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Software Environments Engineering Laboratory

Software Environments Engineering Laboratory at Fachhochschule Dortmund



Final theses

SEELAB supervises around 50 practice-oriented theses from various areas of software engineering every year.

Your thesis at SEELAB

SEELAB supervises around 50 practice-oriented theses from various areas of software engineering every year. If you are looking for a topic or already have your own topic in mind, please contact Prof. Sachweh or one of the doctoral students regarding possible supervision.

Even if you do not yet have an idea, a suitable topic can usually be found in a joint discussion. Details on the scope of the work and the expected workload depend on the study program and type of thesis, so you will not find any general information here. Please ask your assigned supervisor for details.

First steps towards writing a thesis

  1. Contact Prof. Sachweh or a doctoral candidate  to discuss the topic
  2. Personal interview with the assigned supervisor from SEELAB
  3. Preparation of exposé
  4. Discussion of exposé and clarification of further steps with supervisor.

Current theses

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Florian Freimuth
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Florian Freimuth