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Alumni Fachhochschule Dortmund




Seven questions for Wolfgang Jörg


Wolfgang Jörg studied Social Work at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies until 2003. He is now a member of the NRW state parliament.

Which company do you work for?
I am a member of the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament.

What is your role?
I am currently Chairman of the Committee for Family, Children and Youth.

What does your typical working day look like?
In addition to constituency work, I attend various meetings and am in constant contact with citizens.

What moments do you particularly appreciate in your job?
It's definitely the individual help and support for citizens.

What is your superpower?
I am characterized by empathy and persuasiveness.

How did you start your career and what is your tip for our students?
I was a research assistant to a member of the state parliament. It was a great time. My tip: have the courage to take the initiative.

What is your best memory from your time studying at Fachhochschule Dortmund?
Learning together with my fellow students.

Further information:
www.wolf(Opens in a new tab)  gang-joerg.info

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Here, other alumni answer seven questions about their career entry and everyday working life.

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Photo credits

  • Susie Knoll