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Fachhochschule Dortmund


Guest lecture "Meeting of Forms, Ages and Cultures in Sacreal Architecture"


Sacral architecture was always important in the history of human building activities. Certain forms were used in almost every historical age, while others were influential only in certain periods. For contemporary architects it is always a challenge to establish how far the classical architectural solutions and forms of sacral buildings should be respected or can be renewed. Important historical buildings of sacral architecture will be introduced in the lecture together with some special contemporary projects.

Guest lecturer:

  • Dr. Tamás Molnár
    University of Pécs, Hungary

The guest lecture will be held in English and takes place during the International Week at Fachhochschule Dortmund.(Opens in a new tab) 

All interested parties are welcome to attend the event!



Campus Emil-Figge-Straße

EFS 40

Room 2.25

Notes and references

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