taking capacity aspects into account.
A module description - in accordance with the specifications in the module handbook - is created in advance for the specific course. The head of degree program uses this to check the suitability of the course to complement the curriculum. The module description is made available to the students from the beginning of the course.
Quality assurance is carried out by the head of degree program.Teaching methods
Seminar-style teaching
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Die Literaturhinweise erfolgen Themen-spezifisch durch den jeweiligen Lehrenden.
Ausgewählte Aspekte der Technischen Informatik- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In the course "Selected Aspects of Computer Engineering", content on a special topic of computer engineering is presented.
This course offers the opportunity to offer a course that is not offered on a regular annual basis, and lecturers from Germany and abroad and cooperation partners can be approached to present interesting aspects.
The topics offered specifically expand the range of courses in the field of computer engineering.
The content of the course as well as the forms of teaching and examination may vary from semester to semester.
Technical and methodological skills
- The students know the basics of the topic
- The students know the requirements, principles, architectures, methods, procedures and tools for the topic
- Students can work independently on topic-specific tasks (case studies, project tasks, development tasks) .
- Validate!!!
- Students develop their results independently or in teams and present them .
Social competence:
- Practical work is carried out in teams .
In this course, a lecturer will specifically present 'Selected Aspects of Computer Engineering'
.This course is offered in coordination with the Dean of Studies due to capacity considerations.
A module description is created in advance for the specific course - in accordance with the specifications of the module handbook - and made available to the students. Quality assurance is carried out by the head of degree program.
Teaching methods
Seminar-style teaching
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Die Literaturhinweise erfolgen Themen-spezifsch durch den jeweiligen Lehrbeauftragten.
Autonome mobile Systeme- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After completing the course, students will be able to
- understand and apply methods and algorithms of autonomous mobile systems
- design and implement state controllers and state observers
- apply algorithms for state estimation of dynamic systems
- Apply and implement algorithms for localization, path planning and collision avoidance of autonomous mobile systems
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Analysis of dynamic systems
- Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems
- Simulation of dynamic systems with Matlab/Simulink
- Basics of dynamic systems
- Description of discrete-time systems, z-transformation
- State space representation
- Control by means of state feedback
- State observation
- State estimation of dynamic systems
- Method of least squares error
- Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter
- Monte Carlo methods
- Autonomous mobile systems
- Basics of the localization of mobile systems
- Localization using Kalman filters
- Localization using particle filters
- Environmental models and mapping
- Navigation and path planning
- Collision avoidance
- Selected problems from current research projects
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Internship accompanying the lecture
- Project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox: Probabilistic Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents), MIT Press, 2005
- Siegwart, Roland; Nourbakhsh, Illah R.: Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press, 2nd Edition, 2011
- Karsten Berns, Ewald von Puttkamer: Autonomous Land Vehicles: Steps towards Service Robots, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2009
- Hertzberg, Joachim; Lingemann, Kai; Nüchter, Andreas: Mobile Roboter - Eine Einführung aus Sicht der Informatik, Springer Vieweg Verlag, 2012
- Howie Choset, Kevin M. Lynch, Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor, Wolfram Burgard, Lydia E. Kavraki, Sebastian Thrun: Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents), MIT Press, 2005
- Unbehauen, Heinz: Regelungstechnik II, Vieweg Verlag, 9. Auflage, 2007
- Lunze, Jan: Regelungstechnik 2: Mehrgrößensysteme, Digitale Regelung, Springer Verlag, 6. Auflage, 2010
Berechenbarkeit und Komplexitätstheorie- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Be able to name basic terms and concepts of computability and complexity theory .
- Be able to program and analyze different models of Turing machines.
- Understand, classify and evaluate complexity statements of problems. Be able to independently assess and classify problems in terms of their computability and complexity.Be able to check the possibility of an approximate solution for difficult problems.
- Turing machines: 1-band TM; multi-band TM; Church-Turing hypothesis; universal TM; non-deterministic TM
- Computability: decidable, semi-decidable and undecidable problems; diagonalization: halting problem; reduction of undecidable problems
- Complexity theory: runtimes; classes P and NP; P-NP problem; NP-completeness; polynomial reduction; NP-complete problems
- Approximation: approximation quality; approximation algorithms; non-approximability
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Group work
- Individual work
- Active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Hopcroft, J.E., Motwani, R., Ullman, J.D.; Einführung in Automatentheorie, Formale Sprachen und Berechenbarkeit; Pearson Studium, 3. Auflage, 2011
- Hoffmann, D.W.; Theoretische Informatik; Hanser; 3. Auflage; 2015
- Erk, K., Priese, L.; Theoretische Informatik; Springer; 4. Auflage; 2018
ERP und SCE: Standardprozesse und Erweiterungskonzepte- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Teaching advanced content on the topic of distributed systems and teaching the basics of wireless and mobile systems
Technical and methodological skills:
- Describing the basics of signal propagation and transmission techniques
- Naming and describing the most important technologies (wired and wireless)
- Differentiated description of the special aspects of routing, QoS and localization
- Understanding the special features of software development for small devices (e. g.B. smartphones) in detail
- Classify current and future developments in the overall context
- Perform prototype programming of wireless applications
- Dealing independently with current research-related issues
Social skills:
- Working in small teams
- Results-oriented group work
- Signal propagation in wired and wireless networks
- Basics of transmission technology
- (Analog-digital conversion, modulation methods)
- Multiplexing methods
- Basics of wireless transmission techniques
- (cell switching, handover, routing, roaming)
- Network topologies (bus systems, mesh networks, overlay networks)
- Other transport protocols (includinga. RTP, RTCP, SIP, SCTP, DDCP)
- Quality of Service (QoS) - requirements and concepts
- Mobility / localization / tracking
- Satellite systems
- Mobile networks (GSM, UMT, LTE)
- Low-range radio networks (Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID, NFC)
- Communication bus architectures
- Security in mobile systems
- Software development for small devices (e.g. smartphones)
- Overview of current platforms
- Quality aspects of mobile applications
- Architectures and architectural elements for communication
- Cross-platform development / fragmentation
etc. - Selected aspects of current research
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid Bachelor's examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
Oral examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- INPM-TB400 Specialization in Practical Computer Science
- MIPM-47550 Compulsory elective module
- Schiller, Jochen: Mbilkommunikation, Pearson Studium, 2000
- Sauter, Martin: Grundkurs Mobile Kommunikationssysteme: UMTS, HSDPA und LTE, GSM, GPRS und Wireless LAN, Vieweg und Teubner, 4. Auflage 2011
- Firtman, M.: Programming the Mobile Web, O'Reilly Media, 2010
- Fling, B.: Mobile Design an Development: Practical Concepts and Techniques for Creating Mobile Sites and Web Apps, O'Reilly Media, 2010
Entwurf und Modellierung komplexer Software-Architekturen- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In this module, students deepen their skills in the design of software architectures for complex systems. Students learn how to design a scalable, robust and maintainable domain-driven software architecture by selecting and applying suitable principles, patterns and methods. The analysis and discussion of such software architectures is based on practical examples and concrete solutions from research projects.
Technical and methodological competence:
- The participants are able to differentiate basic principles of software design and transfer them to specific application scenarios. The students are able to differentiate, analyze and apply central patterns at the macro and micro architecture level.The students know relevant tools and methods for domain-driven design and can combine and implement them appropriately in concrete application scenarios.The students can name and classify current research approaches to modeling software architectures.
- The participants master the analysis of a complex problem and can break it down into sub-problems. In this way, they strengthen their skills in implementing a comprehensive task as part of a project over several weeks in a team. Students learn methods for the interdisciplinary development of solutions, e.g. together with experts without a technical background.
- The participants develop and implement solutions cooperatively in a team .
- They are also able to present, explain and discuss their ideas and solutions.
- Students acquire knowledge to solve typical tasks in the field of software architectures. They can make well-founded design decisions and justify them.
- In addition, they gain experience in the use of essential software development tools, such as development environments or build management tools.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Social skills:
Professional field orientation:
The module covers the following topics:
- Short repetition of the bachelor material on software design (e.g. design patterns according to Gamma et al., separation of concerns, layered architecture)
- In-depth aspects of software design:
- Principles (e.g. loose coupling - high cohesion, SOLID)
- Architectural patterns (e.g. ports and adapters, CQRS)
- Methods (e.g. domain-driven design, WAM approach)
- Characteristics and patterns of modern architectural styles (e.g. modular architectures, event-based architectures, microservice architectures)
- Model-driven design, development and reconstruction of software architectures
Teaching methods
- Internship accompanying the lecture
- Group work
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
- Inverted teaching (inverted classroom)
- Screencasts
- Project-oriented practical training in teamwork
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
- successful internship project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Evans E.; Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software. Addison-Wesley; 2003
- Vernon V.; Domain-Driven Design kompakt. dpunkt; 2017
- Richardson C.; Microservice Patterns. Manning; 2018
- Starke G.; Effektive Softwarearchitekturen. Hanser Verlag; 8. Auflage; 2018
- Martin R. C.; Clean Architecture. Prentice Hall; 2018
- Goll J.; Entwurfsprinzipien und Konstruktionskonzepte der Softwaretechnik. Prentice Hall; Springer Vieweg; 2018
- Bass, Len, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman. Software Architecture in Practice: Software Architect Practice. Addison-Wesley, 2012.
- Balzert H.; Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik. Entwurf, Implementierung, Installation und Betrieb. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; 3. Auflage; 2011
- Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R., Vlissides J.; Design Patterns. Addison-Wesley; 1995
- Rademacher, Florian. A language ecosystem for modeling microservice architecture. Diss. 2022.
Formale Sprachen und Compilerbau- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
After completing the course, students will be able to xxx
Subject and methodological competence:
- identify problems that should be solved using compiler construction techniques
- to specify the grammars that generate simple formal languages and to verify the result
- explain the relationship between tokens, regular expressions, regular languages and the automata that accept them and, based on this knowledge, develop the automaton for a token that accepts exactly the lexemes belonging to the token
- develop a scanner for a small example language
- to decide for a given grammar whether it is suitable for dead-end-free top-down analysis and, if necessary, to modify problematic productions appropriately
- develop a parser for a small example language based on recursive descent
- extend small grammars with suitable attributes and semantic rules for the purpose of syntax-driven translation
- to develop a syntax-driven translator on the basis of predefined translation schemes
- make suitable decisions for memory organization and runtime system based on a source language to be translated
- name the components of an abstract 3-address machine
- name common optimization methods and apply them to given 3-address code
- Application areas and system environments for compilers
- Tasks and results of the analysis and translation phases of a compiler
- Grammars, regular languages and automata in the context of lexical analysis
- Systematic implementation of a scanner based on deterministic, finite automata
- Basics and principle of top-down analysis including possible problems
- LL(k) grammars as the basis for dead-end-free top-down analysis
- Characterization of LL(1) grammars
- Calculation of FIRST, FOLLOW and control sets for LL(1) grammars
- Implementation of an anticipatory analyzer 1) based on an analysis table, 2) by recursive descent
- Attributed grammars as the basis for syntax-driven translation
- Implementation of syntax-driven translation by a variant of recursive descent based on translation schemas
- Influence of the source language on memory organization and runtime system
- Various types of intermediate representations, in particular 3-address code
- Structure of an abstract machine for 3-address code
- Translation of an example language into 3-address code based on translation schemas
- Machine-independent and machine-dependent optimizations
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- R.H. Güting, M. Erwig, Übersetzerbau: Techniken, Werkzeuge, Anwendungen. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1999
- A.V. Aho, M.S. Lam, R. Sethi und J.D. Ullman, Compilers. Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley, 2006
- A.V. Aho, M.S. Lam, R. Sethi und J.D. Ullman, Compiler. Prinzipien, Techniken und Werkzeuge. PEARSON STUDIUM, 2008
- K. D. Cooper und L.Torczon, Engineering a Compiler, Second Edition. Academic Press, 2011
Fortgeschrittenes Webengineering- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In this module, students gain an overview of the architectures of complex web applications and analyze their differences and areas of application. They learn how corresponding web applications can be implemented by selecting and using suitable client- and server-side technologies.
Technical and methodological skills:- The participants can analyze and differentiate between different architectures and central architectural patterns of web applications The participants are able to derive a suitable architecture from a concrete problem and to determine and apply suitable web technologies for implementation.Students will be able to name, classify and apply important web standards and technologies.
- The participants have mastered the analysis of a comprehensive requirement and can break it down into sub-requirements. They have experience of implementing sub-requirements over several weeks as part of an overall project in a team. Students can classify, derive and implement software system architectures.
- The participants develop and implement solutions cooperatively in a team .
- They are also able to present, explain and discuss their ideas and solutions.
- Students acquire knowledge of typical tasks in web development and the application of specific web technologies. In addition, they gain experience in the use of essential software development tools, such as development environments or build management tools.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Social skills:
Professional field orientation:
The lecture covers the following topics:
- Brief review of the basics of building websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Bachelor material)
- Consideration, analysis and differentiation of architectures of modern web applications:
- Architectural patterns such as MVC and its variants (MVVM, MVP, etc.)
- Request-based and component-based web frameworks
- Single page applications, server-side rendering, client-side rendering
- Reactive programming/streaming
- In-depth study of server-side technologies for the development of web applications (e.g. with Java, JavaScript)
- Deepening client-side concepts and technologies for the development of web applications (e.g. component-oriented development, state management, routing)
- Overview of current developments in web standards (e.g. web components, WebAssembly)
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Internship to accompany the lecture
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Group work
- Inverted teaching (inverted classroom)
- Screencasts
- Project-oriented internship in teamwork
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
- successful internship project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Wolf J.; HTML5 und CSS3: Das umfassende Handbuch; Rheinwerk Computing; 4. Auflage; 2021
- Bühler P., Schlaich P., Sinner D.; HTML5 und CSS3: Semantik - Design- Responsive Layouts; Springer Vieweg; 2017
- Simpson K.; Buchreihe "You Don't Know JS" (6 Bände); O'Reilly; 2015
- Haverbeke M.; JavaScript : richtig gut programmieren lernen; dpunkt.verlag; 2. Auflage; 2020
- Simons M.; Spring Boot 2: Moderne Softwareentwicklung mit Spring 5; dpunkt.verlag; 2018
- Tilkov S., Eigenbrodt M., Schreier S., Wolf O.; REST und HTTP; dpunkt.verlag; 3. Auflage; 2015
- Kress, D.; GraphQL: Eine Einführung in APIs mit GraphQL; dpunkt.verlag; 2020
- Starke G.; Effektive Softwarearchitekturen. Hanser Verlag; 9. Auflage; 2020
Konzepte in Programmiersprachen- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
In the last ten years, the approach of taking a very pragmatic view of programming languages in introductory programming lectures has become widespread. In essence, the syntax of a specific programming language is taught (e.g. Java) and it is shown how specific tasks can be solved using the language. Individual concepts such as data types and control structures are primarily illustrated using concrete examples and not discussed in general terms.
Technical and methodological competence:Contents
- Programming paradigms
- Introduction to functional programming
- Lambda calculus
- Abstraction with data
- Type systems and type inference
- Abstraction with procedures
- Memory management
- Control structures
- Comparison of recursion and iteration
- Modularization
- Metalinguistic abstraction
- Basics of logical programming
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Internship to accompany the lecture
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
- Mitchell, J.C.; "Concepts in Programming Languages", Cambridge University Press, New York, 2002
- Pierce, B.C.; "Types and Programming Languages", The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2002
- Michaelson, G.; "Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus", Dover Publications Inc, New York, 2011
- Pepper, P., Hofstedt, P.; "Funktionale Programmierung, Sprachdesign und Programmiertechnik", Springer, Berlin, 2006
- Emerick, C., Carper, B., Grand, C.; "Clojure Programming", O'Reilly, Beijing, 2012
- Scott, M.L.; "Programming Language Pragmatics", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016
- Thompson, S.; "Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming", Addison Wesley, London, 2011
- Abelson, H., Sussman, G.J., Sussman, J.; "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1996
- Nederpelt, R., Geuvers, H.; "Type Theory and Formal Proof", Cambridge University Press, 2014
Maschinelles Lernen- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
The course deals with the development and analysis of machine learning methods in applications of computer science, medical informatics and general information systems.
Technical and methodological competence:
After attending the course, students will be able to
- use the most important concepts of machine learning to explain learning systems .
- design, implement and analyze machine learning systems for specific applications in computer science
- assess the use of machine learning methods for their own application tasks. To this end, students are familiar with typical applications for these methods. recognize the theoretical limits of machine learning systems, describe them formally and use them to assess the limits of their own applications.question and discuss the ethical foundations of machine learning systems.
- formulate ideas and proposed solutions in writing and orally
- solve tasks independently in the exercises and practicals and present the results
- acquire theoretical content on the topic of machine learning from scientific literature and present it independently
- Develop solutions cooperatively in the exercise and project phases
- plan, distribute and jointly carry out tasks for solutions in the project phases
- argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively
- Present the results of group work together
- Evaluate project results and formulate suggestions for improvement
- Recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners
The student can:
Social skills:
The student can:
- Basic concepts of machine learning
- Use of KNime for machine learning
- Designing evaluation studies for machine learning methods and conducting such studies
- Linear models
- Different models of supervised and unsupervised neural networks
- From radial basis networks to support vector machines
- Decision trees, random forest, gradient boosting machines (GBM)
- Next neighbor method and lazy learning
- Bayesian networks
- Unsupervised learning methods (k-means, SOM)
- Combination models (ensembles, boosting machines)
- Deep learning models (convolutional neural networks (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), transformer architectures e.g. BERT)
- Deep learning concepts - transfer learning, data augmentation, generative adversarial networks (GAN)
- Deep learning - parallelization with GPUs, implementation on mobile platforms with low resources
- Theoretical concepts: Bias-Variance Dilemma, No Free Lunch Theorem
- Explanability of models
- Applications with data from different modalities (text, image, sound), Word2Vec, FastText, Transformer
- Methods for improving generalization performance (regularization, feature selection, dimension reduction, complexity adjustment)
- Problem solving using the example of course-related mini-projects from industrial applications (student mini-projects in teams of 2-3)
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
- Inverted teaching (inverted classroom)
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful mini-project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- I. Witten, E. Frank, M. Hall und C. J. Pal, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, 4. Auflage, Morgan Kaufmann (2017) - elektronische Version im Intranet verfügbar
- C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer (2006)
- E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), Third Edition, MIT Press (2014)
- I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio und A. Courville: Deep Learning, MIT Press (2016)
Mathematische Grundlagen der Verschlüsselungstechnik- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Teaching the mathematical fundamentals of encryption technology, insofar as they are relevant to the successful study of computer science. Students should be familiar with the course content listed below and be able to make informed decisions about which encryption technique to use to solve which encryption problem.
Technical and methodological competence:
- Dealing with and calculating in groups, rings and solids
- Polynomial and dual arithmetic in Galois fields
- Knowing and applying the extended Euclidean algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem and Fermat's and Euler's theorem
- Name important one-way functions (with and without trapdoor) and know their essential properties
- Know, apply and evaluate Diffie-Hellman and RSA methods, Vernam, DES and AES methods as well as the most important ECC methods
- be able to name, apply and systematically compare all common asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods and assess their security
- be able to describe and analyze the basics of standard encryption methods as well as the two post-quantum encryption methods presented on an abstract mathematical level
- be able to propose, justify, analyze and critically assess alternatives, modifications and, in the best case, improvements based on the insights gained into the methods presented
- be able to easily familiarize themselves with other, not explicitly presented procedures on the basis of the solid theory developed and also systematically compare and assess them with regard to their safety
- Groups, rings, solids
- Galois fields of power-of-two order
- Extended Euclidean algorithm (for prime residue classes and Galois fields)
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Theorem of Fermat and Euler
- One-way functions (with and without trapdoor)
- Asymmetric encryption methods (Diffie-Hellman, RSA)
- Symmetric encryption methods (Vernam, DES, AES)
- Encryption via elliptic curves (ECC)
- Post-quantum cryptography (NTRU, RLWE)
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- B. Lenze, Basiswissen Angewandte Mathematik -- Numerik, Grafik, Kryptik --, Buch und E-Book, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2020, zweite Auflage.
- D.J. Bernstein, J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen, Post-Quantum-Cryptography, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2009.
- J. Buchmann, Einführung in die Kryptographie, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2016, sechste Auflage.
- H. Delfs, H. Knebl, Introduction to Cryptography, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2015, dritte Auflage.
- J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014, zweite Auflage.
- C. Paar, J. Pelzl, Kryptografie verständlich, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2016.
- D. Wätjen, Kryptographie, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2018, dritte Auflage.
- A. Werner, Elliptische Kurven in der Kryptographie, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2013.
Multimodale Interaktion in Ambienten Umgebungen- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
This module focuses on interaction with multimodal user interfaces. It deals with modern forms of human-machine interaction (MMI) in networked intelligent environments. In addition to the theoretical background, a section of the following areas will be addressed:
- Sensor-based interaction technologies- Speech recognition and control
- Interactive environments and interfaces
- Ambient environments
- Physiological sensors for interaction (affective computing)
- Tangible interaction (tangible interaction, physical computing)
- Goal-based interaction
In the application field of Ambient Assisted Living, concepts, methods and technologies of modern MMI are motivated and practically deepened in the course of the event
.Technical and methodological expertise:
After attending the course, students will be able to
- Understand and evaluate current research work in the field of multimodal interaction systems .
- Understand and analyze new (sensor-based, tangible, voice-based, ) forms of interaction and transfer them to their own use cases. To this end, students are familiar with typical areas of application and are able to classify technologies and infrastructures. apply concepts, methods and models for the development of multimodal user interfaces.recognize requirements (especially for the MMI) of modern AAL systems and assemble solutions/products in their context as building blocks of a problem solution.Understand infrastructures for new forms of interaction and develop their own solutions based on the problem at hand.Analyze existing multimodal user interfaces for specific use cases and develop new ones.
Students can present ideas and proposed solutions in writing and orally, the independent presentation of solutions contributes to the development of self-confidence/professional competence; the development of strategies for the acquisition of knowledge and skills is supported by the combination of (seminar-style) lectures with independent development of the contents of scientific literature.
Social competence:
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the exercise and project phases. The student can argue in a goal-oriented manner in discussions and deal with criticism objectively; he/she can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners. Results from group work can be presented together.
- Basics of interaction design from perception, work and cognitive psychology; theories of design: distributed cognition, activity theory, structuring theory; interaction modeling
- Description and use of contextual information for interaction analysis
- Intensification in the following technical areas:
- Sensor-based interaction technologies,
- Voice recognition and control,
- Tangible interaction/camera projector systems;
- Ambient environments from the field of AAL, in the task areas:
- Security & prevention (home emergency call, lighting systems, ),
- Health and care (vital signs monitoring, fitness trackers, ),
- Home and care (Google Nest, robotics, service portals, ),
- Communication and social environment (voice control, communication solutions, );
- AAL platforms and Internet of Things infrastructures as the basis for multimodal interaction .
- Approach (analysis, conception, methods, models) for the development of multimodal user interfaces.
- Problem solving using the example of a self-developed multimodal user interface from the field of AAL (student projects);
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- Project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written examination paper or oral examination (according to the current examination schedule)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written examination or passed oral examination (according to current examination schedule)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Master's degree in Computer Science
- Rogers, I. (2012). HCI Theory: Classical, Modern, and Contemporary - Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics. Morgen & Claypool.
- Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (2016), Volume 10, Springer International Publishing 2016
- BMBF/VDE Innovationspartnerschaft AAL (Hrsg.) 2011: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Komponenten, Projekte, Services Eine Bestandsaufnahme, VDE Verlag.
Organisatorisch/rechtliche Aspekte der IT-Beschaffung- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Processes, activities, methods, techniques, languages and tools for handling IT procurement projects
- Overview of the central procedures, legal framework and relevant tender guidelines for IT procurement projects
Interdisciplinary methodological expertise:
- Requirements management
- Project management
- Market research and analysis
- Independent preparation and creation of result documents and their presentation on IT procurement-specific topics and content
Social skills:
- Project work in teams with 5-8 students
Professional field orientation:
- Practice-oriented implementation of a tendering and procurement project in cooperation with IT companies
- Project management
- Project planning with activity node network plans and Gantt charts, cost and effort controlling
- Requirements collection and determination
- Survey methods such as written surveys and semi-structured interviews with interview guidelines
- Practical implementation by the project team(s) in cooperation with regional IT companies
- Requirements analysis, specification and documentation
- Development and creation of requirements documents and functional specifications
- Outlines and IEEE standards
- Legal framework conditions of an IT procurement project
- Rights and obligations of the client/contractor
- ITIL vs. IT procurement
- Structure and preparation of tender documents: forms, regulations, laws
- Tendering law, public procurement law, tender evaluation
- Public, restricted and direct award
- Primary and secondary legal protection
- Conducting bidder interviews and presentations: Process and procedure
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- seminar-style teaching
- Seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
- Presentation
- concluding presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Master's degree in Business Informatics
- Balzert, H. (2008): Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik - Softwaremanagement, Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
- Balzert, H. (2009): Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik - Basiskonzepte und Requirements Engineering, 3. Auflage, Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
- Keller-Stoltenhoff, Leitzen, Ley (2017): Handbuch für die IT-Beschaffung (Band 1 und 2), Heidelberg: Rehm-Verlag.
- Mangold, P. (2009): IT-Projektmanagement kompakt, 3. erweiterte Auflage, Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
- Spitczok, N.; Vollmer, G., Weber-Schäfer, U. (2014): Pragmatisches IT-Projektmanagement, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, Heidelberg: dpunkt-Verlag.
- Vollmer, G. (2018): Vorlesungsunterlagen zur seminaristischen Lehrveranstaltung "Organisatorische und rechtliche Aspekte der IT-Beschaffung"
- Winkelhofer, G. (2005): Management- und Projekt-Methoden, 3. vollst. überarbeitete Auflage, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Projektmanagement- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- First, central concepts of project management are introduced. In particular, methods of project planning are deepened. Students are able to carry out a planning project. Students are familiar with current project management standards.The students acquire knowledge of project management methods (in particular time and cost management).Students learn concepts of quality and risk management.
- The students recognize that methods of project management are transferable to other tasks of a business informatics specialist.
- Selected project management methods are applied by the students themselves during the course .
- Students learn special methods and tools that support cooperation and communication in a project (e.g. mind mapping, CSCW tools, decision tables, linking of tools. The methods and tools are also used in the course. The students are able to apply the knowledge from all phases of the course, i.e. to select both methods and tools of project management for this complex project and to apply them in a team.
- The students know the tasks and job description of an IT project manager .
Interdisciplinary methodological skills:
Social skills:
Professional field orientation:
- Basic concepts of project management
- Methods and tools of project planning
- Methods and tools for project control (time management, cost management)
- Methods and tools for quality management in projects (standards, quality systems)
- Methods and tools for risk management in projects (risk assessment, risk monitoring and handling) Methods and tools for supporting communication and cooperation in project groups
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful term paper
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
Ruhr Master School- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Ruhr Master School- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Usability Engineering- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 0 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Verteilte und mobile Systeme- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Teaching advanced content on the topic of distributed systems and teaching the basics of wireless and mobile systems
Technical and methodological competence:
- Describe the basics of signal propagation and transmission techniques
- Name and describe the most important technologies (wired and wireless)
- Differentiated description of the special aspects of routing, QoS and localization
- Understand the special features of software development for small devices (e.g. smartphones) in detail
- Classifying current and future developments in the overall context
- Perform prototype programming of wireless applications
- Independent processing of current research-related questions
Social skills:
- Working in small teams
- Results-oriented group work
- Signal propagation in wired and wireless networks
- Basics of transmission technology
- (Analog-digital conversion, modulation methods)
- Multiplexing methods
- Basics of wireless transmission techniques
- (cell switching, handover, routing, roaming)
- Network topologies (bus systems, mesh networks, overlay networks)
- Other transport protocols (including RTP, RTCP, SIP, SCTP, DDCP)
- Quality of Service (QoS) - requirements and concepts
- Mobility / localization / tracking
- Satellite systems
- Mobile networks (GSM, UMT, LTE)
- Low-range radio networks (Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID, NFC)
- Communication bus architectures
- Security in mobile systems
- Software development for small devices (e.g. smartphones)
- Overview of current platforms
- Quality aspects for mobile applications
- Architectures and architectural elements for communication
- Cross-platform development / fragmentation
and much more - Selected aspects of current research
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
Oral examination
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed oral examination
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Schiller, Jochen: Mbilkommunikation, Pearson Studium, 2000
- Sauter, Martin: Grundkurs Mobile Kommunikationssysteme: UMTS, HSDPA und LTE, GSM, GPRS und Wireless LAN, Vieweg und Teubner, 4. Auflage 2011
- Firtman, M.: Programming the Mobile Web, O'Reilly Media, 2010
- Fling, B.: Mobile Design an Development: Practical Concepts and Techniques for Creating Mobile Sites and Web Apps, O'Reilly Media, 2010
Visualisierung- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- WP
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
After successfully completing the module, students know the technical terms of visualization and can use them correctly to describe visualization problems and systems. They will know essential data structures and methods of data visualization. They will be familiar with the architecture of common visualization systems.
The development of strategies for acquiring knowledge and skills is supported by the analysis, preparation and presentation of scientific literature.
- Introduction, terminology, history of visualization
- 3D computer graphics
- Visualization process
- Data description for visualization
- Factors influencing the visualization
- Fundamental visualization techniques
- Visualization of multi-parameter data
- Visualization of volume data
- Visualization of flow data
- Visualization systems
Presentations on original work from a current international visualization conference, e.g. Eurographics Conference on Visualization
Testing different paradigms and systems for visualization
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Seminar
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- oral examination
- presentation
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed oral examination
- successful presentation
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Master of Computer Science
- Master's degree in Medical Informatics
- Schumann, H., Müller W.: Visualisierung, 1. Auflage, Springer Verlag, 2000
- Telea A.: Data Visualization; 2nd ed., CRC Press, 2015
- Ward M., Grinstein G., Keim D.: Interactive Data Visualization, 2nd ed., CRC Press, 2015
- Schroeder W., Martin K., Lorensen B.: The Visualization Toolkit, 4th ed., Kitware Inc., 2006
- Originalarbeiten aus einer aktuellen internationalen Visualisierungskonferenz, z.B. Eurographics Conference on Visualization
2. Semester of study
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
42012 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Students will have mastered selected algorithms and data structures after completing the lecture. They can analyze and qualitatively evaluate algorithms.
Technical and methodological competence:
You will acquire basic analytical skills to be able to evaluate, compare and explain algorithms and data structures and their properties. This competence also includes the ability to familiarize themselves independently with applications (such as APIs and development environments).
You have the implementation skills to transfer data structures and algorithms into object-oriented programs and to use predefined data structures and algorithms in libraries, such as the collections in Java, to solve problems.
You will acquire the formal competence to identify the core of a simple problem and to formulate and use suitable algorithms and data structures to solve it. They recognize the recursive core of a problem and can use a recursive problem-solving strategy. They have the competence to assign selected problems to known problem classes.Contents
- Design, analysis and runtime behavior of algorithms
- Recursion
- Search and sorting methods
- Lists, trees, graphs, hash tables
- Reference to modern class libraries such as Java Collections
- Design methods, e.g. divide&conquer, backtracking
- Algorithmic problem classes
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Internship accompanying the lecture
- Group work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- H. Balzert, Lehrbuch Grundlagen der Informatik, Elsevier 2005
- G. Saake, K. Sattler, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, dpunkt.verlag 2014
- A. Solymosi, U. Grude, Grundkurs Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen in JAVA, Springer Vieweg 2017
Mathematik für Informatik 2- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
41061 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Students know the concept of function and can use it confidently. Principles of proof, especially complete induction, are understood and can be applied. Limit values of sequences and series, in particular Taylor series, can be determined. Students can differentiate and integrate functions and use this knowledge effectively in applications.
Technical and methodological competence:
Students have in-depth knowledge of the possible applications of differential and integral calculus: they are familiar with solution patterns for such problems and are able to transfer mathematical methods to other problems.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Students recognize that mathematical methods can be used to describe the properties of technical and business systems and to analyze their behavior.
Students can present ideas and proposed solutions in writing and orally, the independent presentation of solutions contributes to the development of self-confidence / professional competence; the development of strategies for the acquisition of knowledge and skills is supported by the combination of lectures, self-study and intensive practice phases with permanent feedback.
Social skills:
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the practice phases. Students can argue in discussions in a goal-oriented manner and deal with criticism objectively; existing misunderstandings between discussion partners are recognized and reduced.
Communication with cooperation partners from technology-specific specialist areas/departments is made easier if the relevant language schemes have been familiarized with during mathematics training.
- Number ranges, complete induction
- Functions: Polynomials (esp. interpolation polynomials), rational functions, exponential functions, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and their inverse functions as well as other elementary functions
- Convergence of sequences and series, Landau symbolism
- Limit values and continuity of functions, calculation of zeros of functions
- Differentiability of functions; one- and multi-dimensional differential calculus
- Rule of de l'Hospital
- Taylor series expansion, approximation of functions by polynomials
- Local and global extrema of functions in one or more variables
- Integration of continuous functions in one variable (antiderivative, partial integration, substitution rule, partial fraction decomposition, approach method)
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
- Exercise to accompany the lecture
- solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- active, self-directed learning through tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
- immediate feedback and success monitoring
- Mini-exams during the semester for regular feedback
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Skript zum Kurs.
- Forster, O.: Analysis 1, Wiesbaden, Springer Spektrum, 2016, 12. Auflage.
- Forster, O.: Analysis 2, Wiesbaden, Springer Spektrum, 2017, 11. Auflage.
- Heuser, H.: Analysis 1, Wiesbaden, Vieweg-Teubner, 2009, 17. Auflage.
- Heuser, H.: Analysis 2, Wiesbaden, Vieweg-Teubner, 2008, 14. Auflage.
Mathematik für Informatik 3- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
42073 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Acquisition of basic knowledge of applied statistics and the ability to select and apply descriptive and inductive statistical methods to solve problems of practical relevance.
Technical and methodological competence:
- Acquisition of methodological basics of descriptive and inferential statistics
- Describing essential structures in data by selecting suitable descriptive means
- Converting problems into random variables and suitable distribution assumptions
- Drawing inferences from samples to populations using parameter and interval estimation
- Formulation of test problems and independent implementation of hypothesis tests
- First experience with the computer-aided analysis of data
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Supporting decision-making processes through descriptive data analysis and statistically sound statements
- Transferring estimation and test procedures to problems in computer science
- Applying statistical methods in connection with the evaluation of databases
- Simulation of stochastic processes with the help of theoretical distributions
- Derivation of forecasts with the help of statistical estimation methods
- Empirical frequency distributions and graphical representations
- Location measures, measures of dispersion and box plots
- Measures of correlation and exploratory regression
- Concept of probability, random events, Laplace model
- Combinatorics
- Conditional probability, independence of events, Bayes' theorem
- Distribution and parameters of discrete random variables
- Equal distribution, binomial distribution, hypergeometric distribution
- Distribution and parameters of continuous random variables
- Equal distribution, normal distribution, central limit theorem
- Point estimators and their properties
- Confidence intervals for expected value and proportion value
- Testing hypotheses, binomial test, Gaussian test, t-test
- Independent computer-aided analysis of data sets, e.g. in Excel. Python or R
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Fahrmeir et al.; Statistik: Der Weg zur Datenanalyse; Springer; Berlin Heidelberg; 8. Auflage; 2016
- Vorlesungsskript
Programmierkurs 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
42021 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Providing the knowledge required to implement application software from a professional point of view. This includes the realization of graphical user interfaces, the connection of technical concept classes and the persistence of data. Concepts of object-oriented programming are applied in a problem-oriented manner.
Technical and methodological competence:- Implementing flexible systems through the use of polymorphism and interfaces
- Recognizing the advantages of regulated exception handling
- Implementing a flexible graphical user interface using components and layout managers
- Using data streams
- Identifying and solving concurrent programming problems
- Reusing components via the targeted use of an application programming interface (API)
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Application of programming techniques in the implementation of commercial, technical and multimedia applications
- In-depth study of object-oriented programming in Java (abstract classes, interfaces, polymorphism)
- Professional exception handling via exceptions
- Use of collections for object management
- Access to the file system and organization of files (Java IO)
- Use of data streams
- Serialization of objects
- Programming graphical user interfaces (JavaFX)
- Event handling
- Concurrent programming (threads)
- Java Stream API and lambda expressions
- Architecture of application programs from an implementation perspective
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
written exam paper
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Horstmann, C., Cornell, G.; "Core Java, Volume 1: Fundamentals", Pearson, Boston, 2018
- Horstmann, C., Cornell, G.; "Core Java, Volume 2: Advanced Feature", Prentice Hall, Boston, 2016
- Krüger, G., Hansen, H.; "Java-Programmierung - Das Handbuch zu Java 8", OReilly Verlag, Köln, 2014
- Urma, R.-G., Fusco, M., Mycroft, A.; "Java 8 in Action: Lambda, streams, and functional-style programming", Manning, 2015
- Epple, A.; "Java FX 8", dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2015
- Sharan, K.; "Learn JavaFX8", Apress, Springer Science, New York, 2015
- Sierra, K., Bates, B.; "Head First Java", OReilly, 2005
Rechnerstrukturen und Betriebssysteme 2- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
42032 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Students will be able to understand and explain the functioning of the elementary components of an operating system: process and thread management, mechanisms for communication and synchronization. Furthermore, students will be able to evaluate advanced computer structures.
Professional competence:- Implement concurrent applications with processes and threads .
- Differentiate the means of inter-process communication.
- Recognize the potential problems of concurrent programs (e.g. race conditions) and select suitable synchronization mechanisms. Implement system programs with the help of system calls.
- Name advanced aspects of computer structures such as multiprocessor systems and outline their implications for operating system structures using examples.
Social skills:
- Solving programming tasks in groups of two
- Presenting the results to the supervisor
- Operating system programming (C, JAVA and Java Native Interface (JNI))
- Threads (thread model, comparison to processes, threads in Unix and Windows)
- Communication (pipes, FIFOs, semaphores, shared memory, sockets, RPC)
- Synchronization of processes and threads (mutual exclusion, conditional synchronization, rendezvous with semaphores and monitors)
- Input and output (hardware, interrupt, DMA, driver)
- Multiprocessor systems (hardware, scheduling, synchronization)
- Virtual machines (overview of machine types, JavaVM as a virtual stack machine, instruction set of JavaVM)
- Case study (e.g. Linux/Android, Windows)
Teaching methods
Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Tanenbaum, A.S.; Bos, H.; Moderne Betriebssysteme; Pearson Studium; 2016
- Stallings, W.; Operating Systems; Pearson, 2017
- Glatz, R.; Betriebssysteme; dpunkt.verlag, 2015
- Tanenbaum, A.S.; Austin, T.; Rechnerarchitektur; Pearson Studium, 2014
3. Semester of study
Datenbanken 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
43052 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Technical and methodological competence:
- Know the definition of a DBS and the schema architecture of a DBMS.
- Know the transaction concept and recovery mechanisms.
- Know and use SQL commands for setting up, storing and querying information (DDL, DML, DRL, DCL).
- Exemplarily carry out the administration of database systems.
- Develop stored functions, procedures and triggers.
Social skills:
- Developing, communicating and presenting relational models and database programs in teams of two .
- Collaboratively creating and evaluating learning posters or review questions on the course content.
Professional field orientation:
- Know the requirements of different job profiles in the database environment (database administrator. Database developer, application developer, data protection officer) .
- Database and transaction concept
- Relational model and operations
- SQL Data Definition Language and Database Integrity
- SQL Data Manipulation Language
- SQL Data Retrieval Language
- SQL Views
- Roles and rights management
- Stored functions, procedures and triggers
- Backup and recovery
Teaching methods
- seminar-style teaching with flipchart, smartboard or projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- active, self-directed learning through tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- Exercises or projects based on practical examples
- mini-exams during the semester for regular feedback
- The lecture is offered as a video
- Inverted teaching (inverted classroom)
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written examination paper
- examinations during the semester
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- successful internship project (project-related work)
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Beighley, L., SQL von Kopf bis Fuß, O'Reilly, 2008.
- Kemper, A., Wimmer, M.; Übungsbuch Datenbanksysteme, Oldenbourg; 2. aktualisierte Auflage, 2009.
- Saake, G., Sattler, K., Heuer A., Datenbanken - Konzepte udn Sprachen, 6. Auflage, mitp, 2018.
Mathematik für Informatik 4- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
41067 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Students know solution methods for the treatment of ordinary differential equations and can apply these methods. Students on the course also know special numerical and number theory procedures for solving computer science-related problems.
Technical and methodological competence:
Students have reliable knowledge of the possible solutions to differential equations and special problems in numerics and number theory: they are familiar with solution patterns for such problems and are able to transfer mathematical methods to other problems.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Students are able to recognize that mathematical methods can be used to describe the properties of technical systems (e.g. control and regulation systems, signal processing) and analyze their behavior.
Students can present ideas and proposed solutions in writing and orally, the independent presentation of solutions contributes to the development of self-confidence/professional competence; the development of strategies for acquiring knowledge and skills is supported by the combination of seminar-style lectures and intensive practice phases with continuous feedback.Social skills:
Cooperation and teamwork skills are trained during the practice phases. Students can argue in discussions in a goal-oriented manner and deal with criticism objectively; they can recognize and reduce existing misunderstandings between discussion partners.Orientation to the professional field:
Communication with cooperation partners from technology-specific subject areas/departments is made easier as they have become familiar with the relevant language schemes within mathematics education.
- 1st order differential equations
- Higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
- Laplace transformation and linear differential equations with constant coefficients, convolution theorem
- Fourier series, Fourier transform, sampling theorem
- Characterizing functions of linear differential equations (transfer function, impulse, step and frequency response, stability)
- Newton method and numerical integration
- Gradient descent method
- Numerics of differential equations
- Equivalence classes, groups, rings
- Divisibility and prime numbers, Euclid's algorithm and Diophantine equations
- Congruences
- Homomorphism/isomorphism on groups
Teaching methods
- Lecture in seminar style, with blackboard and projection
- Exercise to accompany the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- active, self-directed learning through tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- exercises or projects based on practical examples
- immediate feedback and success monitoring
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
Bachelor's degree in computer science
- Skript zum Kurs.
- Fischer, G.: Lineare Algebra, Wiesbaden, Springer-Spektrum, 2014, 18. Auflage.
- Heuser, H.: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, Wiesbaden, Vieweg-Teubner, 2009, 6. Auflage.
- Knabner, P.; Barth, W.: Lineare Algebra, Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Spektrum, 2018, 2. Auflage.
- Liesen, J; Mehrmann, V.: Lineare Algebra, Wiesbaden, Springer-Spektrum, 2015, 2. Auflage.
- Weber, H.; Ulrich, H.: Laplace-, Fourier- und Z-Transformation, Wiesbaden, Vieweg + Teubner, 2012, 9. Auflage.
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
43081 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
The course teaches the basics of user interfaces for efficient cooperation and interaction between humans and computers. In this context, both physiological and psychological aspects of human information processing are covered. Furthermore, software ergonomics is introduced as a scientific field that deals with the design of human-machine systems. Furthermore, the effects on concepts and implementations of software systems and user interfaces are examined and discussed.
Technical and methodological competence:- Observation of the basic learning and action processes when using software
- Knowledge of the standard operating elements for WIMP interfaces
- Name the most important standards, laws and guidelines on SW ergonomics
- Fundamental evaluation of the ergonomics of user interfaces based on these regulations
- Mapping the activities in the user-centered design process to case studies
- Basic knowledge of the most important usability engineering tools and their application in case studies
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Knowledge of simplified action process models
Social skills:
- Observation, assessment and evaluation of communication situations
- Working on tasks in alternating small groups (2-4 students each)
Professional field orientation:
- Interdisciplinarity of user experience design
- Application of simple usability engineering tools (e.g. personas) using a case study
1. basics
- Introduction and motivation
- Definition of software ergonomics
- Perception
- Memory and experience
- Processes of action
- Communication
2. implementation
- Norms and laws
- Guidelines
- Hardware
- Forms of interaction
- Graphical dialog systems
3. user-centered design
- Introduction
- Web usability
- Accessibility
- Tools of usability engineering
4. further contents
In consultation with the students, one to three of the following topics will be covered. The list will be expanded as required
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- Project work with oral examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- passed written examination
- passed oral examination
- successful project work
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor's degree in Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
Die im jeweiligen Semester eingesetzte Prüfungsform (z.B. mündliche Prüfung) wird zu Beginn der Veranstaltung bekanntgegeben. Dies gilt ebenfalls für eine möglicherweise genutzte Bonuspunkteregelung.
Softwaretechnik 1- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
43051 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
120 h
30 h
Learning outcomes/competences
Introduction to the implementation of software projects with a special focus on the early phases of development and modeling of software-based solutions with the help of creative methods (e.g. design thinking) and the methods of requirements engineering. Consideration of the integration of AI-based modules in the development process and in the design of the software project, taking into account social implications and regulatory framework conditions.
Modeling of the software system with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Domain Driven Design (DDD) methods. Knowledge of various process models and practical experience with agile methods such as Scrum.Technical and methodological competence:
- Overview of procedure and process models of software development
- Name and apply various requirements engineering methods
- Differentiate, specify and formulate user and system requirements
- Verifying and validating requirements
- Overview of the consequences of digitalization and digital transformation with a special focus on the effects in the area of software engineering
- Knowing and applying innovation methods
- Be able to integrate AI-based modules into the development process
- a) Impact on the development process
- b) Consideration of regulatory framework conditions
- c) Analysis of social implications
- Describe the methodological approach in object-oriented analysis
- Know and apply the relevant UML description tools in the context of OOA
- UML use case diagram
- UML package diagram
- UML class diagram
- UML activity diagram
- UML sequence diagram
- UML communication diagram
- UML state diagram
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
- Modeling the static and dynamic aspects of an OOA model for an object-oriented software system to be developed
- Object-oriented specification of software systems using the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Creation of a technical concept or product model for a software system
- Recognizing contradictions, incompleteness, inconsistencies
Social skills:
- Systematically analyze problems of medium complexity in a team
- Develop a requirements specification in a cooperative and collaborative team
- Specify an OOA model for a software system in a cooperative and collaborative team
- General basics of software engineering (motivation, definitions, goals,...)
- Procedure models (classic to agile)
- Fundamental terms, phases, activities and procedures in the context of requirements engineering
- Digitalization, change and creative methods in the context of software engineering
- Peculiarities of the integration of AI-based modules
- Fundamental terms, methods and notation in the context of object-oriented analysis (OOA) and domain-driven design (DDD)
- Object-oriented analysis with UML (including use cases, packages, activity diagram, class diagram, state diagram, scenario)
- Analysis patterns, static/dynamic concepts and sample applications
- Checklists for the OOA model
- Components and contents of the OOA documentation
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Internship to accompany the lecture
- Project work accompanying the lecture with final presentation
- Workshops
- Group work
- Individual work
- Case studies
- Excursion
- Project work
- The lecture is offered as a video
- Inverted classroom teaching
- Concluding presentation
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- Oral examination
- Project work with oral examination
- Homework
- Presentation
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
- successful project work
- successful term paper
- successful presentation
- successful internship project (project-related work)
- participation in at least 90% of the attendance dates for exercise and internship
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Balzert, H. (2009): Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik - Basiskonzepte und Requirements Engineering (3. Aufl.), Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
- Ludewig, J.; Lichter, H. (2013): Software Engineering - Grundlagen, Menschen, Prozesse, Techniken, 3. korrigierte Auflage, Heidelberg: dpunkt-Verlag.
- Oestereich, B., Scheithauer, A. (2013): Analyse und Design mit UML 2.5, 11. Auflage, München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
- OMG (2017): UML Specification Version 2.5.1,
- Pichler, R. (2008): Scrum, Heidelberg: dpunkt-Verlag.
- Pohl, K., Rupp, C. (2015): Basiswissen Requirements Engineering, 4. überarbeitete Auflage, Heidelberg: dpunkt-Verlag.
- Rupp et. al. (2012): UML 2 glasklar. 4. Auflage, Hanser-Verlag.
- Sommerville, I. (2012): Software Engineering, 9. Auflage, München: Pearson Studium.
Begründung zur Teilnahmeverpflichtung
Die Studierenden erarbeiten in Teamarbeit sowohl kreative Lösungen als auch formale Beschreibungen für konkrete Fragestellungen und UseCases aus der Industrie. Dabei werden Sie von den Lehrkräften begleitet und gecoacht. Um die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen zu analysieren und die sich daraus ergebenden Lernziele zu erreichen ist eine Mindestanwesenheitspflicht im Praktikum erforderlich.
Web-Technologien- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
- PF
- 4 SWS
- 5 ECTS
46898 BA
Duration (semester)
Contact time
60 h
90 h
Learning outcomes/competences
This module provides students with an overview of the most important technologies used today to create web applications. After completing the course, they will have mastered the central principles and concepts on which modern web architectures are based.
Technical and methodological competence:
- Completers of the module will be able to name the central basic principles of the WWW and classify them in the context of web applications .
- They acquire the professional competence to differentiate between client-side and server-side web development techniques. They can also name and use important client- and server-side technologies for the creation of web applications. Students recognize basic architectural patterns of web applications and can model them. They can name the inherent technology-independent structural features of web applications and transfer them to specific technologies.
- The participants have mastered the analysis of a comprehensive requirement and can break it down into sub-requirements. They have experience of implementing partial requirements over several weeks as part of an overall project in a team. Students can describe and categorize architectures of software systems.
- The participants develop and implement solutions cooperatively in a team .
- They are also able to explain and discuss their ideas and solutions.
- Students acquire knowledge of typical tasks in web development and the application of specific web technologies. In addition, they gain experience in the use of essential software development tools, such as development environments or build management tools.
Interdisciplinary methodological competence:
Social skills:
Professional field orientation:
The lecture covers the following topics:
- Detailed knowledge of the structure of websites with HTML and CSS
- Server-side technologies for the development of web applications (e.g. with Java, JavaScript)
- Basic knowledge of web architectures based on the MVC pattern
- Introduction to web services (e.g. REST)
- Client-side technologies for the development of web applications (e.g. JavaScript)
- Fundamental concepts and techniques in the browser (e.g. DOM, AJAX)
- Basic knowledge of responsive web design
Teaching methods
- Lecture in interaction with the students, with blackboard writing and projection
- Exercise accompanying the lecture
- Solving practical exercises in individual or team work
- Internship accompanying the lecture
- Processing programming tasks on the computer in individual or team work
- Group work
- Active, self-directed learning through internet-supported tasks, sample solutions and accompanying materials
- Inverted teaching (inverted classroom)
- E-learning
- Blended learning
- Just-in-time teaching
- Use of learning games
- Screencasts
- Project-oriented internship in teamwork
Participation requirements
See the respective valid examination regulations (BPO/MPO) of the study program.
Forms of examination
- written written examination
- study achievements during the semester (bonus points)
Requirements for the awarding of credit points
passed written exam
Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)
- Bachelor of Business Informatics
- Bachelor of Software and Systems Engineering (dual)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor's degree in Medical Informatics
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Bachelor of Computer Science Dual
- Bachelor of Medical Informatics Dual
- Wolf J.; HTML5 und CSS3: Das umfassende Handbuch; Rheinwerk Computing; 4. Auflage; 2021
- Bühler P., Schlaich P., Sinner D.; HTML5 und CSS3: Semantik - Design- Responsive Layouts; Springer Vieweg; 2017
- Simpson K.; Buchreihe "You Don't Know JS" (6 Bände); O'Reilly; 2015
- Haverbeke M.; JavaScript: richtig gut programmieren lernen; dpunkt.verlag; 2020, 2. Auflage
- Springer S.; Node.js: Das umfassende Handbuch; Rheinwerk Computing; 4. Auflage, 2021
- Tilkov S., Eigenbrodt M., Schreier S., Wolf O.; REST und HTTP; dpunkt.verlag; 3. Auflage; 2015
- Balzert H.; Lehrbuch der Softwaretechnik. Entwurf, Implementierung, Installation und Betrieb. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; 3. Auflage; 2011
- Tanenbaum A.; Computernetzwerke; Pearson Studium; 3. Auflage; 2000
4. Semester of study
Thesis mit Kolloquium- PF
- 0 SWS
- 30 ECTS
- PF
- 0 SWS
- 30 ECTS
Duration (semester)