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Application for the study course European Master in Project Management [EuroMPM] (M.A.)

Application for the study course European Master in Project Management [EuroMPM] (M.A.)

The European Master in Project Management (EuroMPM) starts every year in the winter term, in October. The awarding of places is done by Fachhochschule Dortmund.

There are no admission restrictions for European Master in Projekt Management - IT Project Management (EuroMPM-IT), but the total number of places is limited.

The Course Programme European Master in Project Management - General Project Management (EuroMPM-G-3 and EuroMPM-G-4) has a ristricted admission.

When we have pre-checked your eligibility we will send you a registration code and a link to the online application portal.

Contact us here: eurompmfh-dortmundde

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