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Healthcare Architecture

Recognition for student Lorena Meermeier


Honors at the "Architects Collective Student Award for Healthcare Architecture" with Lorena Meermeier (2nd from right)

Success for architecture student Lorena Meermeier in the first "Architects Collective Student Award for Healthcare Architecture": she won a prize of 750 euros for her project "Healthcare Generation Center at Süsterplatz".

"How and where do we plan living spaces for people with care needs in the future?" 19 design posters on this topic were submitted from Germany and Austria during the competition period from April 2023 to March 2024. Prize money totaling 7,000 euros has now been awarded for five submissions.

The award is a collaboration between the Architects Collective and the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning at TU Wien. Lorena Meermeier's supervisors at Fachhochschule Dortmund were Professor Christine Remensperger and deputy professor Andrea Salgert.

In conjunction with the award ceremony at TU Wien, all submitted design posters were exhibited to the public. After the award ceremony, the evening came to a successful conclusion with informal networking discussions over finger food and drinks.

Comment of the jury

"This project by Lorena Meermeier from Fachhochschule Dortmund with an interesting mix of uses comprising a café, store and street access is at the heart of life and has an unagitated, restrained and yet memorably significant architecture. The architecture is very clean and beautifully finished, the developed solution brings a certain naturalness to the space with high multiplication potential. The approach is very exciting for this situation of a gap between buildings in the cityscape, which is very common in urban areas, and the development potential is high. An investigation of possible networking in the entire block or the neighborhood of Bielefeld's old town would be promising and exciting to answer."

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Photo credits

  • Architects Collective, Peter Steinermayr | Architects Collective, Peter Steinermayr
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Laura Wiederhold
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Florian Freimuth

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