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Losverfahren Bachelor Soziale Arbeit

Fast facts

  • Department

    Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

  • Stand/version


  • Standard period of study (semester)


  • ECTS


Study plan

  • Compulsory elective modules 1. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 2. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 3. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 4. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 5. Semester

  • Compulsory elective modules 6. Semester

Module overview

1. Semester of study

Professionelles Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit I
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have knowledge of the history of ideas of social work in a historical context and their theoretical foundations. In addition, students have an introductory knowledge of organizational forms and institutions of social work and have become familiar with selected fields of work and action. They have dealt with professional identity and professional attitudes. Students acquire methodological skills as well as key social, communicative and personal skills for professional practice.


History, fields of action and organizations of social work
  • Fields of work, history, professional theories and contexts of action in social work, taking into account societal and social change

Methods of social work
  • Theoretically based social work methods for cooperative process design with recipients, organizational development and professional self-reflection
  • Methodical action for professional understanding, development and change

Actional, social and personal skills
  • Exercises in communication and conversation
  • Basics for a systemic understanding as well as resource and solution-oriented action skills
  • Reflection on value-based and ethical action
  • Dealing with empathy and the ability to set boundaries
  • Learning about options for crisis and conflict resolution
  • Designing and developing a concept for self-management

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Lecture, excursion, group work, individual work, exercise, role play

Forms of examination

Module examination:
written term paper

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in the sub-area "Methods of Social Work"
1 SL in the sub-area "Action, social and personal skills"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Galuske, M. (2013). Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit (10. Auflage). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Otto, H.-U., Thiersch, H., Treptow, R. & Ziegler, H. (Hrsg.) (2018). Handbuch Soziale Arbeit. Grundlagen der Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik (6. überarbeitete Auflage). München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag

Von Spiegel, H. (2018). Methodisches Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit. Grundlagen und Arbeitshilfen für die Praxis (6. Auflage). München: Ernst Reinhard Verlag.

Wendt, P.-U. (2017): Lehrbuch Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit (2. überarbeitete Auflage). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Thole, W. (Hrsg.) (2012). Grundriss Soziale Arbeit. Ein einführendes Handbuch (4. Auflage). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

2. Semester of study

Psychologie und Medizin
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have an understanding of the risks of psychological development and appropriate forms of intervention. They will be able to recognize common psychopathological abnormalities in children, adolescents and adults and respond appropriately; they will be able to receive the empirically based results of health research and transfer them into practical action. They know the basics of epidemiology, the social security system and institutions of outpatient and inpatient counseling and care as well as how they function. Students can apply their knowledge in the areas of reporting, planning and within and outside of medical or psychosocial care.


Psychology and medicine - basics:
Basic knowledge of general psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, social medicine and psychiatry

Psychology and medicine - applications:
Applied knowledge from clinical psychology, positive psychology, health and environmental psychology as well as social medicine and psychiatry

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Lecture, group work, presentation, case work

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Written exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

2 SL in the subfield
"Psychology and medicine - basics"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Bierhoff, H. W. & Frey, D. (2011). Sozialpsychologie – Individuum und soziale Welt. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Bosshard, M., Ebert, U. & Lazarus, H. (2013). Soziale Arbeit in der Psychiatrie. Lehrbuch. (5. Auflage) Bonn: Psychiatrie.

Davison, G. C., Neale, J. M. & Hautzinger, M. (2007). Klinische Psychologie. Weinheim: Beltz.

Franke, A. (2012). Modelle von Gesundheit und Krankheit (3. überarbeitete Auflage). Bern: Huber.

Knoll, N., Scholz, U. & Rieckmann, N. (2017). Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie (3. Auflage). München: Reinhard UTB.

Lohaus, A. & Vierhaus, M. (2015). Entwicklungspsychologie des Kindes- und Jugendalters. Hamburg: Springer.

Soziale Arbeit als Wissenschaft
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students are familiar with the basics and approaches to the science of social work and its related sciences as a disciplinary unit. They know the historical derivations of a science of social work, the status of its current theoretical discourse and its significance in the context of other disciplines.

Students acquire knowledge of different empirical survey and evaluation methods (research methods), at least one of which is so in-depth that it can be applied in research practice. They have basic skills for carrying out empirical social work research projects. They can critically understand social work studies. Students of this module are also familiar with the basics and application of scientific work.


Social work as a science:
The theoretical foundations of social work are taught. Life situations, life difficulties and ways of coping with life are theoretically discussed, analyzed and evaluated from the perspective of social work. The emergence of social work as a discipline and profession is developed. Furthermore, the fields of action, their methods and problems of social work are discussed in detail.

Methods of empirical social research and scientific work:
This section introduces students to qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research. Basic empirical research procedures, survey and evaluation methods are presented and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. One method of empirical research is examined in depth. Furthermore, the techniques, rules and methods of scientific work are studied in detail, as well as a meaningful text exegesis, the creation of lecture notes, excerpts, thesis papers and term papers as well as researching, presenting and visualizing.

Both sections are offered over the course of two semesters, basic in the first semester and in-depth in the second. Seminar topics can span two semesters.

Teaching methods

Lecture, seminar
Group work, presentation, text work, lecture, case reconstruction, reflection exercise, evaluation workshop, research supervision

Forms of examination

Module examination:
written term paper

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in sub-area "02.1"
1 SL in sub-area "02.2"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Flick, U. (2016). Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine Einführung. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.

Kotthaus, J. (2014). FAQ Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Opladen: Budrich Verlag.

Kromrey, H. (2002). Empirische Sozialforschung. Modelle und Methoden der standardisierten Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung. Opladen. Leske und Budrich.

Otto, H.-U., Thiersch, H., Treptow, R. & Ziegler, H. (Hrsg.) (2018). Handbuch Soziale Arbeit. Grundlagen der Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik (6. überarbeitete Auflage). München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

Stock, S., Schneider, P., Peper, E. & Molitor, E. (Hrsg.) (2018). Erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten. Alles, was Studierende wissen sollten (2. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.

Thole, W. (Hrsg.) (2012). Grundriss Soziale Arbeit. Ein einführendes Handbuch (4. Auflage). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Sozialwissenschaft und Politik
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Sociological part:
Students know the connection between social problems and social work, are familiar with relevant theories on social science diagnoses of the present and know selected sociological theories. They are able to deal with specific sociological questions and explanatory approaches to fields of social work.

Political science part:
Students are familiar with the principles of the political system and the constitutional order (polity), political processes (politics) and selected policy content (policy); they acquire the ability to criticize and make political judgments.

Social/municipal policy:
Students will be able to reflect on the welfare state as a result of historical developments and political decisions, explain the functions, areas of responsibility and design alternatives of social policy and assess the consequences of social policy measures both for the clients of social work and for the self-image and organizations of social work.


W04.1 Sociological foundations, in particular:
  • Social problems,
  • Fundamental sociological concepts,
  • Social theories and diagnoses

W04.2 Fundamentals of political science, in particular:
  • Political structures (democracy, constitution),
  • Political institutions (parliament, government, administration, judiciary) and
  • Political action (actors and forms of participation)

W04.3 Sociology - theory and empiricism in application contexts, e.g.:
- Social structure analysis, gender, life situations and life phases, migration and integration, social space, education and work

W04.4 Political science - applications in social and municipal policy, e.g:
  • Evolution and function of the welfare state; social security systems; problems and limits of the welfare state; social policy and social work; local constitution, local politics, development of democracy and threats to democratic culture

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Lecture, presentation, group work, protocols, research, discussions, excursions

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Written exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Kopp, J. & Steinbach, A. (Hrsg.) (2018). Grundbegriffe der Soziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Borstel, D. & Fischer, U. (2018). Politisches Grundwissen für die Soziale Arbeit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

3. Semester of study

Erziehungswissenschaft und ethische Bildung
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Upon successful completion of the module, students will have developed the ability to transfer educational and ethical principles and theorems to the socio-educational and social work level and apply them to corresponding problems. They will also be able to describe their own and socially practiced educational and ethical theories and understand how to assess the contribution of educational science and ethical education to professional ethics. In addition, students are able to trace scientific argumentation in the form of theses to be discussed.


Fundamentals of educational science:
The basic lecture provides an introduction to the basic concepts, principles, structures and theories of educational science. Theories of upbringing, education, socialization, learning, pedagogical action and the subject area of norms and values are outlined. Using the excerpts to be prepared by the students on selected terms, the students practise text analysis skills and deepen the content outlined in the lecture.

Ethics basics:
Fundamental positions of ethics and concepts of freedom and justice as well as more recent concepts of ethics of responsibility, moral rules and virtue ethics are developed. The role of conscience, reason and judgment and the significance of emotions are analyzed. Ambivalent topics such as power, mandate, responsibility, trust and care are examined in order to trace their ethical implications and the conditions of responsibility as well as concepts and experiences of conceptual domination. In exercises, ethical argumentations are traced in order to recognize their situational relevance and to examine and deepen individual convictions.

Educational science and ethical education - applications:
By combining the basic courses with two courses to be chosen from the field of (professional) ethical and/or educational science applications, students learn to reflect on their everyday understanding of pedagogical processes and to distinguish them from a scientific approach. An application of the educational science and ethical principles can be established, for example, on the basis of the following areas: Inclusion, human rights, globalization, intercultural issues, disability, gender, queer studies, care ethics, diversity management, sexuality, ageing and dying, religion, educational justice, child protection.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Lecture, guided discussion, seminar-based group work, text analysis, excursion

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Oral examination

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in the sub-area "Educational Science and Ethical Education - Fundamentals"
1 SL in the subfield "Educational Science and Ethical Education - Applications"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Krüger, H.-H, & Helsper, W. (Hrsg.) (2010). Einführung in die Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Erziehungswissenschaften (9. Auflage). Opladen.

Spies, A. & Stecklina, G.(2015). Pädagogik: Studienbuch für pädagogische und soziale Berufe. München. Basel.

Maaser, W. (2015). Lehrbuch Ethik, Weinheim.

Großmaß, R. & Perko, G. (2011). Ethik für Soziale Berufe, Paderborn.

Stoecker, R., Neuhäuser, C. Raters, M.-L. (Hrsg.) (2011). Handbuch Angewandte Ethik, Stuttgart.

Kulturwissenschaften und ästhetische Kommunikation
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students are familiar with fundamental aspects, manifestations and staging mechanisms of media, leisure and cultural society. They recognize the connection between social and aesthetic phenomena, can deal with them in a reflexive-critical and artistic-practical way and initiate aesthetic practice and communication in fields of social work. They have knowledge and skills in the application and theoretical reflection of action models of aesthetic practice and cultural education work. They will be able to plan, implement and evaluate programs specific to the field of work, target groups and media. Through the self-reflective examination of working methods and values in areas of artistic expression, students have the foundations of a personal artistic profile and cultural mediation skills


Cultural studies and aesthetic communication - basics:
Aesthetic phenomena and communication in art and society; history and theories of aesthetic and cultural education in the context of social work; target groups, fields of work and forms of cultural mediation; organizational structures, staging aspects and mechanisms of aesthetic communication in reflection and evaluation.

Cultural studies and aesthetic communication - applications:
Creative means and staging methods from the fields of visual arts, theater, performance, dance/movement/play, music, video/film. Fundamentals and action models of media, music, theater, dance, movement, play and art education. Aesthetic and creative practice and reflection in dealing with art forms and artistic media. Artistic, culturally mediating projects, teaching research

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Literature work, group work, individual work, artistic project work, testing didactic methods of media, music, theater, dance, movement, play and art education, excursion

Forms of examination

Module examination:
written term paper

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in the sub-area "Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication - Fundamentals"
1 SL in the subfield "Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication - Applications"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Bockhorst, H., Reinwand, V.-I. & Zacharias, W. (Hrsg.) (2012). Handbuch Kulturelle Bildung. München: kopaed.

Fuchs, M. & Braun, T. (Hrsg.) (2017). Kritische Kulturpädagogik; Gesellschaft – Bildung – Kultur. München: kopaed.

Hinz, M., Kranixfeld, M., Scheurle, C. & Köhler, N. (Hrsg.) (2018). Forschendes Theater in Sozialen Feldern - Theater als Soziale Kunst III, München: kopaed.

Scheurle, C., Hinz, M. & Köhler, N. (Hrsg.) (2017): PARTIZIPATION: teilhaben/teilnehmen. Theater als Soziale Kunst II. München: kopaed.

Taube, G., Fuchs, M. & Braun, T. (Hrsg.) (2017). Handbuch Das starke Subjekt. Schlüsselbegriffe in Theorie und Praxis. München: kopaed.

Professionelles Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit II
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 6 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    60 h

  • Self-study

    120 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have developed the skills to deal appropriately with the demands and complexity of practice and to become and remain capable of acting in the context of their role. In this context, they have acquired reflective, analytical and instrumental skills in relation to the fields of work, the corresponding organizations and their own areas of responsibility. They can observe, document and have knowledge of evaluation procedures.


Preparation for the internship:
Forms of organization, missions and guiding principles of social work, professional framework conditions and organizational cultures, institutional analyses, formal and legal aspects of the internship semester, work processes, methods and procedures of practice, forms of documentation, reporting, evaluation procedures, elements of quality management, teamwork, Function and significance of practical guidance, context sensitivity, ability to deal with conflict, cooperation strategies, dealing with stressful and borderline situations, regulating proximity and distance, self-criticism skills, ability to make judgments, dealing with responsibility, profile of own strengths and development potential, development of professional and personal learning goals.

Teaching methods

Literature review, in-depth practice of methodological action, seminar-based group work, reflection, practical scenarios and simulations, role play

Forms of examination

Module check:
Performance check

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Aner, K. & Hammerschmidt, P. (2018). Handlungsfelder und Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit. Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Springer.

Galuske, M. (2013). Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit (10. Auflage). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Heiner, M. (2016). Kompetent in der Sozialen Arbeit. Handlungskompetenzen in der Sozialen Arbeit (2. Auflage). München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

Maus, F., Nodes, W. & Röh, D. (2013). Schlüsselkompetenzen in der Sozialen Arbeit für Tätigkeitsfelder Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik (4. Auflage). Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag.

Spiegel, H. (2013). Methodisches Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit (5. Auflage). München: UTB Verlag.

Rechtswissenschaft und Verwaltung
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 12 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    120 h

  • Self-study

    240 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to research legal sources themselves and independently work out the content of relevant legal norms. They have knowledge of selected areas of law relevant to social work. They have gained an overview of the administrative structures relevant to social work. They will be able to apply legal regulations to practical cases and will have acquired the skills to navigate the process of constant change in the law. They will have gained an awareness of the social science aspects of legal developments and will be able to participate in the legal policy discourse.


Sub-area 1: Law and Administration - Fundamentals
Subfield 2: Law and Administration - Applications

Aspects relevant to social work from the following areas: Migration law, criminal law, penal law, juvenile criminal law, criminology, social law, legal foundations of livelihood security, care and rehabilitation law, guardianship law, family law, child and youth welfare law, civil law foundations of debt settlement, administration.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars
Lecture, case work, role play, research assignment, group work, excursion

Forms of examination

Module examination:
2 partial examinations related to the sub-area "Law and Administration - Applications"

Form of examination:
Written exam

Requirements for the awarding of credit points

1 SL in the sub-area "Law and Administration - Fundamentals"

The type and scope of the ungraded coursework (SL) will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Frings, D. (2018). Sozialrecht für die Soziale Arbeit (4. Auflage). Kohlhammer.

Kunkel, P.-C. (2018). Jugendhilferecht: systematische Darstellung für Studium und Praxis (9. Auflage). Baden-Baden. Nomos.

Riekenbrauk, K. (2018). Strafrecht und Soziale Arbeit. Einführung für Studium und Praxis (5. Auflage). Köln. Luchterhand

Außerdem werden aktuelle Gesetzessammlungen als Hilfsmittel benötigt. Empfehlenswert sind zum Beispiel:

Stascheit, U. (Hrsg.). Gesetze für Sozialberufe. Fachhochschulverlag, in aktueller Fassung

NomosGesetze. Gesetze für die Soziale Arbeit. Nomos. in aktueller Fassung

4. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 30 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    30 h

  • Self-study

    870 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have acquired the ability to assess the situation and needs of target groups. They have acquired professional, methodological and communication skills related to working with target groups. They can describe and analyze everyday working life in their chosen field of practice and are familiar with the socio-political context.

Students can plan and carry out professional activities and reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses in their work. They have gained a professional identity, developed action orientations and can present, justify and defend these.


Assessing knowledge and skills acquired during studies and translating them into professional action (theory-practice transfer), acquiring own professional experience in the given field of work, testing forms of social work action, legal and business studies of the practice site, processes of social work practice, development of field and specialist knowledge.

Accompanying seminar:
Documentation of practical activities, organizational cultures, institutional analyses, work processes, methods and procedures of the practice site, reflection and supervision

Teaching methods

Practical work, theoretical inputs, peer counseling, practical scenarios and simulations, role play, problem and solution analysis

Forms of examination

Module examination:
ungraded practical report

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Grundlagenliteratur ist nicht gegeben, da die Literatur in Abhängigkeit zur Diversität der verschiedenen Arbeitsfelder, welche im Praktikum angegangen werden dürfen, steht.

5. Semester of study

  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 3 ECTS

  • Number


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    30 h

  • Self-study

    540 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students write their final thesis as part of this module. They master all content-related and formal requirements for this and their time management is geared towards writing the BA thesis. Students are able to independently work on and critically reflect on a topic from the field of social work on the basis of scientific methods within the given deadline.


Independent preparation of the thesis. In the accompanying seminar, all relevant topics for the preparation of a BAThesis are dealt with. In addition to the content-related aspects, formal design aspects (e.g. structure, handling sources and citations, research) will be discussed in particular.

Teaching methods

Presentation, group work, research workshop

Forms of examination

Completion of the module:
The module is completed with the BA thesis and the oral colloquium.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Eco, U. & Schlick, W. (2010). Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit schreibt. (13. Auflage). Facultas/UTB: Wien.

Kowohl, U. (2018). „Hinweise für die Anfertigung von schriftlichen akademischen Arbeiten“. URL: https://www.fh-dortmund.de/de/fb/8/Hinweise_fuer_die_Anfertigung_von_MA-__Ba-_und_Hausarbeiten.pdf.

Kotthaus, J. (2014). FAQ Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Für Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Budrich Verlag.

6. Semester of study

Professionelles Handeln im Projekt
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 15 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    150 h

  • Self-study

    300 h

Learning outcomes/competences

On the basis of theoretical and practical reflection, students have the ability to identify the processes and methods required for the respective task and to plan and control them in a goal- and solution-oriented manner. They are able to carry out the work involved individually and in team constellations.

Students can draw on knowledge from various disciplines in order to identify and analyze individual and social needs. On the basis of their knowledge and understanding, they are able to derive tasks for working on a problem.

Upon successful completion of the module, students will have worked on a typical social work task in an exemplary project.


The one- to two-semester project phase takes place either as part of teaching research projects or in guided practical projects for different problems, target groups and/or fields of social work. The module comprises:
  • Introduction and theory: specialist knowledge regarding the individual and social framework conditions and needs relevant to the respective project
  • Methods: The methodological and practical skills required to implement the project and achieve the project objectives.

Teaching methods

Seminars, exercises
Lecture, group work, individual work, excursion, action in practical and research contexts

Forms of examination

Module examination:
Project-related work

The type and scope of the projects to be worked on will be announced by the respective lecturer in the course description.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Aufgrund der Heterogenität der Projekte gibt es keine modulübergreifende Literaturliste. Literatur wird in den Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben.

Professionelles Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit III
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 9 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    90 h

  • Self-study

    180 h

Learning outcomes/competences

On the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired to date, students have a differentiated analytical and methodological repertoire of actions. They have stabilized their professional identity and can plan, justify, implement and evaluate actions in a situation- and context-oriented manner. They have developed professional confidence and routines and can apply these both exemplarily and self-reflectively to practical requirements and problems.


Application references from social work are taught in depth. The content has a high practical relevance and is particularly applicable to the profession. The following courses are possible: organization and management; administration; administration and application of law; methods of action (case study work, help planning, concept development, project planning, organizational development, supervision, specific interactionist methods as well as instruments of counseling, coaching, mediation, crisis intervention, case management); self-reflective and external-reflective skills such as evaluation and quality management; artistic skills and other methods of action.

Teaching methods

Lectures, guided discussions, role plays, exercises, individual work, group work, text analysis, excursions, presentations, case studies

Forms of examination

Portfolio review

The type and scope of the individual parts of the examination will be announced to students at the beginning of the semester.

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Galuske, M. (2013). Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit. Eine Einführung (10. Auflage). Beltz.

Michel-Schwartze, B. (Hrsg.) (2012). Methodenbuch Soziale Arbeit. Basiswissen für die Praxis (2. Auflage). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Von Spiegel, H. (2018). Methodisches Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit. Grundlagen und Arbeitshilfen für die Praxis (6. Auflage). Ernst Reinhard Verlag.

Vertiefung und Erweiterung
  • PF
  • 0 SWS
  • 18 ECTS

  • Number


  • Language(s)


  • Duration (semester)


  • Contact time

    180 h

  • Self-study

    360 h

Learning outcomes/competences

Students have in-depth and extended professional skills in (knowledge) areas relevant to social work. They have in-depth and extended knowledge of social work theory and research (social work science, social and behavioral science, etc.) as well as of the professional fields of social work, in particular their target groups and framework conditions.


Social work science content / discourses in theory and research, in particular:
Social work science theories (e.g. lifeworld orientation, social space orientation, eco-social theories), social and behavioral science theories (e.g. theories of action, communication and society), research methods (e.g. reconstructive research methods, evaluation, practice research).

Target group-related content, in particular:
Age groups (e.g. children, young people, senior citizens), groups with special needs (e.g. long-term unemployed, offenders, mentally ill people), groups in pluralistic societies (e.g. migrants, refugees, people with disabilities).

Framework conditions of social work, in particular:
Institutional framework conditions (e.g. organization and management, financing, quality development, public relations), legal framework conditions (e.g. labour law, liability law), social and cultural framework conditions (e.g. democracy and welfare state, international/European social policy, globalization, media and aesthetics).

Teaching methods

Lecture, case work, role play, practical exercise, presentation, individual work, group work, research assignment, excursion

Forms of examination

Module examination:
3 examinations during the semester, one of which relates to each of the three sub-areas

Form of examination:
Written exam or term paper or performance exam

Applicability of the module (in other degree programs)

BA Social Work


Anhorn, R. & Balzereit, M. (Hrsg.) (2016). Handbuch Therapeutisierung und Soziale Arbeit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Baur, N. & Blasius, J. (Hrsg.) (2014). Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Graßhoff, G., Renker, A. & Schröer, W. (Hrsg.) (2018). Soziale Arbeit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Otto, H.-U., Thiersch, H., Treptow, R., & Ziegler, H. (Hrsg.) (2018). Handbuch Soziale Arbeit (6. überarb. Auflage). München. Basel: Ernst Reinhardt.

Notes and references

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