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Fachhochschule Dortmund


Study trip to Berlin

Berlin is known to be the capital of Germany and its biggest city. At the same time, it is probably the most popular city in Germany. No other German city is as rich in history as Berlin. Therefore we believe: Berlin is always worth a trip!

With the International Office and the Auslandsgesellschaft NRW, international students can participate in a cultural study trip to Berlin.

The city, where the Prussian kings and German emperors once resided, was also the scene of the Cold War many years later. Whereas the famous Berlin Wall was torn down, the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building were rebuilt as symbols of the newly united Germany.

You will be able to witness this historical wealth by visiting one of the numerous museums, the Holocaust memorial (the memorial to the murdered Jews in Europe) or the Bundestag, which will help you gaining more knowledge in the field of German history and current politics. Of course, you will also have time to stroll through the streets and experience unforgettable moments with your fellow students.

We offer this excursion every year at the beginning of the winter term. All in all, Berlin is a beautiful city, interesting and definitely worth a visit so register quickly! The number of participants is limited.

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